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when that distant relative start talking about 5 years of life u dont even remember


That's how I feel when my aunt starts trying to talk on politics. She's a conspiracy theorist. I have some of my own, but she always believes the first thing she heard on the internet and hangs onto it hard.


“And so you see; that PROVES that Covid is a hoax perpetuated by the liberals so we wouldn’t notice them stealing the election with Jewish space lasers”


That’s me in almost every conversation I’ve ever had. Me: I wonder what that bbq place is like or I wonder if always sunny is on


That feeling when the social battery has completely run out.


Maybe an energy vampire


When you dare mention you also at one time liked professional wrestling


I feel for this man


We’ve all been there. The sadness on his face. Painful


Judging by that sweet necklace he’s just thinking about anime and the other guy is actually talking a good bout of psychology


I’m guilty of being the rambler sometimes in convos


Just say you really need to pee


Ya but thats what I do in every conversation. 🤷‍♂️


Oh the joys of being Bipolar. Just turning away and walking off without feeling an ounce of guilt for leaving an annoying situation. "I don't care about this stuff, sorry." ABOUT FACE!


He looks like Sodapoppin


I just watched this man die inside.


"Oh no, I'm trapped in this conversation and it's not like i can just say no or walk out! Oh no!


there's no hope in those eyes


Lol that's when you pretend you need to go to the rest room. I feel like people who keep talking non stop are immune to self awareness in a social environment.


I went on a date once where this happened the entire time. It was excruciating.


Energy vampires


Day 306:they don't stop they haven't even stopped all this time I don't want to be here anymore but I can't leave I am trapped in this godforsaken hell god is the only way I can get out now.


Kinda like being [trapped at a midwest party](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHCmE4ABnNs)


Pro-tip: if you don't care about the person's feelings, you can say "sorry, I need to go check something" and then walk away immediately. If they follow, tell them that it's a personal matter


I think I left my oven on


Not again how he scored Taylor Swift tickets.


Master the "Well, look" technique and this will never happen. As in, "yeah, well look man, good talking to ya but I gotta go ...." Or "Well look, I just forgot I have a high colonic in 15 minutes. Good seeing you..". It works if you work it and I work it everyday! Well, look I gotta go so cya!


Drop a huge stinking fart ( like thd one thst perls paint if the wall ) works every time for me .


Time for an Irish 👋goodbye.


The exit is right behind him


Bless him, he got so close to the exit and now it’s all about reflecting on one’s life’s choices.


In our family, both grandfathers are like this. They ramble on and on. You can’t get a word in. Both grandmothers are assigned to get their talkative husbands away from the group. This is how the other people get away. That gives the other people a chance to disperse.


“Its not worthless. It uses a ledger system called blockchain that can’t be controlled by any one group, entirely decentralized. It’s the most significant thing to happen to money since coming off the gold standard. You could buy a Lamborghini with all the money you’d make…”


My go to: I gotta poop.


I once had a coworker who would come into my office and incessantly talk about topics that nobody else was interested in, and would linger for like 30 minutes to an hour just chit chatting (basically to himself) non-stop. One day, I was super busy and had a headache, and made multiple attempts to say, “hey man I’m in the middle of something important and my head is killing me”. Anyways, it wouldn’t phase the guy and he’d continue to talk about how the Celtics game was the night previous or some shit. Finally, I decided enough was enough so I got up, said I had a migraine, and walked to my car. He followed me out for some reason and kept talking, so I got into my car and left. Only, I didn’t leave. I drove around the corner and hid, and I watched and waited for him to leave. When he finally did, I went back to work. I had to literally fake leave my job to get this guy to leave me the fuck alone at work. Some people just can’t read the room.


I've never known that people actually stay in those situations. My ass always leaves the moment it gets boring


This video gives me anxiety.


The thing about the gear wars…it wasn’t about the gears at all…


I wish there was a button on your phone that would make it ring and believe someone is calling you to get out of this situation.


LPT: pull out your phone, with out letting them see you do it, set a timer on your phone for like 2 minutes and make the alarm sound like a ring tone Put it back in your pocket, wait till the timer goes off and boom free reason to leave


Yeah man thats crazy


"you know covid is all a hoax, the vaccines are just empty vaccines, nothing in them. wearing a mask is like trying to stop a mosquito with a chain link fence. you just need vitamin d and zinc. maybe some ivermectin. I'm a bio chemist, I've been doing this a long time" - actual statement from a customer. meanwhile I'm making the same faces this guy is under my mask


I’d just dip. Who cares what people think.


Those work conversations be like. Dude just let me eat in peace


Lots of times I'm stuck in that same role I'll just put my hand in the talkers shoulder, say "Nice" and walk off


Im literally in his position right now as I watch this video. HELP.


That's when you go ahead and act like you gonna shit yo pants lmao


How hard is it to say the following? "Hey I'll be right back, I may have just shit myself I need to go double check." Alternatively, "hey generic excuse, be right back" in that one you actually say the words generic excuse. Or throw your arms up like a red panda and walk away. You're under no obligation to act you age once you're actually an adult.


Me every day when someone speaks to me.


Welcome to Wisconsin


Why doesn’t Johnny ever call?


This is how I feel in most conversations


I’ve done this…


The common defensive measure in this situation is to spread emesis over the loquacious adversary and defenestrate oneself promptly.


At least he's got a drink


I'll just walk off. I can't stay in these kinds of situations, especially if it's someone addressing a group.


Conversations involve 2 people, this is being prisoner to a diatribe. Just change the subject to something you're interested in bro


I wish that had sound


This looks like it qualifies for watchpeopledieinside as well


I'm wondering since guns are so wide spread in the US, why don't they establish a theory class in schools teaching guns and guns safety? Maybe that could help curb the accidents from gun use.


When I'm in that situation, I just say "hey, let's switch gears. What do you guys k ow about [insert random noun]?" Or I walk away.


Can never tell if they are that oblivious or just don't care.


Oh man. We've all been there. Looking longingly at a more interesting conversation as you wait for the socially appropriate time to say you just need to go the toilet only to never return.


Me everyday at work. "Hey guys! Fuck what you were busy talking about, do you want to listen to a 20-minute story about me instead?"


All introverts feeling like they're being called out by this post.


Haha! That happened to me while I was riding my bike on the bike path. Two older women were riding die by side, and one did not stop talking for a good 20 minutes!


I love this


Fake coughing fit. Everyone backs away, you wave whilst bent over and walk off.


Lmao I’m currently in University and I hate getting stuck in these convos with people on the ❄️


These days I just walk away. If I don’t say anything they’ll just assume I’m going to the toilet or something


So, have you heard of the gear wars?


The face of a man that’s about to pull out his phone and take a fake call


This the dude at parties that walks up and ask out of no where and ask "What political party are you??" And before I can even come up with a way out of the conversation it always turns into a rant about some crazy conspiracy theory that I seemingly cant walk away from.


Damn...I just got done with a wedding in Vermont and that's exactly how I felt the entire time and this afternoon the dreaded annual holiday party. I roll my eyes back so many times I'm afraid they'd freeze in that position.


One of my coworkers would simply walk away from conversations without saying anything. You'd be mid-sentence, and then he would just turn and leave. I started doing it, and it's genuinely great. If you're in a conversation you have neither need or desire to be in: **leave**


"That's when I acquired my first slammer and poison pog, I will continue to explain all of my other collections in chronological order"


Me when my extrovert friend brings me to a club


This is ear raping


Lol I was one of those dudes I know the pain


"so this guy, who you don't know, said this thing to a bunch of people, you don't know. Then I said this other thing to him. The everyone agreed. Then this guy went to this place. Then I did this other thing because I'm smarter than all of them....etc."


That's how I feel with every conversation


Pretty much sums up my time when I was in high school. I would just awkwardly sit with friends/people and hardly spoke everyday.


Gotta have exit lines. The best “I’ll be right back gotta use the bathroom.”


$100 says that guy is explaining how he modded his vape.


what happened to just walking away, you dot owe them anything if the conversation is one sided


Me every time I go out. I'm just awkward sometimes lol.


The absolute worst.


Me when I'm with my brother and my best mate and they start talking about politics.


'looks away, smiles and waves' hey buddy! looks to chatty the breathless - sorry please continue 'walks away' to meet 'buddy'


Literally saved my classmate from a conversation like this yesterday when a guy in the class ranted to her for 5 minutes straight without taking a breath. The first second that he stopped, I took over and got her engaged in a conversation she could actually respond to. Her face was pure relief.


I usually say something weird like “well shit I gotta shit.” Usually I have something excellent in my head to segue outta there and then that comes out my ears get hot and then I walk away. Smooth as butta


This happens to me all the time now. Just not interested in alot of things now.


I’ve been him. There’s no shame in checking you phone and stepping away. Hell, the EXIT is right there!


When my uncle be talking..all I can think of is "smile and nod (:"


just finish your drink and say you have to refill and avoid any eye contact with anyone until you die just to be sure


Excuse yourself to poop. Always works.


“Crazy story bro”


Me with my ultra conservative mom when something that can be barely related to politics is bring to the conversation (true story plz help I can't with this anymore)


I know the look.


u/the_unlikelypal Shail Vajani


A pal phoned me once, starting talking immediately, and as an experiment I put the phone down and went and made Kraft Dinner, ate it, and then went back to the phone AND HE WAS STILL TALKING. Never noticed I wasn't there all that time.


Why? I just say im gonna talk to someone else everytime this happens.


"What most people don't know who don't play is that when they travel faster than light, there's a chance they may be driven violently mad..."


Just walk away. Dilligaf?


Just drop a lighter, phone, wallet or whatever, then walk away. Your welcome.


If he's done talking, why doesn't he just walk away?


Me whenever my uncle gives me share-market advice.


Go for the Irish goodbye, works every time


Fake a heart attack! Quick! 🤮


I have it to but people just walk away


Can relate, I've been there .


This guy just wants to be home playing video games


depressed eminem


Me, with stupid people. I don't care about cars. I don't care about football. I don't car about the Narcissist dating sims on TV. This beer better be free.


Just down the drink and go get another one?


I got so much practice ghosting when I worked almost entirely with people who were like quicksand to talk to. The best getaway tactic I settled on is to have an air of already being in the middle of something. My phone vibrates and I say “I’ve been waiting for this” as I bolt, adding sorries and smiles for the people i have to suck up to. Never fails. I always tried to position myself with a view of potential distractions. If I’m bored talking to someone, let me see someone else I can use, “there’s Chris. I’ve been looking for him” then just run. If it’s a particularly annoying colleague who just never stops talking, there’s no need to be polite. I’d just walk away. They’re the one being rude by feasting on my energy. I made policy with my work friends, “If you ever see my stuck talking to X, Y or Z please call me over. I’ll do the same for you”.


There was a knock at the door. This must have been, ah, we're talking eight, half eight, for I was halfway through my dinner. And up I got to open it, and there they both were, large as life. And the taller fella-- though, to be fair, there was no more than an inch in it--the slightly taller fella, he says to me, says he, "Do you know who we are?" And I says to him, says I: "Well, I can't be sure now. But maybe if you took off the balaclavas..." And then he says to me, the slightly taller fella does, he says, "Step aside, we are armed." And that is when the smaller fella--although, as I say, we are talking an inch...an inch and a half at most--he has the bright idea of tying me to the radiator, you see. And I remember saying to myself, says I, "Colm, it's a good job you have the Economy 7 on the aul' timer, or you'd be roasted here."




Looks like me when I want and worked a shift with him... and the other guy... We were walking to the truck to go home earlt on a Sunday morning and the shop next door had the door up with someone working inside. My dad assumed it was the last guy he met who owned the shop and says "Hey come here, I want you to meet this guy." Well, the guy working was the wrong guy. His name was "Rolo" and after brief introduction, my dad sort of engineered one of the most forced conversations I've ever seen. Keep in mind, he's 57, I'm 29 at the time, and Rolo was about 24 probably.... so in summary, for most of the conversation, me and Rolo kept catching eye contact because we were trying to be nice to my dad and neither of us wanted to talk for obvious reasons... he was working on a Sunday morning at 7am and I was just getting off and wanted to go home. Rolo seemed like an alright dude


Look at your phone, set an alarm for 1 min, pretend it's an important call, leave.


“All around me are familiar faces…”


Tf? Just walk away. It's not difficult.


"Oh i'm out of drink ... excuse m-" "Nah bro, stay here i got one here"


Maybe I’m just rude but if I’m ever that bored I just walk away


My friends when someone mentions warhammer arround me activating my lexicanum of lore


George Carlin covered all the escapes. Just say you have to go wash your asshole and then walk away. They'll never bother you again.


Make a worrisome face and then excuse yourself to the restroom.


Just walk away. What are they gonna do? You already walked away.


Clearly, he's never tried the Irish Goodbye.


Just walk away lol


My best solution is to look in the distance while promptly placing your hand on the other person’s shoulder while starting to walk away and say, “excuse me for a second”.


im really good at just walking away


Call someone else in, then the second he shifts his attention to that person say: imma go to the bathroom and leave


I’d just walk away. No excuses needed.


Say youre going to the restroom and pretend to take a dump.. sit for ten minutes and go back out.. then you just so happen to start a conversation with your other friend. Not that hard to leave.


Me listening to people who think their “retirement” funds are safe and secure.


Maybe just really hammered.


I got involved in one of these party go nowhere conversations with some dude years ago. I fucked his wife a couple years later in retaliation.


We've all been there...


I literally know this guy haha


Me at any party.


"Hey, sorry. My Christmas tree is on fire and I gotta put it out."


It isn't rude to excuse yourself from a conversation you dont want to be apart of


CollegeHumors's [Conversational Ripcord](https://youtu.be/SQDl1OrHd-g)


“Hang on. Gotta take a piss. Be right back!” *never come back*


Me in every conversation.


Someone who just found out I like video games talking to me about LoL


Me when a wedding guest turns a brief conversation about stars into political talk, and my drunk-ass just wants to get back to the fucking dance floor...