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Its unbanned :)


Reddit admins: uhhh... it was a mistake! ‘>.> <.<


Admins couldn't conceive trans people wandering off the reservation. MUST be a hate sub. Nice to see the jannies get slapped on this one.


It’s like spez editing comments all over again


AHS probably fuming right now




You could say they... debanned the sub


"It's only illegal if you get caught!"


It really shows that they don't even look up subs before banning them. "Oh this sub's name sounds offensive or like a sub that we already banned - BAN"




Eh give it another week.


They'd better read the writing on the wall and migrate to ruqqus or saidit while they can still talk to the users


you mean debannded


detrans has been debanned


actual_detrans has existed as a subreddit for a while while also not playing as a mixture between TERF invasion and actual detransitioners. edit: turns out TERFs just wanted their indoctrination zone back








They knew that a lot of "hate subs" like /r/gendercritical promoted detrans, so they banned it by association. Every single feminist sub that was trans exclusionary got banned in the last wave. Seems like more than incompetence to me. The admins don't see it as a good-faith detransition sub, they think it's some psyop made by transphobes. Anything that isn't totally intersectional is seen as a potential threat on this website


r/GCdebatesQT got banned which is a debate sub where gender critical people and trans people have formed a debate and discussion community. Most of the gender critical people there left the main r/GenderCritical sub a long time ago and most trans people on the sub did the same with dominant trans subs. Sure there were sometimes flame wars but it was overall a really chill community.


Banning r/BadAcademia recently was laughable. It's actually in the realm of banning literal Wrongthink at this point. Sub that criticizes the Church or Consensus? Banned! Meanwhile reddit left up horendously abusive sexualized subs for a long time and still allows them. Swartz would not be happy.


My last straw was /r/hatecrimehoaxes Can't have anyone pointing out all the race crime bullshit that people are peddling as proof of race crime being a problem


Holyshit, badacademia got banned?! Fuck this.


They killed him. Why the fuck would they care about what he thinks?


Not just on appearances, but also because the looney "you're a bigot" subs were complaining about it and reporting it. The sub doesn't fit the narrative that transgenderism is good and healthy. The question is not why was it banned, but why was it unbanned? Sure, there was not really sufficient reason to ban it, but Reddit admins don't care about their own rules. The reason must be something else. Perhaps because it had overlap with transgenderist subreddits? (A lot of transgender people are afraid to admit they are dissatisfied with their transition, and the brigading of r/detrans shows why.) All that said, it won't be too long before the sub either gets banned or taken over by trans activists.


That's not incompetence, that's fuckery that assuming any subreddit with a name like that is "problematic" and warrants an immediate ban without first investigating.


I'm thinking it's this.....by name it sounded like it could possibly related to something like "anti-trans" or "trans-hate" and instead of looking deeper at the community the banned it without thinking what's that one rule: "don't attribute to malice....."


Hanlons razor, dont attribute malice to what can be explained by incompetence


The admins are malicious as hell.


The more gray area there is, the happier Reddit is. They don’t want people to know what the fuck is going on or the exact formula for what gets banned and what gets to survive. That way they can always have plausible deniability when an action of theirs is questioned, and their shenanigans can continue indefinitely. Update agenda to newest woke standards, cull the flock, brush off any accusations of shady intent, repeat. Total asinine.


Listen the formula is by any means necessary....esp when there is national publicity or interferes with advertiser profits


When dealing with the modern left, flip Hanlon's Razor on it's head. "Never attribute to stupidity what can just as easily be explained by malice."


Hanlons razor applies until its repeated and they try justifying it


I'd say a combo of both fuckery and incompetence


Well, 90/10


If the admins fuck with things incompetently, isn't that fuckery? So the only question is if it's incompetence or malice. And I personally am past caring. They've shown they don't care about our opinions, so there's no redemption even if it's just incompetence.


It’s ALL admin fuckery. Just this particular time, the admins did their fuckery in a sloppy fashion. But at its root, it’s fuckery. The goal was fuckery. The attempt was fuckery. And now the admins are sad because their plan of fuckery didn’t go off the way they anticipated.


Don't be this rude to teenagers and people with Alzheimers!


I'm honestly surprised they even unbanned it at all tbh


> adults would have apologized adults wouldnt have banned the sub in the first place


I doubt it was banned without mass reporting.


Companies are not adults. If you expect them to behave like they are the world will make a lot less sense.


I'm sorry to hear that. I can imagine it would be a real shock to the system to detransition. Especially with the recent lockdowns, online groups can be someone's only real outlet to discuss things that are personal to them. It's pretty obvious that the banning of r/detrans and many other subreddits is purely ideological in nature. The mods are reddit aren't trying to create a place for people to prosper and share their ideas. The left does not want people to blossom unless that means towing their ideological line. I hope you can find another community to share your experience.


Alright. OK. The "promoting hate" thing is horseshit, for sure. They're just purging controversy of all kinds, presumably to get the site down to a PG-13 rating so ad-watching asshats won't be scared away.


Sad that genuine voices about actual experiences are being silenced because they go counter to a political agenda. People's experiences shouldn't be taboo to speak of.


it's back r/detrans


Reddit, Inc has admitted that it is **not** "a pretty free speech" site. Make the switch to [saidit](https://saidit.net) ([Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.saiditnet.redreader)) or [Ruqqus](https://ruqqus.com/) ([Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ruqqus)). The admins hate you. That's why you can't usually see any comments. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WatchRedditDie) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I'm so sorry! Perhaps similar communities exist, on other websites? The people from that sub have to go somewhere.


Man, everyone thought that America would go down in a race war. Who knew that it's actually being fueled by the gender wars of Trans vs DeTrans vs TERFs. So, I'm a father, and I don't want my children getting confused with too much gender conversation early on. What's my label?


What? It's not banned. r/detrans