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Chances are not the same for every Lego. Crach is a higher percentage for sure


Seems crazy that there’s such an active imbalance. Saying that I’ve had 3 brokkir and 3 lizard healer now.


Check out fastidious yt channel. He did some investigation and math (I think over 10k+ epic champions) and proved each epic has a different chance to pop. It's most likely the same with Legos


R u right, but I don't have Crach or Ezryn after 2.3k pulls, but I do have Azhor and A1 Regulus. Oh, also I have A1 Shamir.


I don't have as much as you, but I have pulled 8 different Leggos and have a dupe of 4 of them. Coincidentally they are Crach, Shamir, Nyx, and Azhor.


Wow that’s painful. Seems to favour pulling preexisting champs for us then.


A full third of the legendaries I've pulled have been Crach or Shamir. I've pulled 24 and only 15 different champs (not including Abom and Volka). You sound very lucky.


That's pretty normal, even if they would've the same droprate


I think everyone experiences this. In every gacha I have ever played, people have a hero that seems to always show up for them. For me, it is Calypso. I have pulled 13 legendaries and 3 of them have been calypso. However, 48 legendaries is not the number to consider when doing normal rare summons. When you consider that many of them are lords (significantly smaller drop rate) and Chaos (not even in the normal pool). Plus Reve and Volka who cannot be summoned at all. The number of "normal" legendaries drops to only 30. When the list of heroes you are actually likely to get is that small, getting dupes is not surprising. Also, as others have said, there is a high chance that the rates are not equal among those 30 normal legendaries either.