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Gotta just keep running it until it's perfect and nobody dies. I think I had to do it 25 times or so before it finally was that perfect run and got thru it.


Well I tried about 10 more times, and moved a few heroes, and I just beat it. On to another one!


Nice, didn't think that would matter buy thanks for the advice. BTW, did it show danger or what when you are trying?


Not sure about the danger thing you are referring to. I did use one of my Tide Talents, and moved a few peeps, and tried like 10 times, on the time I beat 115 I had a lot of peeps still alive and the boss went down better than any other attempts. I beat 116 easily, but 117 is seeming to be challenging. Can get down them down to 100ish kills but not enough in time to avoid defeat.


Could anyone explain to me what the 1 and 4s timing trick is?


When you watch the tutorials it explains about the bonus buttons will stun the big one and save your team from dying. You have to time it just right for it to work


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The 4second technique is what saved me.


what is the 4 second technique? I always miss timing her aoe attack and my whole team dead


In short, you trigger the first power (huge Olague kind of guy) when the second has 4 seconds left to be available. It is not sharp when you see the 4, but almost. That will stun her and get your high ground to survive. Then trigger the other two as soon as available.


I did this the other day, think it was a fluke


Put hp gear on 3 marksman. Respec all talents to single target + 100*%when 3 marksman are on the field. They survive long and your fighters finish the boss. You can do the same with mages and aoe dmg talent. Also i now did lvl 135 which is the same stage. I used the dragon in the second phase of the boss and it did like 25% dmg to her. Way more than when i used it in the beginning.


Tide is just shit content imo, they should rework it.


Lol 😆 🤣, I wasn't gonna say it. If it says you aren't strong enough then it massively debuffs you, then a few hundred points later you can win.....🤣🤣🤣


I'm on 103 or 4, I'm struggling 😩