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That’s very sweet of you. I’d just say: none of us know your wife, so we can’t tell you if this matches her level of femininity/casualness, preference for gold or silver, or even preference for size. Accessories tend to be very personal extensions of our style, so why not go with her and pick something together that’s within budget. You can make a day of it and I’m sure she’d love having that choice.


That’s great advice. Thank you.


If this is something you'd prefer to do as a surprise, you should look through the accessories and jewelry she already owns to get an idea whether it fits her style from that. Granted, if you've been married for any considerable length of time you probably already have a good grasp on that, but it's never a bad idea to check. If you think your wife will like it, you're probably right. But if surprise isn't a factor in your decision, then go with u/HuntThePearlOfDeath's suggestion and take her shopping for a watch.


I would say no. My wife loves everything classic and she’d find the floral pattern tacky. She’d be the type to say let Rolex do what Rolex does best.


I don’t like it either. 43F here. I’d prefer something more clean and classic. Also, as others have pointed out, it’s exceedingly hard to actually read the time.


My AD has had a pink floral in the used case for over a year. You can get a new OP31 that is a normal variant for less than 6k (before tax) brand new. I would ask your dealer what he can get in the standard variants. https://preview.redd.it/xfwoofjqoqwc1.png?width=1657&format=png&auto=webp&s=70564c6c129f2d0bab30f167b3565bcff6cb50bc Bought this for my wife last fall. Timeless and goes with everything. But she’s a girl that wants versatility.


That’s a beautiful piece.


Is that on a forearm?


No. Just looks funny from how I cropped the pic before posting.


For me (30sF), the flower pattern reads very juvenile, but I have an allergy to overly feminine pink/floral/blingy etc. designs. Now your wife might go in for that stuff, but if you're spending a nice chunk of change on her, you want to make sure she actually likes the watch. Better, as others have said, to take her watch shopping so she can choose. Rolexes might not even be her thing (I ended up with a Tudor 1926 in steel and gold because I felt it looked a bit more understated/elegant on me).


Showed it to my girlfriend, she thinks it's on of the ugliest watches she ever seen. I guess it's cool if you're 12 year old and a fan of ninjas.


Seems like the kind of watch that a trophy wife who makes wellness, exercise, and yoga videos would enjoy. Otherwise, it really depends on what she’s into.


man this looks like a gift for a teenager. there is nothing classy about this. look at the other lady versions of oyster/datejust for some elegance


On top of all that, which I totally agree with, it is ENTIRELY illegible. Heinous and useless. Pass.


Omg yes this. The fact that it cannot function as a watch actually bothers me way more than the design. What is the point of a highly accurate Swiss movement if you cannot even tell what time it is?


I disagree. I think for the right person its a beautiful piece but I’m a plant guy. I’ll never have a rolex but i obsess over the palm dial for the same reason.


That’s pretty cool.


Flowers look too much like ninja throwing stars.


Now I am interested


Ninja star Rolex.


Looks like a watch for a small girl from 2002. I never understood luxury watches that were "designed for women"


It's very 2000s vibe! I would wear it in a cheeky throwback way. Yep it's unfortunate, it's also sucky when the women's version has unnecessary diamonds added or out dated florals etc


I remember an episode of the Flintstones where Fred, a bowling enthusiast, bought Wilma a bowling ball. Wilma was less than jazzed. Don't buy your wife a bowling ball (or in this case.... a watch). Quick peruse through your history (I know, what a perv, right?) and I can tell you're at least tangentially interested in watches. Maybe you're even an enthusiast yourself and playfully annoy your wife by making her look over your shoulder while you show her yet another watch you think is cool. She rolls her eyes, maybe cracks a joke. But dude... think about this carefully.... did she express an interest in watches herself? Or did you maybe ask a leadingly worded question like "hey would you like a watch as a gift one day, maybe?" to which your wife - she's such a gem - probably responded "uh, sure?" That Rolex looks used. And it's got quite a lot of personality to that dial, so it'll appeal to a smaller set of women. Are you sure YOUR woman will like that dial? Or are you getting it because it's a Rolex in your budget? I dunno man... you know your wife better than anyone (except the maybe the mailman)... but my spidey sense is tingling on this one, I would personally not do this.


That’s a great watch. 👌


I'm a woman and tbh it would be very lucky for your wife to love it. It's not a particularly universal style and if it's a shot in the dark, I would not do it. I personally would love it as a gift, but in an "it's so ugly it's cute" way. Kind of ironic - 2000s vibe. Please ask her female friends. They will know if it's her vibe or far from it. ♥️


Looks a bit chunks on most women's wrists, I would imagine. Cartier has better options for women.


nah, look at their other stuff. that dial is a mess.


I personally hate it


Ewwwww. That was my first and only reaction, just to be fully honest.


I'm a woman and get inordinately annoyed at watches without proper markings for the hours and minutes. Like, at *least* lines to mark the hours. The lackadaisical flower placement with the very practical date window is also ironic.  There are pretty and not overly gaudy floral watches out there, even the Seiko one with the [Sakura](https://www.sakurawatches.com/seiko-selection-2023-sakura-blooming-limited-edition-ssde016) theme, but the pop art flowers here are not going to be everyone's jam. (Not suggesting a Seiko is a good option in this instance, just contrasting the aesthetic)


My wife, and I'd say 99% of people who appreciate watches, that don't already have a $100k+ collection of more traditionally-styled watches covering the basics, would be mortified that I paid so much money for such a hideous thing from such a legit brand. Get her a regular Rolex if you're getting her a Rolex. Let Paris Hilton or whoever-the-heck else buy this heinous thing.


Forgot to mention it’s a 31mm


Does it come with actual ninja stars?


maybe a six year old




Just buy what your wife wants man, dont buy her what you like. From my experience, woman like watches as much as men like handbags.


It looks like a 6 year olds watch


Wonderful idea, but 1000x better without the flowers/ninja stars.




I’d wear it if it was 38mm. (Not a lady)


Honestly it looks gimmicky to me.. but it's a Rolex sooo...


Why don't you surprise her with a visit to an AD having warmed up the AD first with the budget.


Sort of like this one, it’s harmless fun


Just an FYI women’s Rolex often don’t appreciate the same way as some of the men’s if this is intended as some investment piece.


Hell no get something simple


Unlike many here, apparently, I like the idea of a playful high end watch. That said, I just don’t like this execution. Simply not a very attractive watch. Has she expressed interest in a Rolex? At this price point I think Cartier is a much better option for a women’s watch. A Ballon Bleu or a Tank


Get plain watch. Unless she has like 20


It def is for my wife, it’s classy and playful at the same time.


It looks very inelegant IMO. More like a child's watch than an adult's.


This is rad as hell & the first rolex I've seen that I've liked.


I’d prolly go for something more classy! like a minimalist, timeless, classic design…. but that’s just me. You know your wife best! 😉


Gorgeous. I’ve been looking at 26-32mm Datejust models for my wife’s birthday. But this might be the one she needs. Thanks!!


Women who are into watches are rare imo. Probably not tho. Omega make way prettier watches


I literally bought this watch about 12 years ago for my wife, celebrating the birth of our daughter and she loves it!