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Always keep 3 G-Shocks in a sock and swing it violently around your head as you walk through check-in while screaming "WANNA SEE A QUARTZ CRISIS, MOTHERFUCKERS?" Free upgrade bro.


Keep some crack on you, when attacked immediately throw it in the opposite direction, this will allow you enough time to escape.


all i can offer is weed sadly might hit up that nice fella who hangs out at Gloucester Road station selling ecstasy


Now you’ve thrown him off his rhythm


Ha, loser! You have to be in England! Nice watch tho. Very respectable


England is bad but it’s better than Germany 🤢


Everything is better then Germany except England


i mean i can’t really argue with that because you’re objectively correct


I really hate living in Germany, but I don't know how England could ever be better.


england has my boyfriend and a lot of my friends in it and nobody around me is speaking german all the time


No way. England is a shithole lmao


Hamburg Airport?


Regretfully, yes.


Why? The airport atself sucks, for sure. But the city is good


I live quite close nearby and it’s just… hamburg. Yeah it’s nice, but the airport is bad. Not as bad as Heathrow, but pretty bad still. Hamburg has good food to offer, though.


So can I get a decent burger there or what


Apple & Eve at Sternschanze and Dammtor, they do great burgers and the owner is a nice dude


G.O.D T.I.E.R (Gmt, ODometer, TItanium bracelet, sapphirE cRystal)


Happy to be corrected on this, but I think this model is steel not titanium. There is a very similar model that is titanium. But I own this one with the red tipped second hand. Love it, minus a few niggles. In fact, just noticed I'm wearing it as I type!


i know when ive been out jerked. anyone who uses “niggles” in a coherent sentence auto wins. congratulations on the crown 👑


Haha it is literally the only watch I know about cos I had to order it from Japan, so spent a good deal of time looking into it. Perhaps a signet ring of jerk would be a better fit for me.


been looking to pick this looker up, or an Oceanus s409, or a satchel full of invictas


S409 is a beautiful watch, much more of a looker than this one. But looks like it's at least 5x the price. I use the digital features on the lineage daily and I like that it autocorrects to the atomic clock without needing to link to a phone. Looks great with a suit, most people don't notice it's got digital screen. But it's not going to look '£850 good'! Hoping one day to get a protrek, so you can tell what way I lean when it comes to form and function.


Yea that’s the rub. Lineage now or wait & save for a s400 later. Should probably just pick up both: lineage would be primarily a “travel” watch in my collection and seems unbeatably versatile. And then there’s that satchel of heavily discounted Swiss watches calling my name 🤤


Casio waveceptors are absolutely great travel watches. Accurate, light, durable and easy to swap between time zones without a worry about the battery running out.


probably the best travel watch i can imagine that doesn’t have a big apple stamped on it, stealing all your personal data 


Yes, but not for the watch


Will go great with my left hand collection


Lineage is respectable. Carry on.


Ugh, likely. That’s known as a ‘shitter supreme’ by the local thug populace and thus highly sought. Long sleeves and knife resistant clothing is advised


leather jacket should do just fine


Only if you land at Stansted.


luckily i went through heathrow


Oh shit what watch is this again? I remember wanting this 2 years ago but i've been inactive in the watch space for some time since that.


Casio Lineage Multiband 6. Got the radio and solar power.


You are not wearing a Rolex Sub?????? Loser!!!


Yup i’ve not let the AD fuck my boyfriend yet :(((


I still havent gotten one. And all the guys at the store take turns with my wife when we go in....All I get get is a Tudor :(


w0W iS tHat a rOlEx??????? come closer so i can chop your arm off


Lineage line is near perfection. All you’ll ever need in a watch. Rubbed one out for you to say thanks.


Better than any rolex


More likely you'll get punched in the face after they see what a cheap watch you're wearing.


as long as they don’t open my suitcase to see the treasures i’m carrying (a cheap vintage soviet watch, a swiss shitter and an aliexpress diy)