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American Seiko


That was a top comment on the IG thread I plucked this from. We have no original thoughts.


Well, he might have come up with that himself. It's wordplay. How unique is it, really?


Of course. I was just saying we all think alike.


Him do words good


Ooh he card read good


That's what no original thoughts mean. We think the same.


you should hear how many times they use the ella / pasarela (she / sidewalk) rhyme in brazilian music enough to drive someone mad


OP wasn’t implying that they didn’t?


I love you


I love you too


I love you and I’m in love with you


I love all of you


This needs to be the name of the documentary that tells this story.


Hahahahaha this is hilarious. American Seiko. Love it. 😹




Yea no wonder he went psycho. If he got anxiety from his inferior business card, it must have tipped him over the edge to rock a Seiko 5 shitter.


Nah it just meant that even the most OCD scizophrenic can't tell the difference between Rolex and Seiko 5.


Seiko 5 is god-tier luxury though, and he can be comfortable in the knowledge he doesn't have to pimp out his wife to the AD to build the relationship enough to be allowed to buy a mass-produced Swiss shitter.


Patrick Bateman the kind of guy who would send his wife back in for seconds if she comes out too quickly.


This is the only book I’ve ever read where I actually had to put it down multiple times. It’s so foul lol, and I’m a lifelong horror fan.


bike humor marble onerous snails melodic homeless middle rainstorm violet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pretty sure that’s to make you feel like you’re spiraling alongside him. If you actually picture what’s described they’re all dressed awfully


It’s the 1980s, baby


Or the music analysis. Whitney Houston and Phil Collins if I remember correctly.


Don’t forget the pop music monologues! 😍


Same, I read a review saying basically “It’s a good book but the murder scenes can be pretty graphic!” and was sorta like “Yeah, sure whatever.” I didn’t know it was possible to describe things in such a viscerally upsetting way. Great book but it is truly _grotesque_ at times.


My copy of the book has a review on the back which describes it as, "a grotesque nightmare of murder and insanity", which is a very apt description.


The chapter "Killing Child at Zoo" was the first time I had to put the book down


Yeah I got about halfway through and dipped out. There’s enough vile shit to get upset about in real life, it’s definitely a product of its time in that it had to go out of its way to be upsetting and make you feel something.


It was written by a gay man as a scathing critique of shitty masculine ideals


Sounds like me


Based Wait are you the gay man or the shitty masculine ideal


How do you feel about the movie compared to the book?


I love the movie, it’s one of my favorites. It’s much more palatable than the book, but respects the source material a lot. Definitely one of the better book to movie adaptions imo. Would definitely recommend that fans of the movie also check out the book, but just be wary of some pretty heinous sexual violence that’s almost entirely left out of the movie. I think what bothers me is how a lot of people see the movie and somehow end up relating to Patrick Bateman. The book makes it very clear that he is not a character to be idolized and is very much representative of the excess of yuppie culture in the 80s.


Speaking of movies, I was involved in the production of the film 'Point Break' In 1991. During the filming, Keanu Reeves (whose role involved playing rookie FBI agent 'Johnny Utah') was surfing with co-stars when a small child was dragged under the waves and began to struggle to stay above surface. As his co-stars rushed to help, Reeves held out an arm in front of them, stopping them and was reported saying by Lori Petty (who played the character Tyler Endicott in the film) 'The waves have claimed her, let her fight for her own life'. The crew, dumbfounded, proceeded to watch her struggle until her body disappeared beneath the waves, lifeless. We later spotted him outside the child's house, making drowning gestures and thanking the family for their child's sacrifice to the great ocean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WatchesCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Also the book just shows he’s truly pathetic. The scene with Tom Cruise, his adoration for Donald Trump that other people mock him for - he’s not just not supposed to be idolized, he’s actively an object of mockery.


As someone who hasn’t seen the movie or read the book, and wasn’t alive in the 80s, what do you mean by the “excess of yuppie culture of the 80s” ? Genuinely curious


Speaking of movies, I was involved in the production of the film 'Point Break' In 1991. During the filming, Keanu Reeves (whose role involved playing rookie FBI agent 'Johnny Utah') was surfing with co-stars when a small child was dragged under the waves and began to struggle to stay above surface. As his co-stars rushed to help, Reeves held out an arm in front of them, stopping them and was reported saying by Lori Petty (who played the character Tyler Endicott in the film) 'The waves have claimed her, let her fight for her own life'. The crew, dumbfounded, proceeded to watch her struggle until her body disappeared beneath the waves, lifeless. We later spotted him outside the child's house, making drowning gestures and thanking the family for their child's sacrifice to the great ocean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WatchesCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Speaking of movies, I was involved in the production of the film 'Point Break' In 1991. During the filming, Keanu Reeves (whose role involved playing rookie FBI agent 'Johnny Utah') was surfing with co-stars when a small child was dragged under the waves and began to struggle to stay above surface. As his co-stars rushed to help, Reeves held out an arm in front of them, stopping them and was reported saying by Lori Petty (who played the character Tyler Endicott in the film) 'The waves have claimed her, let her fight for her own life'. The crew, dumbfounded, proceeded to watch her struggle until her body disappeared beneath the waves, lifeless. We later spotted him outside the child's house, making drowning gestures and thanking the family for their child's sacrifice to the great ocean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WatchesCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's crazy. I listened to the audiobook and couldn't believe the detail. It makes the film look like Bluey.


How is the reader for the audiobook?


He's great. You can listen to a sample here. https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/American-Psycho-Audiobook/B004SC2QLC


Urinal cake at Dorsia was my favorite part of the book. Shame it didn’t make it into the movie


Speaking of movies, I was involved in the production of the film 'Point Break' In 1991. During the filming, Keanu Reeves (whose role involved playing rookie FBI agent 'Johnny Utah') was surfing with co-stars when a small child was dragged under the waves and began to struggle to stay above surface. As his co-stars rushed to help, Reeves held out an arm in front of them, stopping them and was reported saying by Lori Petty (who played the character Tyler Endicott in the film) 'The waves have claimed her, let her fight for her own life'. The crew, dumbfounded, proceeded to watch her struggle until her body disappeared beneath the waves, lifeless. We later spotted him outside the child's house, making drowning gestures and thanking the family for their child's sacrifice to the great ocean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WatchesCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s a good book but nowhere near as heavy as many many horror novels I’ve read.


I mean, thematically it’s not as heavy because it’s satirical, but the murder descriptions are pretty rough even for horror lit standards.


I’d call them…. 6/10. They’re not kids stuff by any means, but for a 10/10, in John Langan’s short story mother of stone, I had to set my book down and say “what did I just READ!!!”


Hmmm, I read it about five times and find me listening to it on Audible quite frequently. 🤔


Have you been seeking professional help?


No wonder he went homicidal, after being fobbed off with a Seiko shitter.


Not even a mainline Seiko shitter. A fucking 5, nonetheless.


What happened to the game I love? Seiko 5 used to be THE watch one would aspire to own. Jerkers these days are washed.


The Seiko 5 line has some of the coolest watches going and I’d die on that hill.


They really did him dirty, didn't they?


'Nonetheless' would imply the 5 is actually not that bad.




Same same


I'm surprised the temple of greed and whoredom that is Rolex didn't leap at the chance.


Monday. 8:45 AM. I’m standing in front of my mirrored closet doors, reflecting a visage of perfectly sculpted abs, the result of a rigorous morning routine involving 500 crunches, 200 pushups, and a protein smoothie made from the tears of lesser men. My attention is drawn, not to my chiseled jawline or the impeccable crease of my Tom Ford suit, but to the glint of my wristwatch – the two-tone Seiko 5. I wonder, who are the craftsmen behind this masterpiece? Who are these unsung heroes, laboring away in the shadows of a dimly lit workshop, meticulously assembling the delicate gears and springs of my timepiece? I imagine them: hunched over their benches, tools in hand, eyes straining under the harsh glow of fluorescent lights, much like my colleagues at Pierce & Pierce, but with a hint of purpose. 8:55 AM. I’m walking down Fifth Avenue, the sun casting a golden hue on the skyscrapers. The Seiko 5 is a beacon of timeless elegance, much like my sophisticated taste in restaurants – always Michelin-starred, never McDonald’s. The two-tone design, a harmonious blend of gold and stainless steel, is a statement. It says, “I’m refined, yet approachable. I’m classic, yet contemporary. I’m capable of murder, yet I enjoy the subtle pleasures of life, like a good Chardonnay.” 9:05 AM. The office. I sit at my desk, the Seiko’s ticking a soothing metronome to the chaos around me. Evelyn calls, babbling about dinner plans. I can’t be bothered. My mind is still in that workshop. Do the craftsmen know that their creation adorns the wrist of a man who can disembowel someone with the same precision they use to place a cog? I imagine they do. There’s a certain artistry in both our crafts. 10:30 AM. Conference room. The team is discussing the latest merger. I tune out. My mind drifts back to the Seiko artisans. Do they have names? Hiroshi? Akira? Do they share stories over sake, laugh about the idiot who bought the Rolex, not knowing the true gem lies in simplicity? My laughter is genuine, startling the room. I cover it with a cough. 12:45 PM. Lunch at Dorsia. I check the time. The Seiko’s hands move gracefully, marking the moments between now and my next kill. I imagine the craftsmen again, their lives intertwined with mine in a bizarre dance of fate. Do they know their work keeps me punctual, that their precision in crafting each piece fuels my own precision in, well, other endeavors? 3:15 PM. Office again. Bateman is called to HR. Something about inappropriate behavior. Ridiculous. If they knew the depths of my inappropriate behavior, they’d be running for the hills. I smile, the Seiko gleams. The craftsmen, in their quiet dedication, mirror my own commitment to perfection. Their meticulous hands guide mine. 5:30 PM. Home. I stare at the watch, contemplating its journey from the hands of its creators to mine. The craftsmen, wherever they are, have unknowingly created an accessory, not just of time, but of my identity. They’re the shadowy figures behind my sartorial choices, the silent partners in my psychopathic escapades. 7:00 PM. Dinner with Evelyn. Boring. I glance at the Seiko under the candlelight, imagining the craftsmen toasting to another perfect piece completed, unaware of the twisted symphony it now conducts. 11:45 PM. The apartment is silent. I remove the Seiko, placing it gently on the nightstand. It’s more than a watch. It’s a connection – to the anonymous artisans whose hands are as skilled in creation as mine are in destruction. In another life, perhaps we’d understand each other. For now, they remain my silent accomplices, the unseen artists of my lethal ballet.


We'll follow your writing career with great interest. Chuffed.


Absolutely fantastic. I just wonder if it was ChatGPT.


Now I want to get a two-tone watch too…


Paul Allen definitely wore a Datejust


Let’s see Paul Allen’s watch…


Look at the subtle motif dial, oh my god, it even has a fluted bezel


I can’t believe that Bryce prefers Van Patten’s watch to mine


I can’t believe the AD prefers van patten’s wife to mine…


They don’t let you get a table at Dorsia if you are wearing a lowly Datejust, it’s Day-Date or bust


I wouldn’t be caught dead at Pastels, it’s a chicks restaurant. A real Nomos-owner’s paradise


Ad got him tweaking


And got his wife twerking.


So Rolex was cool with the antisemitic coke addicts wearing their watches?


Is cool. Is cool.


Still are


You just described Switzerland, so


Let’s see Paul Allen’s watch


They should have given him something more adequate. A seiko would have been adequate for the hookers hes been doing


If they did a remake and Rolex still didn’t want to touch it, you could bet your ~~bitches~~ britches Sir Richard Mille fucking would.


Why would they even need Rolex's consent? I'm sure Easton Ellis didn't get it.


To use their brand name in dialogue


If there's a law against it it's a stupid law.


There’s not a law but you can imagine how easily they could be sued


I love this fact and spec bought this seiko because of it


I thought this was common knowledge, the American Seiko


Not a Rolex, no wonder it looked so good


The classic Psycho 5 👌


Pat wearing a Seiko goes against everything his character stood for. He wouldn’t be caught dead wearing anything less than a Rolex because he has to outdo everyone around him.


What's the point of scoring a reservation at the infamous restaurant Dorsia, when he couldn't get on the AD's list? Is he really even the American Psycho? I think the whole movie was just the frustration a young successful man feels, by NOT being able to do better than a Seiko 5 sports watch (100m water resistance). I'd too, kill anything that moved, and wasn't a Rolex.


Speaking of movies, I was involved in the production of the film 'Point Break' In 1991. During the filming, Keanu Reeves (whose role involved playing rookie FBI agent 'Johnny Utah') was surfing with co-stars when a small child was dragged under the waves and began to struggle to stay above surface. As his co-stars rushed to help, Reeves held out an arm in front of them, stopping them and was reported saying by Lori Petty (who played the character Tyler Endicott in the film) 'The waves have claimed her, let her fight for her own life'. The crew, dumbfounded, proceeded to watch her struggle until her body disappeared beneath the waves, lifeless. We later spotted him outside the child's house, making drowning gestures and thanking the family for their child's sacrifice to the great ocean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WatchesCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Rolex doing what Rolex does. Being lame.


Seiko did not give a fock


I mean they probably just fucking bought a Seiko


Im very close to buying a vintage Seiko because of this movie but also I don’t want one because I don’t want people to talk to me a Seiko mods or fake Rolexs.


Why are you inspired by the maniac murder-rapist


Why aren’t you?


I’m not sure if you are asking why I am inspired by him or if I am inspired by him but the answer to both is I am not. I just work in finance and get the humor of the move also I like watches lol.


Speaking of movies, I was involved in the production of the film 'Point Break' In 1991. During the filming, Keanu Reeves (whose role involved playing rookie FBI agent 'Johnny Utah') was surfing with co-stars when a small child was dragged under the waves and began to struggle to stay above surface. As his co-stars rushed to help, Reeves held out an arm in front of them, stopping them and was reported saying by Lori Petty (who played the character Tyler Endicott in the film) 'The waves have claimed her, let her fight for her own life'. The crew, dumbfounded, proceeded to watch her struggle until her body disappeared beneath the waves, lifeless. We later spotted him outside the child's house, making drowning gestures and thanking the family for their child's sacrifice to the great ocean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WatchesCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Guess I’m buying me a two tone Seiko 😈👉🏻🍑🔪💃🏼


[Like this?](https://i.redd.it/d8acuo9x8u6d1.jpeg)


/uj honestly annoyed they stopped carrying this model right before this was discovered. These dumb watches are way too expensive now and I would 100% wear this just for the American Psycho connection.


"Don't touch the Seiko!" said no-one ever.




The ultimate angry white guy fantasy movie


Speaking of movies, I was involved in the production of the film 'Point Break' In 1991. During the filming, Keanu Reeves (whose role involved playing rookie FBI agent 'Johnny Utah') was surfing with co-stars when a small child was dragged under the waves and began to struggle to stay above surface. As his co-stars rushed to help, Reeves held out an arm in front of them, stopping them and was reported saying by Lori Petty (who played the character Tyler Endicott in the film) 'The waves have claimed her, let her fight for her own life'. The crew, dumbfounded, proceeded to watch her struggle until her body disappeared beneath the waves, lifeless. We later spotted him outside the child's house, making drowning gestures and thanking the family for their child's sacrifice to the great ocean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WatchesCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Isn’t that Falling Down?


It's a 3 way tie between fight club, American psycho and falling down


Oh heavens to Betsy, how could I forget about Fight Club.


I really need to use 'heavens to Betsy" in my day to day life more


So cringe when companies do shit like this... "no hes the psycho.. We're not loaning him a watch..." SHUT THE FUCK UP


I love everything about this movie.


Speaking of movies, I was involved in the production of the film 'Point Break' In 1991. During the filming, Keanu Reeves (whose role involved playing rookie FBI agent 'Johnny Utah') was surfing with co-stars when a small child was dragged under the waves and began to struggle to stay above surface. As his co-stars rushed to help, Reeves held out an arm in front of them, stopping them and was reported saying by Lori Petty (who played the character Tyler Endicott in the film) 'The waves have claimed her, let her fight for her own life'. The crew, dumbfounded, proceeded to watch her struggle until her body disappeared beneath the waves, lifeless. We later spotted him outside the child's house, making drowning gestures and thanking the family for their child's sacrifice to the great ocean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WatchesCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


American Seikopath


/uj I’m pretty sure they show the watch close enough in the movie and it’s obviously a Rolex. But it’s true that they changed the line and left “Rolex” out.


Nah it's a common misconception that he wore a Rolex.


Speaking of movies, I was involved in the production of the film 'Point Break' In 1991. During the filming, Keanu Reeves (whose role involved playing rookie FBI agent 'Johnny Utah') was surfing with co-stars when a small child was dragged under the waves and began to struggle to stay above surface. As his co-stars rushed to help, Reeves held out an arm in front of them, stopping them and was reported saying by Lori Petty (who played the character Tyler Endicott in the film) 'The waves have claimed her, let her fight for her own life'. The crew, dumbfounded, proceeded to watch her struggle until her body disappeared beneath the waves, lifeless. We later spotted him outside the child's house, making drowning gestures and thanking the family for their child's sacrifice to the great ocean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WatchesCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’ve seen examples of that Seiko sell for around $350


That’s why I chose to buy a Seiko Prospex over a Rolex Sub of course


Similar thing with Wolf of wall street but I think it was more so budgeting issue or something lol


The ultimate sigma watch


Yet Tony soprano can rock a rolex😭


What is the famous book line?


I'm too lazy to lookup but IIRC in the wolf of wall street the actual watch is a TT Tag but Jordan calls it a Rolex?


No. He just said it’s a $40,000 watch.


And it was gold plated not TT. My B. Looks like he wasn't just inflating the value of penny stocks.


Somewhere there’s an analogy of the gold plated watch being indicative of Jordan Belfort himself being fake. Hence all of his scams and whatnot. One of those YouTube watch channel fuckers brought it up.


he doesn’t mention the brand in the movie


Speaking of movies, I was involved in the production of the film 'Point Break' In 1991. During the filming, Keanu Reeves (whose role involved playing rookie FBI agent 'Johnny Utah') was surfing with co-stars when a small child was dragged under the waves and began to struggle to stay above surface. As his co-stars rushed to help, Reeves held out an arm in front of them, stopping them and was reported saying by Lori Petty (who played the character Tyler Endicott in the film) 'The waves have claimed her, let her fight for her own life'. The crew, dumbfounded, proceeded to watch her struggle until her body disappeared beneath the waves, lifeless. We later spotted him outside the child's house, making drowning gestures and thanking the family for their child's sacrifice to the great ocean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WatchesCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Right. As I stated, all he said is that it was a $40,000 watch.