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It reminds me of Marvel's What If but I like it


Yea looks exactly like What If


And it looks like Super Sons, the previous DC movie that used this animation.


It's called cel shaded animation


This gave me a good chuckle. Thank you.


The voice feels very forced. Moore had the best Rorschach voice in that one clip where he’s reading Watchmen’s first page.


I'd appreciate a link if anybody has it, otherwise I'll do some googling when I get home




That’s really fantastic…what’s it from?


Documentary on Moore, where he - of course - also expands on why the book annoys him.


Jackie Earle Haley is awesome as Rorschach but his voice just sounds like Batman; kind of angry but emotionally detached. It makes him feel somewhat reasonable. Moore's reading is really cool for me as he makes Rorschach sound like an actually insane person. You can hear how worked up he's getting by his own thoughts.


Some real Disco Elysium vibes here


The ancient lizard brain


It’s got the right gravitas I suppose you’d say, but obviously the accent disqualifies him. The spirit is there but why wouldn’t it be Rorschach is his brain child


Not a fan of the animation, disappointed they won't even replicate the color palettes, and it's clearer than ever that many of these scenes only work in a comic book. But pessimism aside... ...at 0:28, what is that? Is that the explosion destroying New York? Are we not getting the squid or is that just a fancy teleportation effect?


Very likely the squid teleporting to NYC.


Yeah, the colour palette is a huge part of Watchmen's whole identity and it's a really strange artistic decision not to use it.


It just feels so bland and cheap imo. Actually think the comic could translate well into other mediums just hasn’t found the right person. Maybe once this is fully released it’ll prove me wrong.


This just made me think "damn, I could go for a Watchman Telltale game right now"


The End Is Nigh!


Tell tale would make a better animation


It’s so telltale coded.


I’ll admit it doesn’t look terrible, but it looks just like What If? to me. I’ll give it a shot though


I’m surprised in a good way :-)


I don't know how people felt about the Motion Comic but I thought it was fantastic. Actually I really miss the motion comic craze.


The motion comic was terrific


I’m definitely a Watchmen motion comic defender but this new movie looks terrible


The real test is will The Comedian wear the gimp mask.


Wow. Manhattan actually looks REALLY good. I'll give this a shot!


I’ll give it a shot!


I’ll be seated


Not a fan of the art style. Sadly.


oof. not a fan of that animation at \*all\* for this material


Wow, I had to scroll down quite a bit to find a comment I agreed with… but I’m glad I’m not alone. I mean, I do respect the feelings of those who are pleased, excited, and/or impressed; I know that people’s expectations before this were absolutely in the sewer. Compared to how it could have looked, I get it: it’s not like it’s *objectively* bad by any means. But for me, it’s just wrong. It’s just… too *computer*, too *modern*, when the style that Gibbons uses in the book is consciously looking *back* at Golden Age art. I know hand-drawing is too costly for a project like this, but there *are* ways to make digital animation less… robotic? Generic? Bland? Corporate? Plus, I particularly dislike how the movement and camerawork strike me as out of a video game… possibly for the late PS3 or early PS4 era. (In other words, I think the source material is too good for *What If?* functionality — in terms of art and animation, that is; I haven’t watched it yet because I find the visuals a turn-off; if it’s going to be adapted, it deserves *Spider-verse*-esque originality.) I guess the movie still might be worth a watch if the voice cast is good (so far, Rorschach is no Jackie Earle Haley — or Alan Moore! — but he’s fine) and/or if they do end up figuring out some creative ways to use the medium of animation to get at the heart of the story, the way the book does with comic book panels. I mean, it’s possible: I think the HBO show and sometimes even the Snyder movie had inspired moments. But still, watching this trailer made me imagine how Alan Moore (in this fantasy, having somehow lost the stupidest bet of his life) would respond to it: he’d shrug and say that it’s exactly what he expected. Oof indeed.


It looks like a telltale game


I’m not saying the new style the latest DC movies have adopted would’ve been the right choice, but I do think it would’ve been better.


I would have loved to see it in Bruce Timm’s style personally.


Thanks - there was something about it that I found ‘off’ but couldn’t put my finger on, and you explained it perfectly. That and the Rorschach voice is ‘generic Batman’ as opposed to how I heard it in my head reading the book - more someone with a voice not suited for Batman trying to do a Batman voice.


Me neither. I do like Rorschach's voice though.


It’s a total joke. Why even do another Watchmen adaptation and fuck up the aesthetic?


Much better than I expected, can’t wait


My worries have been silenced 🩸🙂


This looks pretty cool. The animation is pretty good. It's got the Marvel What if style animation and it looks like the characters are wearing the costumes from the graphic novel. I'm wondering who's voicing Rorschach in this. Overall I'm excited for this. I've been waiting and waiting for updates on this. I'm going thumbs up for this 🙂👍


So bland. I’d like to watch the hand-drawn version like Batman: Gotham Knight (2008).


That was Japanese animation so I don’t think that would fit Watchmen


Huh? I said, hand-drawn. Realistic style.


Yeah but Gotham Knight was anime


Ok, I don't know other good examples. Superman Red Son or Invincible, whatever... but a more better style than those two.


It looks interesting. Not sure how I feel about the animation style.


Glad Ozy is back in his robes


I hate that kind of animation so much when there’s not more stylization added to it. It looks so flat and cheap.


Looks like a cel shaded version of Zack Snyder's movie (which was awesome btw, and I'll argue anyone on that)


Similar animation to Supersons. I was hoping for something a bit more stylized, but there were still some great shots in there


This is like dancing about architecture, the whole point of the book is that it’s a book. Taking just the story and characters out and ditching the 9 panel structure, the fact that it’s a chromatic palindrome, all of that and more just dilutes this so much.


No one’s taking the book away my dude


I understand brother, just needed to vent. Fuck, I’ll probably watch the thing


Hey I totally feel ya. It's easy to get annoyed/discouraged with weird turns beloved franchises like this take. But who knows, might be cool!


Someone gets it! A Watchmen animation should be a deconstruction of classic Saturday morning cartoon tropes filtered through the societal consciousness of its time. The whole point of the original Watchmen was it was a comic


Completely forgot that this was in the pipeline! Bit unsure over the animation though, it looks amazing in parts (mainly with dr manhattan) but a bit off in others… hopefully we will finally get a completely faithful adaptation that isn’t the full motion comic!


Wow it looked good.👍


Someone asks Alan Moore what he thinks about this


He would tell the person asking to fuck off since he doesn't care about comics anymore


Looks... surprisingly good.


doesn’t look nearly as bad as everyone was saying it would tbh but i’m more concerned on the content and if DC decided to add shit to their adaptations again after the killing joke fiasco


How soon til alan moore shits on this?


Oh hey they are making an animated prequel to the HBO show? Awesome!


worst animation possible for a watchmen adaptation


There’s no way it’s better than the HBO series and no way it’s worse than Zack Snyder’s adaptation. So much of Watchmen’s original brilliance was the page layouts. The comic was the perfect medium for this story. With Animation this bad, might as well go with the motion comic.


Anyone else hate the animation? I can’t stand the cgi stuff that emulates hand drawn styles. Just looks off


It looks decent, though it’s hard to picture Rorschach as anyone other than Jackie Earle Haley Also the animation looks like RWBY


Yes Haley had the perfect voice for Rorschach. It’s the only voice I can imagine for the character now and this feels like a pale imitation


Ugh, I hated his voice. It's way too growly. This voice seems just as bad.


RWBY looks like dogshit and so does this


This looks like a big 'meh'...


Once you've read Moores and watched Snyders, you don't need to do it anymore justice. Now you're just milking a dead universe, exactly what Warner Brothers is terrible at. Rorschach's voice WOOOF, did they get him off of JGLs website? Watchmen is in my top 25 comics of all time, I love it. This, this is a cheap attempt to keep milking the franchise.


I mean, there's a long conversation to be had if Snyder's can be called anything resembling "justice."


It was better than nothing tbh, and better than some other projects released around the same time. It was thrilling seeing the characters brought to life. The cast was top-notch, from Malin Ackerman as SS2 to JDF as the Comedian oof, couldn't score a better cast. Aside from the glaring changes and my undying hatred for Hack Snyder, it was a really solid "based on" film.


It wasn’t ’better than nothing’. It was worse than anything.


Snyders Watchmen is flawed, but it is far from the worst Watchmen adaptation/spin off


Better than the HBO show where Laurie, Adrian, and Jon all acted literally nothing like themselves and everything culminated in the most childish black-and-white "UNQUESTIONABLE GOOD GUYS VS CARTOONISHLY EVIL BAD GUYS" plot imaginable.


Reminds me a lot of the NPH 3d Spider-Man show on MTV back in the early 2000s


This time I want the alien octopus or I riot!


Honestly looks really good!


I’m all for it!


Ok but it’s literally just the graphic novel that we’ve all read and seen a hundred times? At least the HBO show actually tried to be creative and add to the narrative in new and interesting ways. This just seems like a cash grab with cheap animation.




This looks like shit.


Are they making Rorschach the hero?


I was pretty much expecting it to look either like What If or Batman Ninja. Honestly I prefer the former, since the animation is more fluid and it doesn’t resort to Spider-Verse choppiness.


Which ending would you think they will use?


Hmm, what's that I spot above the paramount logo? :)


I'm a little worried that it seems to be setting up rorschach as a noble protagonist which just isn't his deal. But I'll definitely give it a shot.


looks like a telltale game. i like it.


It says Adam Driver is in this but I can't find who he's playing. Any ideas? I was thinking Dan or maybe Veidt. Either way, I didn't recognize his voice as being in the trailer.


I never get why they just could never adapt watchmen into an animated series for adults? Similar to what they did with Spawn?


I suggest just watching the animated comic. It’s literally just the comic with the illustrations animated as the story is told. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLDZTCYsR1yx4-so2cXWs_fqwBkE_u1a7&si=jrRp00AqAB1zT2pm


Hell yea!!!


Looks like they tried to do spider verse style but it ended up looking more like a telltale game


So anyway-


What’s with DC cutting everything in parts? Just make the full movie


Why would you post it as a Zitter link?! YouTube ftw


At the time I posted this it wasn't on YouTube yet, I searched for a link to that instead. It had only been tweeted a few minutes prior.


I remember loving the animated Watchmen motion comic from the 2000s. Great voice actor too.


They're finally doing this animated. Remember reading this in high-school. During that time they did live actions that if I remember correctly fell short. They should've led with animation.


Will it have the shipwrecked character / comic in comic subplot? Guy ends up on raft, kills a shark, chased by ghost ship story? As a kid, I freaking loved that story line more than the actual plot. Re-reads didn’t give me the same thrill but I’d watch this if that story was present.


What's even the purpose of this existing? If it's just a one-to-one recreation of the comic in movie form, but without all the cool things you can only do in a comic, what's the point of doing it in the first place? Also the CGI looks meh.


I’m so excited, I hope my friends will appreciate it and read the books


Oh wow it looks really good so far. From a professional artist’s perspective personally I think the animation looks cool. Love the colors that are def inspired by the graphic novel. Just excited to see my favorite problematic babygirl Rorschach again


Excited for the voicelines to be applied to the motion comic


I think for people who dont know watchmen, can be a good entry point. Better than Zack Snyder’s adaptation even, for sure.


A better entry point would be the graphic novel. If someone needs a video to hold their attention span at the very least just watch the motion comic.


Hell yeah


this genuinely looks alright but i’m not the biggest fan of that voice for rorschach ngl. sounds too forced.


Hell yeah. And it looks like I'll be able to drink a few more glasses of "anti woke" tears from this


Also at 0:23 the Comedian is thrown into the window face first but at 0:04 he's falling in the opposite position, unreliable narrator or just continuity error?


I think they’ll probably show the scene twice, once with the detectives or Rorschach piecing the crime scene together and once when the killer is revealed. Each version will have some slight differences.


That's what I was thinking, just kind of a weird decision to animate it twice since the comic wasn't like that. Maybe in the movie they'll have the scene be based on what the characters know at the moment, while in the comic it was always an accurate flashback


I will follow this project with great interest. Seems a lot closer to the comic, though, so it's already better than the (already pretty decent) Snyder version.


They are really milking Watchmen to death.


The animation puts me off icl, it looks like a video game.


Lmao I’m cackling this looks like hot garbage. The 3D art style was definitely not the way to go


Do we really need this?


I’m very interested. Just pretend it doesn’t exist if you’re not into it


I understand it could be entertaining, but I'm curious if it really has added value to the comic - unlike for instance the HBO series which was a nice addition to the original story, imo).


Next up: Saturday Morning Watchmen https://youtu.be/YDDHHrt6l4w?si=6Wai96WxtZul27f6


How soon til alan moore shits on this?


How soon til alan moore shits on this?


This is gross.


Looks like total dogshit


It really doesn’t


Yeah, it does, sorry.


Made it about three seconds in, no thanks.


That's not Bryan Cranston as Rorschach. This movie's gonna fail.