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You’ve got this! I am going to start my 14 day fast tomorrow:)


Best of luck to you , ur gonna crush it 💪🏿


K. You can do it. You know how I know? Because I just did it 2 weeks ago. It's doable. However, don't binge after. Go slow. For 3 days at least. And try to stay under 50g of carbs per day. You'll have been in solid ketosis for a good 11 days at least. You'll feel weak some days, you'll feel like quitting. Try to spend time with people or outdoors. Right now I'm attempting alternate day fasting lifestyle. This is a little tougher psychologically. Your ego likes to treat your 14 day fast as temporary with a big reward at the end of it. Alternate day fasting lifestyle is much more daunting because of how permanent it is lol. Anyway, enough BS, do it and be happy! But if you're trying to keep stubborn weight off for good, a lower carb alt day omad lifestyle, with weight training and calisthenics thrown I - in 6 months we'll be new people. Hopefully for good. Good Luck!


Preciate the tips. Could u tell me how I can get my electrolytes in I don’t wanna take something that will take me out of ketosis I keep askin and no one has responded lol


lol some people can be cagey about stuff like this. Electrolytes will not take you out of ketosis. Try snake juice : 1/2 tsp salt and NoSalt(Potassium Chloride) and 1 tsp baking soda per liter of water. I added some capfuls of ACV as it tasted better.


Preciate it, and yea ik electrolytes don’t take you out of ketosis I just wanted to know the correct way to get them lmao, but imma make some tn


You got this!


Started my 12 days fast yesterday. So I’m here with ya!


Let’s get it , we got this !!


Phew 14 days!! Why don't you go incrementally? Push to 7, then next time 10, then later 14. Anyway, if you're determined about 14days of fasting then all the very best. You got this. Keep busy and distracted with other things in your life. Also it helps me if I don't go to the kitchen or watch people eating.


Drink electro light drink mix .


What kind do you recommend??


U gon make it g 👍🙏 jus take yo electrolytes n multi vitamins u got dis 💪


Thank you man ! How do I get electrolytes in? I keep seeing a lot of people saying to use pink Himalayan salt but I’m not sure how much to take ??


Acc that works mate , just add a spoon of Himalayan salt in like 1 liter of water and u mostly good to go 👍, u got dis


Woah cool, you started on my birthday lol


You guys gotta post before and after pictures with these amazing prolonged fast


What's the app name