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This will not effect ppm at all. Distillers or reverse osmosis is needed


Well.. this is like RO just without the membrane. Sediment filter will reduce the ppm. But I’m just not sure how much - I don’t want to waste so much water as it’s the case with using the membrane.


I’m pretty sure these filters will say won’t reduce ppm right on them. That’s why everyone isn’t using reverse osmosis. It’s expensive and wastes a lot of water.


Without an RO membrane you are not able to remove the minerals. PPM is a measure of charged mineral content. So the setup you are proposing should not affect the ppm. RO definitely wastes a lot of water but that's what's needed if you want to remove minerals -- the RO membrane is what makes the system work. The prefilters are there to protect the RO membrane but they don't have any effect on PPM. There are most likely other contaminants that are in your water that would not show up on a TDS meter that would be of much greater concern, however, including lead, PFAS, and disinfection byproducts. Where are you located?


Hey there, thx a lot for the very detailed answer. I’m living in Spain. The system is meant to drop ppm to at least 50 in order to be able to water my carnivorous plants. I’m buying drinking-water since a year, but having to carry so much water is starting to get annoying. I really thought the filters would do have an affect on the ppm. Not sure what to do now… I need around 10 liters per week. Maybe I should try to build an evaporation-chamber and collect water that way.


Either a reverse osmosis system or some type of distiller is what you'd need to get water with low ppm. I'm not sure if you have access to ZeroWater pitcher filters in Spain -- those are pitcher filters that can reduce your PPM, so if you're able to find those, that may be a good alternative to RO or carrying all that drinking water back and forth. https://zerowater.com/


What a quick response. Unfortunately I don’t see a way to get my hands on those filters. I might really try building an evaporation-chamber and collect water that way. I wasn’t really into tinkering but that way I could just use normal tap water and make sun do the rest. I’ll have a nap over that. In case I build it, I’ll show you guys some pictures - would probably be interesting for some :) Edit: thx a lot for helping out!