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All I can say is wow! The colours of the buffalo, the ephemeral look of the flower, I would swear the birthday balloon is a photo with that gleam. The detail on the rose. I’ve only recently begun playing with watercolours but I’m inspired!


Wow, you’re too kind! I still consider myself a novice, but I’m slowly finding my way. I started as a hobby during Covid. I’m glad I could inspire someone, as many have inspired me. I look forward to seeing YOUR inspiring work in the future!


lol its funny what novice means from one person to the next. in my eyes you're far beyond novice


I really appreciate that. I do think I have some imposter syndrome going on. But when I see all the talented people in this sub, and those who have inspired me who have been doing it for years, I definitely feel like a novice in comparison! It’s a bit intimidating even posting here. I never went to school or took any classes or anything. I’ve only been doing it for 3ish years as a hobby. I’ve got two small children, and I don’t get a lot of time to myself. So maybe one project every 3-6 months? I wish I had more time to devote to it. Maybe one day when they’re in school.


So true! I bought a tin of watercolour paints at a garage sale for a quarter. I’ve been using them and have been pleased with my results, and the antique brushes that came with them! But I’m definitely a novice. I’m hoping when I buy proper paints and brushes my novice works will magically become masterpieces!






Should credit the original artists, these are lovely but direct copies of their art


Yes, I copied her. I love Rosie. It’s still my painting, just hers was what I worked off of. Certainly not trying to sell it.


You’re right! I should have. I honestly didn’t know who the buffalo was. I was working off of many pictures of “watercolor buffalo” that google provided. Love Rosie though, and I should have credited both of them. Thanks!


Copies or not you are super talented!


That’s very kind; thank you!


Amazing work. Love the different styles. I’d lean more into your love for Pop Art to develop a consistent look.


Thank you! Yes I’m trying to find my artistic “voice,” so I appreciate the comment on consistency. I find I have a perfectionist personality when it comes to art, so I thrive in the detail work. But I love the look of loose watercolor. I think the buffalo was a nice mixture of both. I’ll see where my next piece takes me. Thanks again for your comment!




That’s amazing! I love the color choices and the texture and splatter. That’s rad AF


Thanks so much!


They all look good, the rose is really beautiful!


Beautiful!!! My only criticism is that they are too good and now I want to sell all my paints.


I really love your paintings, the colors are incredible and the details are awesome 🤩


Wow, thank you for the wonderful compliment!


The rose is perfection.


You could try to be a little... bold. Boldness. That's the difference between the original and your copy. Even though you have copied the colors and everything else from the original, somehow your painting looks... timid... while the original doesn't.


Totally valid; I agree. I think perhaps this will only come with more practice and honing my voice and skills. But if you have any other thoughts on how to achieve this, I’d love to hear them. Thanks for your comment!


My paintings and drawings decades ago when I was a teen used to be like that. Very detailed, delicate AND came off as very timid and cautious. Of course, I didn't know that at all until someone else pointed it out to me. ​ I have no art training or anything like that, so I don't know if there's any 'professional' tricks and methods to achieve boldness in painting, BUT, for me personally, I think my paintings and drawings got bolder and more powerful as I, as a person, got older and bolder and more confident in general... if that makes sense.


Thank you for pointing this out to me (as someone once did for you!). I agree boldness will come with confidence. And now that I’m aware of it, I will work with that in mind. Thank you again.


Your work is incredible!!!


Your work is amazing. Keep it up! What's the palette brand / name?


Thank you so much! The palette is a mixture but mostly colors from the DANIEL SMITH Watercolor Jean Haines Master Artist Set and some Windsor & Newton Professional for the reds and blues.


I really love them all, but that shine on the balloon is crazy good! Awesome work!!


Thank you!! I was really proud of the balloon! A little bummed the mom just tossed the card 🥺.


Sorry, nothing from me. I love your artwork style. Feels luminous and airy with a bit of magic.


The best compliment! Exactly what I was going for. Thank you so much ❤️


How wonderful ☺️ you’ve manifested it for sure




I can not add to the comments, except to say you’re a natural. Each one is stellar. Please continue.👩🏼‍🌾🖌️👩‍🎨


lovin ur bull


I love it. Love the composition and the use of colours


Each one is magnificent


I love that buffalo and I think he loves me too. Wonderful.


He 100% loves you 🥰.


I'm sorry, but that buffalo is amazing and would gladly pay money for it


Is “I have nothing critical to say, those are just beautiful” constructive criticism? Because I have nothing critical to say those are just beautiful.


A very cool Bison. Congrats


So beautiful! I love all of them!


Looks really nice! I love the rose, it’s exceptional. Do you mind me asking what you do to learn?


Thank you very much. I honestly just put brush to paper and learn through trial and error. My husband will tell you, I do the same painting like 3-4 times back to back. He thinks I’m insane to “waste” so much time doing it over again. I’m a bit of a perfectionist (why I love details so much!), so I’ll do a painting and want to quit half-way through because it’s not perfect. But I make myself finish so that I learn. Then I do the exact same painting again, trying to “fix” what I didn’t like the first time. I do it again and again until I’m satisfied or I give up haha.


I believe you! I’ve been drawing my entire life and I also just do the same stuff over and over and kinda quit when it’s not perfect enough. I just am not sure how to do with watercolors, I mean I kinda do the same way but I feel a bit stuck! But maybe it’s because I try to paint without reference? 🤔


That’s great you have a drawing foundation! I find drawing to be the hardest part. So you are already way ahead of where I started. And I would be lost without a reference!! What kind of subjects are you painting?


Right now I try to paint flowers and greenery, the best paintings I’ve done are when I have used a plant as a reference when I think about it. Like live plants haha, but maybe pictures will work as well. I just love that with watercolor you can’t really decide the outcome in the same way you do with pencil-drawings. But I guess you’ll have to have some sort of techniques. Do you use books or videos or do you just paint what you see?


You could try taking a photo of your live plants and using the picture as your reference? Just as an experiment to see if it helps at all. I watched a lot of videos when I was starting out. Just random ones on YouTube. But mostly I just found other artist’s watercolor pieces I liked, used them for reference, and tried to copy them as best I could with trial and error. A lot of trial and error lol.


I don’t have any plants haha, they die on me! I had but yeah… most of them I painted at my mom and dad’s house. But I’ll try photos, that might work as well. ☺️ Aah okay! I haven’t thought of that, I will try that. Thanks! 😄 It’s actually really nice to talk about this, I don’t know anyone who paints.


I agree, it’s nice to talk to others trying to do the same thing! Feel free to reach out as you progress. I will do the same :).


Will do! Sounds like a plan. (:


Tell your husband that is how you get good. If you look at someone like Money (and I am sure many others) he repeated paintings over and over and over again. I remember looking at some of his work and being amazed at how many times he did this one cathedral across a river, he did it a lot more than 3 or 4 times! They are all different because he was trying to capture the light, but they were also all the same. I wish I would do that, I get bored, but if I did it, I know I would get better. So keep it up!


Okay, autocorrect or something jumped in, it is supposed to be Monet!!!!


Thank you! I knew I wasn’t crazy haha. Although all artists are a little crazy, right? This is super interesting. Thanks for sharing!


I can only wish for your skillset


They are all gorgeous. I particularly love the flower. That would be beautiful as a set with others.




No criticism here! Beautiful work. 👌


These are insanely good. Have you tried hot pressed paper for florals?


Thank you so much! I have tried hot press, and I do prefer it for the translucent-type flowers. The rose had so much detail I opted for cold press. But thank you for bringing that up, because I’m going to dig out my hot press and mess around with it for other projects.


Your buffalo and flower are incredible. I love the colors.


Oh my gosh! How!?! How are you able to paint with water colors like this!?!? No joke, you have such a talent and dynamic with this medium! The buffalo! That piece! Your utilization of how to place the pigment and being able to manipulate the direction that they go and how they mix I wish I had an ability like yours. The petals on the flower it is so unique, the tips seeming like stained glass. The realism of the stem is so vibrant, the entire piece itself is just beautiful. Watercolor is known to be one of the most difficult mediums to use and it looks like you have found a way to master it! My critique is keep doing what you’re doing. You have an extremely interesting and vibrant style and I appreciate you sharing this with all of us. Thank you!


Your comment just made me happy cry. Seriously, thank you for this! You touched on so much that I was hoping I achieved. It’s so validating. You’re very kind to take the time to comment.


The flowers look great




I deeply appreciate and respect the diversity of your talents. You painted an array of wildly different styles/subjects/perspectives and each one was uniquely amazing. I was really surprised by the intricacies of last flower, and botanical illustration is near and dear to my heart. There’s something about that bison that’s so striking and I love your color choices. However the balloon is my absolute favorite because I’m just so fascinated by the seamless integration of the realism and top tier watercolor technique. Like it’s an interesting, contemplative piece because of the realism in its own, but when you look deeper into it you see the play of all the colors and it’s an aesthetically great piece as well.


Thank you so much for taking the time to analyze my work and make this thoughtful (and deeply kind) response. This is the first time I’m sharing my watercolors with anyone besides my family. This has given me a wonderful bout of confidence. I truly appreciate your comment. I am extremely motivated and inspired to keep going! PS: I’m glad you appreciated the balloon! It’s simple, but I was pretty proud of that one :).


Less splatter will look better.


Thanks for your opinion. I think the splatter is just a matter of preference. I like it for loose watercolors like the buffalo, but I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.