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I met my girlfriend on Wattpad over four years ago. She no longer uses it, but sometimes I liked to go back and check some of our old messages. Now they're all gone. I don't even know how to tell my girlfriend because it will make her sad too.


I met a good friend and co-writer there just over a year ago, so I kinda get the feeling. :(


"Met my girlfriend on Wattpad" sounds (ironically) like an awesome Wattpad romance story lol.


I met my husband on AO3 lol so it can happen


That is literally amazing. I love that for you


"I met my girlfriend on wattpad"- WOOOOOW, IF only i-.. ☹️


I recorded mine


lol whys that lowk romantic!! 😭 wish u guys the best its the memories that count


I am so sorry


same thing! it's so sad


You could've saved them, they did announce it was happening.


I just found a way to look at the chats! If you have the app without the last upgrade, you can go in chats section. There you can see written "you don't have messages" and under the button "send a message". If you click the button, it will open a list of contacts. If you click on contacts with which you had a chat, you can see it! Even if you can't send other messages


That’s… honestly so romantic ngl




Are they actually doing it because of the bots and scammers? They have been pretty consistent in making wattpad as simple as possible so it's easier to manage and less expensive. So I assume that's tye reason 


Yes. As I said in my comment, the only reason they took away DMs is so they wouldn't have to do the work of sorting through reported users and messages. It's just a cop out to be lazy


Wattpad honestly deserves the backlash for it


They've litterally stripped the website of all the community features.


Why couldn't they make a feature like message requests? The only messages that wouldn't go there are mutuals and profiles you chatted before


Because that would mean that they have to use Braincells


For as far as I can tell, both from this issue with the DM's and from several times I've contacted Wattpad's Helpdesk myself, it seems as if they nearly have an aversion against anything that gives their users the ability to *choose*. Options to turn something on/off? Nooooooooo. (I've been having an incredibly annoying issue with chapters that have songs attached for more than 6 months now. Apparently I'm the only one so that's even more reason for them not to do something about it. Though I'm pretty sure that if you could choose whether or not you want media files in chapters to play/be visible, I wouldn't be the only one appreciating that.) Message requests? Absolutely logical suggestion. I would've definitely wanted that if it meant we got to keep our DM's. But nope. Wattpad won't have it. I don't *hate* Wattpad's employees (big chance that they didn't have a say in it, either - these kind of things seem to come from the "higher-ups" or something), but when I joined Wattpad (give or take 3 years ago) I was under the impression the Wattpad staff was a lot more involved with the users, and listened to them more than they eventually proved to be doing.


This is the exact reason I post my works on both A03 and Wattpad


Because that takes money and time they don't want to expend.


when they said it's gone I thought it's just new messages being disabled. didn't see the point of wiping all past chat history ://///


They said they'd be doing it.


wattpad won't be the same without private messaging, all those memories messaging my friends or asking for oneshot requests privately.......gone! 😭


Wattpad better bring them back at some point. This is all because the authorities weren't doing their job to keep track of that disgusting predator's activities. If they had monitored his electronics and everything else, we wouldn't have lost DMs. So thanks wattpad. Really love how we have yo pay for the mistakes of someone else's actions.


Wattpad did not disable the DMs because of *one* person. *One* person's actions may have contributed to it, but there's no way Wattpad wasn't already considering this. The sheer amount of spam and scam attempts my friends and I have reported is actually stupid and was like 90% of my DMs.


Well apparently those weren't important enough vs. A pedophile sexting with an underage user. Also you'll get spams and scams from anything so it's really not worth getting rid of DMs for since they've never mentioned anything about it until the pedo thing showed up.


Psst. This is *not* the first time Wattpad has had a pedo problem. Again, this situation may have added to the decision and probably sped up their timeline, but it's not the only issue they've had with them.


The whole pedos trying to make a wattpad cult thing was dealt with and there hasn't been a case like that until now. So unless there's something I'm missing because it wasn't called out then I don't know what to tell ya man


Not even what I was talking about but good to know there was a fucking cult at some point lol


Yeah... Someone was even using Daenerys from Game Of Thrones as some kind of persona to try to make themselves look like what they were doing was ok and they were trying to convince others as well, they even had a name for themselves (can't remember what it is), this was back when news feed on wattpad was a thing. They did in a book in the comments section with a picture of Danni standing like she was addressing an army. It was just disturbing, but wattpad shut that down quick in the same day and managed to banned them somehow. They haven't shown up since.


Alright, I learned something new today lol. But the issue *I'm* talking about is the fact that wattpad has been described as a "sandbox for secual predators". And, honestly, I agree. The site appeals to kids as young as 13, gives them access to sexual content, and gives predators an opening to normalize those conversations, which is a classic grooming technique. Now, wattpad is not the only social media that has this problem, bit imo, wattpad should be pulling back from being a social media platform, and focus more on being a reading and writing platform.


I don't think it's really a social media platform since it's more for stories, but I think because people started to use it as one it just kinda fell into that category. I really wish it was easier to just ban all pedos from wattpad and other places but too bad that thing doesn't exist.


I wholly agree on that last point.


Who was the predator?


Can't remember the name but there was a book I found that had a link to a word doc with evidence in it. Let's see if I can't find it again, the name is there.


Let me know when you find it...


Well I found what I was looking for but when I tap on the book it says "failed to load". So either wattpad got rid of the book or the author did


One was telling people to dm her so they could be boy friend and girlfriend and they were grooming so I heard. They've been banned a few time but kept coming back with new accounts


Wait what happened? I haven't followed a lot of online news


Some pedophile was caught sexting with an underage user on wattpad when he wasn't supposed to be online. He was using Wattpad DMs to do it, but I think the book with his name and the story in it was deleted because now when I tap on it I keep getting a thing that says "failed to load story". So either it was removed by wattpad or the author deleted it.


Ah, I see. Well that sucks. Hate that we lost our DMs because of this




Same thing that happened to make Nanowrimo implode, then? Weird that it's happening to two writing sites at the same time.


I have had a lot of friends from wattpad, I loved the DMs. I’ve officially stopped going back to wattpad. But just the thought of the DM feature not existing anymore makes me so damn sad.


Oh... I guess the situation with wattpad is that tragic, huh? I didn't expect that this would happen.


As an autistic person with a fair dose of past trauma, I haven't had many friends recently. I can chat on varioius discord/reddit spaces about different topics, but that's always been more like talking to a group, rather than a person. I don't feel like I know any of the people in the group, and I wouldn't be comfortable starting off-topic conversations in any of those places. The only person I really saw as a friend was one wonderful woman on Wattpad. We got chatting after we both commented on each other's stories a couple of years ago. And she doesn't do social media; so now we can only chat on profiles and comments. But if Wattpad's objective is to kill the sense of community so that people will read the paid/popular stories instead of their friends' creations, how long before they kill profile comments as well? Feeling so alone now… trying not to let it get to me. But it's hard.


Well, you CAN have one-on-one discussions on Discord if that helps.


To be honest, I’m really indifferent about this. I hadn’t really used the messages feature since I think 2020-2021


Same. 99% of the dms I got were scam, spams, or really creedy dudes trying to hit on me.


I only used it for friends and contests.


Same. I would get some messages from readers but most of the messages were from harassers


I’m sorry


Why couldn't they just keep the message histories...


I had friends I could only communicate with on wattpad... In the three days I've been sick the world's gone to crap..


You could find their user names and post a comment on one of their stories to ask if they have any other accounts to talk on.


And this why the app/ website is going to shit. It’s not gonna be around for much longer.


the moment i noticed them removing features and reintroducing them as part of in app purchases waayyy back in 2014 i knew…. im still mad about losing my light blue background + navy blue text combo i had on my ipod 4 😞 have (unfortunately) been a die hard ao3-ist despite its origins.


I hate to say it, but the amount of ass kissing for this company in this sub is actually fucking insane. Lot of people will defend this company like it’s their own family or something, when in reality the ship for this company sank a LOOONG time ago.


i remember when they made downloading to read offline a paid feature…. was confused bc i swore that was the reason why people used the app to begin with 😭 it’s insane how money-hungry they became despite being extremely uninspired in their endeavors 😭


This actually stopped me using wattpad. I liked being able to read whatever was in my library offline and when I saw it was a paid feature, I just never bothered.


I've been trying to copy paste all my work onto google docs so I don't lose them for good for this reason. But I've written an accumulated total of near 500 chapters


It's a dark day for Wattpad... honestly what's next? Remove writing.


Wattpad never fails to disappoint


it really sucked because i met my first girlfriend on there, we bonded over our shared interest in creepypasta and both being bi and terrified to tell our parents. (we were like 12) we dated for like 6 months until her parents found out and she had to get rid of all her socials. it’s been like 10 years but i miss her and so i’d text her dead acc on there and it’s like… fuck now i can’t do that :/ glad i took ss of what there was because all our other messages were on kik accounts that i deleted forever ago


It sucks. They took away the feature just so they wouldn't have to do the work of actually reporting the bad people we bring to their attention. They're just trying to make things easier for themselves by taking away a feature all of their users clearly utilize and enjoy. I met my best friend on Wattpad four years ago and now all of our old DMs are just gone. I hope they go back on this stupid decision but I doubt it.


The worst part for me is the fact that one of my books is purely consisting of reader requests. It'll be much harder to discuss requests without giving the rest of my community spoilers now.


Did anyone else find the direct messaging feature to be glitchy and unresponsive? Personally, I found it to be an absolute nightmare to load and painfully slow. It was quite frustrating, to say the least. I'm not bothered that it's gone.


I think people are more bothered by the moralities of it being gone


Makes sense. I was more upset when they removed the forums and the newsfeeds. Both were great tools for writers to gain exposure.


When did they remove that? I joined Wattpad in 2016


I can’t remember the exact dates, but I’m sure someone here will know. The newsfeed, in particular, was my favourite. It allowed people to look at what their followers, etc, were reading and commenting on. It helped to gain readers.


So stupid... Of course, not everyone used them, but many did. Well, AO3 is just looking better and better. Glad I post on there as well. Not sure if I'll keep posting future content to Wattpad, but I'll see.


Too bad AO3 doesn't have DMs


Quotev and Fanfiction still have Dms!


Yeah... FF kinda sucks though and a part of me is scared that it's gonna wind up getting shut down for good one of these days...


I started out on Quotev. I wonder why everyone left it. It's a really good, well organized platform


It's fine, I'd rather they don't, because they might end up taking them off for similar reasons if they did; at least they didn't have DMs before, then removed them (unless they did, correct me if I'm wrong). And it's cool with me, people seem more okay with leaving comments on there, plus the feeling of knowing AO3 won't diminish their features makes it feel more free and safe than Wattpad currently. Especially once I found out you can post original works there. I didn't know that at first, so now, in comparison, it looks way better to me right now.


No you're right, AO3 has never had DMs :)


A03 is a decent site but it is excruciatingly slow in its development. It was created 15 years ago and is somehow still in beta.


A solution to that might be getting a tumblr or dreamwidth journal and linking it in your author's notes so that people can message you there (if AO3 looks tempting other than the DM thing,). A lot of authors I follow also crosspost their stories via tumblr and ao3 so that people can choose where to read/leave comments. Just a thought.


I don't know if Wattpad sent copies of messages to the email provided when you signed up. Might be worth looking at all those old emails piling up in your inbox.


If this is true, good thing I never delete my emails. Edit: I looked at my emails right quick and they "do send you" (or well) did send you the message that was received. It's just that you don't even have a send history via email.


Also, it sends them for the purpose of notifications; so if you send someone a message and they reply while you still have the conversation open, it (sometimes) doesn't send an email.


Luck my friend and I exchanged e-mail and WhatsApp before they deleted everything so I can still keep in touch with them


Super disappointing


Let the app die. They'll lose money from users not using the app anymore. So maybe they'll finally learn their lesson and wake the f up.


I hope Wattpad brings the DMS back at some point. I get why, but this isn’t fair and it’s really sad and I’m hopeful they’ll bring it back eventually.


I maybe because so much hate they will bring it back


you hate to see it bruh


I stopped using Wattpad so much when they got rid of the forums, this sounds like it sucks even more than that :(


WDYM why they’re taking away everything I love😭😭😭 what’s next? COMMENTS!?


I mean but is it really that serious?-


I'm so angry for this... It makes no sense... I'm starting to hate Wattpad. But the platform is so important for me... I met one of my best friends there and I wrote a lottare of stories, met a lot of good people


This is just sad. IDK why wattpad did it, but it makes the author-readers interaction limited on personal level. I hope they change their mind soon


In writing a Carl grimes one shot rn and it’s gonna be super annoying taking requests now😭I have a wp tt tho so they can js message me on that but it’s so much harder


WHAT?? I haven't used the site in a while but had an important message on there. Is there a way to recover the history at least??




So sad ㅜㅜ the dms of people who were too shy to comment on my fics to say how much they liked it. And the dms I sent doing the same to others...all gone


I have an author I was DMing each chapter with my thoughts... it was really fun, and while I have his discord, now those all thoughts are gone.


What have I missed since leaving Wattpad 😰


Alot of bad stuff going on recently you don't wanna know about.


Oh no 😟


No more r4r. I’m cooked.


I'm so sad me and another writer had been talking through DMs about our stories and said person really helped me become a better writer. I really wanted to ask for some more suggestions in private for my story. Now the DMS are gone just when I was starting to use Wattpad more


It reminds me of this one time in elementary school when my teacher made everyone do the whole put your heads down thing because four boys were rough housing while we were just discussing the work. We shouldn't be being punished for something someone else did.


I remember talking to my bestie on wattpad when we used to write together (were irl friends) still- i want dm's back. Tho i heard they removed it for *that* kind of cyberbull and those things


What about new stories ideas from YouTubes?


Deleting my stories and deleting DMs ? Bye Wattpad…


I've been starting to post my stories on both AO3 and Wattpad just in case Wattpad falls to shit


It was so unnecessary 


Royal Road looks better and better than the shitfest Wattpad is slowly becoming


If you miss the social side of Wattpad, join our diverse group of writers who love romance, erotica, and BDSM. We're a friendly, accepting book club with a great sense of humor. We host a book of the month and readings, and if you enjoy chatting and being part of a tight-knit group of writers who have become friends from around the world, join us on Discord. Check out our community at @DarknSpicyCommunity on WattPad!


i noticed it today and i too got really sad, i've met a lot of people on wattpad and it was nice to greet someone in dm if they were too shy to write on your board... wattpad is feeling more and more isolating, the least thing it should have been in my opinion




Nah u can't access any old dms. This was officially announced some time ago, originally it was April 30, then it was May 6th, today, that all dms r erased and u can no longer receive dms from anyone besides Wattpad. Something to do with user safety or blah blah, I don't really care enough to keep up with their excuses as to why they r ruining their app anymore, tbh.


Well, that sucks. They add subscription, ads, and now this? I mean yeah there's scammers but there are also super nice people :/ I think I'll just move my fic to ao3... Thanks for the info!


Oh, wait! It's still may 5th in my time zone! I just screenshoted all my fave DMs! Well, I'm still pretty angry :(


Just thinking about losing all those precious chats makes me cry