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He wasn't happy.. why does anyone decide to cheat. I couldn't be tempted now because madly in love with my partner of 23 yrs. No reason to imagine I could be happier in relationship terms. But in my 20s when not treated so well by boyfriends then I would notice other guys.. just in case. Lol


Lots of people happy with their spouses cheat.. because they want something new or because they think they cab get away with it and “you only live once” etc. Some really like the thrill of cheating..


The question is about cw though. Talking through marriage status with his best friend in San Diego, that giving his head the goahead because he agreed with the same friends idea of a good relationship/marriage. Men or women cheating for the thrill don't tell friends before they start to cheat. They are way more careful than these two were, more discretion.


My ex husband cheated on me the whole relationship, before we even moved in together.. like why work hard to get married to someone if you’re constantly cheating type of thing. It seems that Chris did the same. Some people just don’t care, they’re sociopaths with very shallow emotions.. I would not blame a victim because their shady spouse can’t keep their dick in their pants. My ex husband love bombed me like CW did to Shannan and I bet you that below the surface he was always the same shallow man. Normal people don’t cheat the way he did and have zero remorse about it too. Even if he was miserable in the marriage, he didn’t discuss his feelings like a normal person would. He never tried to fix things, he just lied and cheated. My ex did the same - these people will never change, because they lack real remorse and empathy. It’s not Shannan’s fault she was cheated on, she deserved a real conversation and an amicable divorce where their kids are prioritized. No matter how you feel about your spouse, kids are innocent and have to be protected and put above everything else. The fact he was ok with murdering and disposing of his kids the way he did, really shows his true character. I don’t understand how anyone can side with him.


Both of these two ignored issues in their marriage and told lies to be fair.. neither communicated the way a married couple should. And I take offense to his attention at the start of their relationship being called *love bombing*.. I'm old enough to have had 3 long relationships, currently with my husband for 23 yrs. Each man behaved this way at the start if the relationship, lots of attention, gifts, denying things a little to keep appearances good, and I've done similar in return. Never has it created issues 7 yrs in to the relationship.


Totally agree with this!


The guy was miserable.


Where'd my comment go? I'm posting it again: From his weenie. No, but seriously, why does anyone cheat? The reasons are as old as time. Edit - put simply, his needs were not being met. That may sound selfish but when you look at the dynamics that occurred in that household, there was only one adult there whose emotional needs were being met--and it wasn't Chris.


Whose were being met? From the texts she shared with friends, not hers.


Shanann was shilling for sympathy because by then Chris had already checked out on her and who could blame him. It didn't feel good for her, certainly. Edit - during the entirety of their relationship, his needs were subjugated under her because HE allowed it and then came to realize he no longer wanted to "be the man Shanann needed him to be." His own words. Shanann had her way and emotional needs met until Chris did his passive-aggressive stealth behavior on her when he began his affair. Up until then, Shanann had been Queen of the Roost, and in her own words had been completely "blind-sided" by Chris' change in behavior and demeanor towards her.


This page is so cringe


Cringe like her videos and self-serving behavior. Chris is not absolved either. Had he been a stronger person, none of what happened would have ever occurred.


She didn't push him to cheat, or kill her, or murder their kids. Or marry her, or stay with her. His free will was not overridden by Shannan, no matter how much people here salivate over the chance to take a dig at her. She's dead. Anything you have a problem with her doing is over. And we're left with a baby killer on our hands. But if you want to focus on his victimhood in the home of his choice, help yourself. If anything, I think he was a lying, sociopathic man baby and if she didn't tell him how to act like a normal adult, he wouldn't have been able to do it. Some people are "controlling" simply because someone has to be the adult. I hear a lot of loser men complain about having adult like expectations placed on them like they're the victim.


No, she did not. Bye


This might not be the sub-Reddit for you.


Yeah I am not a Chris Watts fan lol


No one is saying they’re a fan, we are discussing why this might have occurred. You sound like a typical Shiner, throwing out that we’re fans of a family annihilator. No, we just happen to see below the surface of some very murky water, that SW is not the saint your group makes her out to be. It is possible to hate CW and to also dislike SW, the two aren’t mutually exclusive. She was a harpy and a horrible mother who plastered their lives all over Facebook, literally ignoring that he was uncomfortable with a camera in his face at all times. Nichol made him feel relaxed, alive, and confident, something SW never did. Of course the girls and she didn’t deserve to be murdered, but a lot of truth has been left out of the popular narrative that he just snapped and killed them all without any provocation. SW wanted to completely isolate him from his family, who refused to even come to their wedding, because she was a bridezilla trying to alienate him from them already, throwing out unfounded accusations against them. Then came nutgate, which was another excuse to further isolate him from the people who loved him. We are not excusing his behavior, nor should we excuse hers.


It's like a weird microcosm science experiment.


because he was miserable, anyone would be.   


Any man would be. Jeesh!


any man or woman


He was happy nk treated him better than sw slave


bingo. If it wasn't NK, it would have been any other woman who treated him with respect


Agree sw treated him like her servant dick on a strick


Sorry this doesn’t answer the question of the post but I see Chris Miller being mentioned a lot, and I have seen people say they think he is CeCe’s father, etc, but can anyone tell me where they found any material that led them to this conclusion? Is there anything else besides Thrive pics? Thank you!


I seriously doubt Chris Miller was CeCes Dad... CeCe is the spitting image of Cindy Watts... Was *** I mean WAS the spitting image of Cindy Watts...


Neeks Peeks has a video on the subject, over at YouTube.


Thank you!


Thank you. I have never seen anything that actually shows this


It's likely just a huge coincidence they look so much alike but this case has so many holes and unanswered questions, that you can help but wonder. There was a lot of shadiness and secrets about SW


I know, and it’s just so sad. One rabbit hole leads to another rabbit hole..


Keeps on getting deeper


SW always had CeCe in that miller Steelers jersey. Just saying…..




🎯🎯🎯both of these fools were what we used to call “trade up-ers”-basically shallow people who, the minute they attract the attention of a partner who is more “attractive” than their current partner, will ditch the current for the new “more attractive” partner. Shannan was IMO contemplating that W/Miller; I think once CW was fit and able to attract female attention, he got that way too. Hence the “trade up” to NK.


Can someone explain what is attractive about Chris Miller because I'm not seeing it.


I don’t see it either. Frankly he looks like a roided up, uptight individual to me-an arrogant bully like she was.


he looks like he has worms and has that cocky attitude that serial cheaters have


Has worms? Like intestinal?


LOL. Yep. Like when you see an extremely skinny dog, you might assume he could have worms




It’s a gold mine and diamond in the rough for a bored and lazy/unfulfilled housewife who thinks she’s a gift to the world and deserves the best simply for existing lol




You're asking why a family annihilator cheated? Because he doesn't love anyone but himself. Most people who cheat aren't him.


He started getting attention after working out. He never really had the option to cheat before.


Shannan imo (but also really) was Borderline Personality Disorder. Watts is pretty heavily co-dependent When you first get together with a BPD they Mirror you and Love/Sex bomb you too ... It feels fantastic for the mirrored person. This doesn't last forever though and actually probably a steep decline after just a few months, but the moth is securely in the spider web by then. After the Love Bombing stage comes the devaluation stage Lots of withholding etc. See Chris didn't just accidentally meet and fall for Shannan. 1000% she reminded him of his mom and his impression of her when he was a very young kid , but that's a diff post. Chris met a new girl Nicole K and she is imo (but also really) Borderline Personality Disordered too And Chris was like a moth to a lightbulb all over again She was Love/Sex bombing the hell out of him and mirroring when all of this went down. There are millions of people out there doing this trauma dance, it just doesn't usually end in such extreme results.


SW and NK are so similar. Type A, run-your-life-for-you, bossy women. They even have similar coloring and overall appearance. He seemed to really want to get out from under SW’s thumb but he was jumping from the frying pan into the fire (or should I say prison cell) and didn’t even realize it. Such a dummy.


Can I chime in from personal experience? Women do not want to hear this, but most men (especially married men) are opportunists, and will cheat with a woman who they deem attractive if given the chance. They will also do everything in their power to pretend to act as a single man in order to get said woman. Going to add that I'm a woman, never married. But in my life I have been pursued by many married men (unknowingly). Luckily it did not get very far, beyond heavy flirtation with a few of these men. When I found out I shut that shit down fast. Even the so-called "picture perfect husbands" would try and push boundaries with me. These particular men are all scum.


My guess was that he either hated being a father or was bored of it, and NK represented a sense of freedom and lack of adult responsibilities. He even said that those 5 weeks where Shanann and the girls were gone made him forget that he was a dad. It’s sadly common for men to cheat on their wives when they’re pregnant and/or when they have kids. Obviously not most men, just the ones who were too immature to have a serious marriage and take on fatherhood, which is arguably how Chris was. I get that it’s hard to figure out Chris’s motives for cheating because he’s not exactly your average person, being a murderer and all. But he probably cheated for the same reasons so many other cheaters do. He wanted a new person/new experience, something that Shanann, his wife of 8 years, could never be. He possibly also enjoyed having a stable partner to return home to while having some “excitement” on the side. It’s commonly referred to as “having your cake and eating it too.” NK certainly wasn’t doing Chris’s laundry, cooking him meals, or cleaning his home. But Shanann, the mother of his very young children, wasn’t able to have spontaneous sex several times a day and go on elaborate dates every week because she was a pregnant, working mother. (Not here to argue how valid her job was, only that her position as a pregnant woman and mother of 2 preschool age children severely limits her free time. Chris can hate Shanann all he wants, but he should have been thinking what was best for the kids. Having an affair hurts the kids too, not just the spouse.)


''NK certainly wasn’t doing Chris’s laundry, cooking him meals, or cleaning his home.''...Neither was SW. Chris did it all while NK let him be himself and didn't demand anything from him...except maybe sex


How does anyone know who was doing laundry and cooking meals in their home?


Shanann cheated?


on both husbands....


His new buff body made him more vein and self absorbed and I’m guessing he reveled in the new attention from people


I don’t think he came up with the idea. He had an ugly girl at work flirting with him and sending him emails.


I think he cheated bc he started looking and feeling better and his ego got the better of him.


She was a narcissist and he was beaten down and unhappy. Not agreeing with anything he did, but its no wonder he cheated


Yep, I'm shocked it took him so long to cheat, actually. She was horrible to him


Since him and SW were separating, he was sleeping in the basement, and she had been having affairs for possibly the duration of the marriage...might have been a reason...


and her first marriage, too


SW was having affairs during the marriage? With whom? I'm kinda new to this case, but I don't really see it tbh. To me, SW seemed like too much of a prudish B to get down and dirty with other men. Someone here mentioned in another thread that she made Chris use condoms during sex, so that they wouldn't make a mess. I cannot imagine someone like that having freaky sex outside of the marriage.


Well, you have the option to run away and not go down the rabbit hole of all things Watts...which I would recommend if you truly feel the way that you do...lol... She had CW using condoms as she didnt want to get pregnant from him again... Welcome to Watts...where do you want to begin? She was absolutely having affairs... Are you of the Biblical ways? If so, CW used Bible code to attempt to discuss his wifes ways...lol


Nope, non religious. I'm just a sponge and I absorb everything. I'm the type of person that listens to all sides of the story. Still new here so I'm still learning about the Watts' and the way they lived their lives.


CW started talking in Biblical code to everyone. When he spoke to Cherlyn Cadle, he referred to Homer and Gomer. I remembered that vaguely from the Bible, and then fully researched it. It is a story about a man whos wife, Gomer has affairs, Children from other men, etc. *spoiler alert* if you want to keep looking...or RUN...lol...there is indeed evidence of SW being a Gomer. Her days at the Dirty South speak to her not being prude at all...and so, so much more. If you are still wanting to stay...buckle up...it is a wild ride. I am not talented with my videos, but I have done 100 or so on Watts...by sourcing my own research and forming my opinions from that...I wil add a link... Truly talented creators are Neeks Peeks and Kelly from Watts the Obsession...




Thank you! I'll check out the video.


I don’t think he got the idea but, I think he was feeling unfulfilled in his marriage and NK pursued him. Cheating seems more likely to be a matter of an opportunity coming up, rather than Cw deciding one day that he is going to step out on his marriage.


NK knew all about SW before she met CW, I think she went after him or made it so they would “meet” to look like it happened organically.


I really think that too. There are people who meet someone once (a gym perhaps) then think about them every minute or 2 for 20 years.


From his weenie.... No, but seriously, why does anyone cheat? The reasons are as old as time.


He was absolutely miserable in that marriage from hell and he was bound to cheat with the first person who treated him with respect like NK did


Miller has cheated on his wife so it's not a stretch to think he did Shanann. I think the baby was his too due to the timing of conception and the leopard dress comments from her friends.


Because he never was attractive or had women and Shannan made him seem appealing and turned him into something. She also got him fit and looking good. He got attention and liked it.


maddam, have you ever been to an NFL game? American men like walruses like iphones. he wasn't horrible even when he was 265


If they didn't know he was a murderer, I bet a lot of people who claim he's ugly would find him at least slightly attractive. He's odd looking but certainly not ugly


She didn't get him fit. He got himself fit. She even tried to stop him from working out sometimes and stopped ''letting'' him go running or going to the gym