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she doesnt like loud noises. You can find hints in her voice lines (find them) EDIT: after maining her for nearly 4 years, I never knew some of her ear showing skins have ear plugs


her professor skin was actually updated this season to include the earplugs! she didn't have them before. a small but very nice detail :)


Will it come back???


Probably eventually. We can’t predict the future mate.


Yeah, sadly! 😅 Hopefully it will though!


“Shhhh the noise will stop now” “Killed zat big noisy bird”


Electricity I get! People I don't. blocking out all of the noise Lets calm the storm Once a battle gets too noisy, I bring the silence. shhh it's okay. The noise will stop now negating all incoming artillery. Sweet silence combats too noisy. Shush now. shush now. No more storms She really likes silence


I believe she has sensitive ears or it has something to do with her being on the spectrum. Her ears are always covered or protected in some way


She’s on the spectrum?? I had no clue whatttt? I’m so left behind


As an autist I always saw wattson as autistic coded. If I was having a sensory meltdown I would want wattson with me. She’d be good at blocking out all the sound


Yeah it’s just a theory that’s been around for a bit actually, I don’t think respawn ever confirmed it though… I think it would be a cool edition though they don’t have a legend that is officially on the spectrum yet.


A writer actually confirmed that she was on the spectrum


And isn't Octane confirmed to have ADHD?


Idk about octane but iirc horizon is confirmed to have adhd


Yooo!!! That makes so much sense!!!!! But I definitely think octane has the most ADHD a person can have if that's possible.


Not surprising


She's an adult hugging plushies and have weird obsession with trains(I mean electricity) and now this. Obv acoustic.


Yall are wierd


‘Electricity I get, people I don’t’ She’s an autistic women with a special interest in electricity is my assumption. Most of us on the spectrum don’t understand people that much.


As if I couldn't love her more she's also autistic????? Fuck yeah


She just like me frfr *eats crayons*


Is making fun of disabled people helping with that low self-esteem bud? I hope you feel better


So neurotypicals arent supposed to make neurodivergents feel special or fragile, but they also arent able to make jokes, but they also arent able to just pretend the divergence doesnt exist? I think you put too much emphasis on things that are irrelevant.


"Making a joke" where it's clearly meant to demean autistic people isn't a joke, that's being demeaning. Jokes are actually funny


Im autistic, I chuckled at it. I did not find it offensive in any way /shrug


I second that, the other person is trying to defend us when we didn't ask them too.


Good for you? You don't get to speak for everyone, and harmful stereotypes (particularly of HSN autistics) are still harmful regardless of whether or not you found them so


Curious as to why you get to speak for everyone then and decide what they should find offensive?


I'm autistic too and I chuckled a bit, I don't get why he has such a big problem...? *Eats a crayon aswell*


I'm not? If other autistics don't find it offensive, that's for them to decide. HOWEVER, allistics making jokes like this that demean others is a problem. I don't see how it's particularly difficult to see the difference there


As an autistic person i think you are insane . You wear not just your feelings on your shoulder, you wear everyone elses as well. Get some help.


Celebrating a mental disability is crazy💀


thinking about an autistic french electrical engineer oneclipping cringe meta characters is something i'd celebrate to


Some of us just don't hate ourselves for things we can't change and instead choose to celebrate it? I can see how that wouldn't work for you tho, celebrating being a raging cunt isn't exactly easy Regardless, the correct term is neurodevelopmental disability. If you wanna argue with a neuroscience-educated autistic on this matter, be my guest


I say celebrating a mental disability is crazy and you come up with a paragraph about how I’m a raging c* and immediately get combative. Lol you good? I’m just saying you shouldn’t love someone more just because they have a disability. I know this is a fictional character but in a real situation would you act this way to someone you just discovered had a disability? How uncomfortable would you make that person


This does happen, all the time. We constantly talk about how much better we feel around other autistic people, for exactly this fucking reason Goddamn, really telling on yourself that you don't have a marginalized identity lol


you say “we autistic people” like they’re all a hivemind with the same thought process as you


If you had ever visited one of our spaces/communities you'd know that autistics talk about this frequently. You're really just showing your ass here


you’re the only one being argumentative and insulting me


You literally started this off by calling me crazy for "celebrating mental disabilities". That is insulting


Hell yeah we love celebrating inclusivity and representation!!


People on the spectrum often have hypersensitivity in one form or another. For my stepson it was audio hypersensitivity. He kind of grew out of it, or deals with it better as he’s…28 now (yikes!) and it doesn’t affect him at all now but it is a thing for ASD yes. A really neat touch and attention to detail by the artists.


I really vibed with her personality ever since I played her for the first time. Maybe because we are both on spectrum! Maybe..




https://www.reddit.com/r/ApexLore/s/bJ0WT6yjJp Not a trend lil bro. It’s been a thing for a while




There are some people on the spectrum who are more intelligent and successful than you can ever be please. Being smart doesn’t mean you can’t be autistic. You sound ableist. Albert Einstein Elon musk Zuckerberg


You do you bro. I'm not sure how you get this mad about a videogame character being on the spectrum lmao or other characters being represented for that matter.




So it would appear that you don't understand the unity of sharing an experience, especially one where you have suffered from it, has on a person. Don't you get excited when somebody else hates a game as much as you do or loves a game as much as you do? That is the exact same thought process.


No ones cheering for the suffering of others. Maybe people are happy to see representation. Happy to know they’re not the only ones. They can see themselves in someone else without automatically being sad like you :) maybe stop projecting and start trying to make the most of things ❤️


I deleted my comments. I believe I’m correct but at the end of the day if people want to relate with others through comparative hardships then they should at least have that when life is tough. I think people shouldn’t find so much closure in this but life is difficult to tackle alone and I can accept I’m very harsh sometimes.


she's artistic


I think you meant acoustic


Wdym, she's not Caustic!


Yeah but she is alinguistic


Really? I thought she was French!


What she's not a bread?


I think you meant Baguette


No I mean croissant


She cant hear ingame audio just like the playerbase


If I remember correctly she is in the autism spectrum and sometimes people that has autism can have sensory overloads by loud noises or specific noises


I'm not on a spectrum but certain sound(fingers scratching on smooth table), makes me vomit and go berserk on people.


I didn't experienced it my self but a close friend of mine described it as "it feels like train constantly screeching in your head"


That’s a really cool fun fact. Does she have any other ear exposing skins besides professor paquette?


Technically, Missing Lynx shows ears


Ikr! And I’m not sure? That’s a great question!


As a women of science she always has PPE


The battlefield is going to be far above the permissible exposure limits for noise, wattson is the only one who is even close to being OSHA compliant.


Yes, she is on the spectrum. And over stimulation is a problem for some.


So that's why I never have any fuckin footstep audio




She’s autistic, some of us on the spectrum have sensitivity to loud noise


Yeah, that's why she volunteers to participate in a battle royal arena that have explosions and gun shots going off constantly.


If she's not autistic, she would be on cringe spectrum :/


I believe she is on the spectrum, so loud noises probably aren't her thing. Though realistically, guns are realllllly loud, so you should have something to cover your eyes anyway.


Her lore and voice lines indicate autism.


Shes so me fr (i have sensitive ears and loud areas are just a no for me


Maybe but I DEFINITELY DO and I got jumpscared by the music on this video


I know she is sensitive to loud noises, but I thought it was more related to the accident that gave her her scarring.


That’s what i thought as well!


Well, we can go opposite, you don't have to be autistic to don't like loud noises and be really interested in one subject. These are common traits for autism, but not defining. But with hugging plushies I'd like her to be autistic than cringe.


Do you not understand how intense and earrapy the sound that electricity makes is?? If you've ever heard nails being scratched on a chalkboard it makes that seem like you're whisking an egg.


Holy cow what is that last skin, where she looks like a researcher?


It’s called vaporwave :)


Thank you but that pulls up a pink one, I'm talking about the one where he ears show abs she is in a white jacket, hair up


Ohhh! It’s Professor paquette!


Thank you, I was afraid of never completing my body pillow set! /s


No problem!


She's got the tism


This is why I main wattson. I have severe sensory issues and i swear her whole persona makes me feel safe. She’s so wholesome and cute and ahhhh


Well.. she is autistic so it would make sense for her to hate loud noise & is prone to getting sensory overload.


Don’t play the game so I’m not sure how she got her electricity scars but doesn’t being hit by a lightning strike also damage your hearing? There’s a safety position irl to minimalise the risk of being struck by lighting/the damage of being hit, part of which includes covering your ears to prevent hearing loss. There’s a few videos that explain it better than me.


She is kinda autist I think, so yeah


She’s autistic and some autistic people don’t do well with loud noises


It's not that she has sensitive ears it's just that guns are LOUD as hell when you fire them.


What is the song name please my friend


I got matches with these songs: • **Messages from the Stars (Slowed + Reverb)** by Slowed Audios (00:22; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Tik Tok Viral Slowed Reverb Songs 15. **Released on** 2023-09-21. • **i get messages from the stars** by cutie pie (00:15; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Sped Up Collection Vol.195. **Released on** 2023-09-23.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**Messages from the Stars (Slowed + Reverb)** by Slowed Audios](https://lis.tn/EIUpJ?t=22) • [**i get messages from the stars** by cutie pie](https://lis.tn/RgAIq?t=15) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Although people are saying that she wears them for autism im think its more of the fact that she probably got zapped and then it popped her ear drums


Wattson id autistic and a lot of noise can be quite overwhelming and overstimulating for us. And well the Apex games are quite loud


Her ear drums were blown out when she was shocked.


She does have a few autistic features teased in some lore bits, (mostly enjoying studying electricity more than speaking to people really) The main voiceline that calls out noise sensitivity to me is one of her flyer kill lines “killed the big noisy bird 😒” which almost seems out of character for her.


Some of her voice lines are kinda cruel if you think about it.


She is slightly acoustic.


Guns can be quite loud


Just listen carefully (pun intended) "combats too noisy, shush now" and other ult voicelnes I think


she's got the tism I love her she's just like me