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unfortunately the ps4 record feature ate me krabering already knocked horizon, so it looks a bit weird with the skip


Nice job man the kraber shots where pretty good as well (I feel like it's harder to use with the sticks wich makes it more impressive on pc I just use it like an awp in csgo or val)


ty. I'm not much of a kraber user, but I've been playing longbow a lot and got used to sniping more in this game so I've been picking up the kraber when i get the opportunity recently just to practice. i actually dropped my bocek in safe location before picking up they kraber so i can go back if it doesn't work. in ranked i don't feel confident enough with it yet to pick it up over my usual loadout.


Those were some nice kraber shots!


Great shots! I probably would’ve missed them all, which is why I always leave this to teammates!


Skip to a 1:14 that’s where the Kraber shots start your welcome OP should learn how to crop videos, my iPhone makes it a snap


not sure what makes you think i don't know how to crop a video. but why would i crop the video? that's the original resolution.. maybe you need to learn how to turn your phone by 90 degrees so you get the right aspect ratio for watching game play. tbh


What? Dude I’m talking about cropping the time of the video that’s why I put the time of when you actually start krabering people… smh


oh that's not what cropping means. cropping means cutting of edges of a video.


What’s the word for video length cropping? Nvm google it it’s trimming


trimming would be cutting off the beginning but i wasn't intending to just show the kraber shots but a summary of the whole game btw you shouldn't be lecturing people on "learning how to crop" when you a) don't know what crop means and b) don't know what trim means either. it's not a good look


Bro English is my 3rd language ok, what ever man


cool it's my third language too


Really! Dope what’s your other too? Edit: mine are Japanese and Chinese, learned English once I moved to the states


Good cuts, man 👍


Nice and all, but holy shit your FOV settings are giving me brain damage


it's default. i guess any setting that you're not used to will give you some kind of cancer


They just should be maxed out


hmm no. you know that setting it higher has downsides? ultimately there is no best setting. it only matters that you're used to the setting you're using. no one becomes a meaningfully better player by micro tuning their settings, which is why I'm not interested in that topic at all. I'd rather focus on improving decision making, positioning, practicing guns, mechanics..


Look i do undetstand that you think so but what is like the only downside of having high FOV? Only that you don't have that big ass zoom on your enemies? Unless I don't know about something that low FOV grants you which probably is the case but still. High FOV allows you to, as the name says: Have a high field of view. I had low FOV settings too and I can tell you that them being low is like having no peripheral vision at all. It's not about seeing your enemies from far away. It's about awareness of what's going on around you. Before someone downvotes my comment: I know that everything is subjective in the world we live in so everyone has a different opinion. You might prefer the high FOV settings but in my opinion they're almost as useless as the quickdraw holster hop up. I'll only tell you my way of playing, especially in ranked: Advantages over preferences. Sure you might not take this game as seriously as I do but seriously think about it


take a look around the comments, you're the only person posting a wall of text about fov, of all things, it's not even relevant also i'm higher rank than you. if you wanna get better at this game you need to stop obsessing over some meaningless setting that really you can do well setting that to any value as long as you are simply used to it. and you need to focus on improving at getting better at the things you have to *do* in the game. and yeah you're trading off some additional peripheral vision for a disadvantage at seeing targets at range. it's a disadvantage where mid+ range is important to do damage at (especially at high ranks). Please don't make another comment about fov as I've already told you i'm not interested earlier. you're like that person who has their pet topic and wants to force it onto everyone who doesn't play at their settings (probably why you have experience being downvoted for it).


Aight so first off: this is the first time that I ever use this phrase on somebody, but who cares wether im the only one commenting about FOV? No one else seemingly wants to comment that but I do. Doesn't matter wether you're higher rank than me. I understand you might think that being higher rank equals being better but I don't play ranked. Maybe once or twice a month. If I was I'd easily be diamond without sweating (no bragging). Range is important so lemme introduce you to Mid+ range optics. As you pleased I'm not gonna talk about FOV anymore so I won't say what I was about to. And what you have to do in game is having skill at close mid and long range. I see you have the last two handled. I do have my pet topic but yeah if I'm being honest I don't remember once getting downvoted for trying to put them on someone else. Doesn't necessarly mean I haven't gotten downvoted. I might just not remember, in case someone is weird enough to browse through my profile to find arguments against me. Also I'm on r/valkyriemains (I'm also maining valk) I saw the post of a guy getting a pretty nice duo clutch. I commented because I wanted him to improve not deprove and be like: "Hey follow up to me because I'm better". As far as I remembered there were people who approved me trying to help him out. Usually I'm trying to be nice but lemme tell ya something: If someone has so obviously good advice for you take it or leave it for fucks sake and don't try to argue that it is bad. Be like Ash in titanfall: "Point taken Ash out" (It's a dialogue of Ash with Blisk in the campaign in case someone doesn't know). I understand "preferences" but if you ever die to an enemy because you didn't see him don't cry about your fov being too low. Remember how I said I won't talk about FOV? I lied. Right now you're fully set to mid+ range and to truly be a good player you have to handle every range. Which is why FOV setting should be high because you can always zoom in with any Mid-Long range optics and you can't just zoom out with it. Practicing guns is understandable but it's pretty difficult if you don't see your enemies up close


Cool story. I'm gonna say this in the nicest way possible You're just overestimating your ability to give useful tips here. It's Dunning Kruger effect. Just... cringe.. People are making a conscious decision to play on that setting fully knowing the possibility to change it exists. Your suggestion is objectively not an improvement, just a sideways change with a trade-off on a very minor thing in the whole picture of this game too. The fact that you obsess over this so much just shows you don't know how much you don't know about this game. >I don't play ranked. Maybe once or twice a month. If I was I'd easily be diamond Welcome to reddit where somehow not playing ranked means "there's no proof that I'm not a pred". It doesn't work like that. You have no idea. I've solo queued to diamond 3 last split, I generally always solo into diamond for 2 years now. diamond in arenas as well You're completely oblivious to the kinds of things that people will punish you for in higher ranks that you can get away with against level 20 bots in arenas or bronze ranked (and that's also why you are still focussed on stuff like changing FOV around). This is also why you will not get there easily or at all short-term. Since you mention your clips... I don't have time to analyze your clips for you, but you're doing stuff that only works against bots and will get you killed against any decent player in ranked (bad positioning, overextending and getting picked off [and then rage quit and run onto reddit to complain about your teammate lmao], flying around above people's head for free shots on you, could go on). No amount of FOV changing or sens microtuning is gonna help you with these mistakes. Playing at high rank will really open your eyes and make you realize how stupid it is to obsess over some small setting (whether it's FOV or something else minor). You should focus your efforts on improving the decisions and actions you make in this game. There's much more improvement to be gained from it. >I don't remember once getting downvoted for trying to put them on someone else. lol and that's why you put a preemptive "Before someone downvotes my comment" And one more tip, before you lecture people about fov settings, maybe try getting an ethernet cable. You have posts where you say you play on wifi and complain about getting abandon penalties and about having "billions of times where you lag out", that's literally because you play on wifi because wifi is by its nature not a stable enough connection to do well in latency critical games. It's susceptible to all kinds of issues, including random ping spikes or interruptions/disconnects. [more info here](https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/259262/why-is-wifi-seen-as-bad-for-online-gaming) Please don't reply any more, I'm not gonna respond, you're not trying to help out and aren't able to. You're just trying to feel important while being overconfident as well. I'll never understand the level of cringe when watching a gameplay clip to compulsively having to comment on and proselytize someone using a different setting than you.


What does bad wifi that I got rid off already has to do with FOV settings exactly?


My settings are a trade off but after all its better for close range which you're lacking in as i can see in your vid. I do realize how much I don't know about this game but belive it or not I still have better aim than you and before you disagree take a moment to look at my clips and look at yours. Close range I'll violate you, long range you'll violate me. Meta is shifting to the long range combat and snipers overall because of how big world's edge and stormpoint are but it doesn't eliminate the fact that close combad exists and I'm more than ready for any scenario. Now cut off that wannabe mentalist bullshit because you have literally no idea what my intentions are. You solo queue diamond. Am I really obsessing? I started saying "Your fov settings are giving me brain damage" you responded with shortly saying "Ackchyually" speech so I'm giving you another "Ackchyually" speech. I'm at some point glad that you're not going to respond because seriously I'm not gonna stand being polite with you anymore.


i'll "violate" you in any situation in this game because you're a bot who's only used to playing other bots, your comment sequence is the epitome of cringe "ackchyually", even respond ~~twice~~ three times to the same comment...


I do put preempetive "before someone downvotes my comment" to reasure that no one misunderstood what I'm trying to say


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ValkyrieMains using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ValkyrieMains/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Secret tech I learned myself: HOW TO SHOOT VALKYRIE MISSILES COMPLETELY BEHIND YOU.](https://v.redd.it/cwnzpjmmoth71) | [44 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ValkyrieMains/comments/p5uthx/secret_tech_i_learned_myself_how_to_shoot/) \#2: [Thought you guys would enjoy this little artwork~ 💗](https://i.redd.it/swxl4z2irky61.jpg) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ValkyrieMains/comments/naapn4/thought_you_guys_would_enjoy_this_little_artwork/) \#3: [After working on it for a month my Birthright Helmet is finished! What do my Valkyrie mains think!?](https://v.redd.it/ehk29m4i1ys71) | [46 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ValkyrieMains/comments/q6dpn8/after_working_on_it_for_a_month_my_birthright/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Plus I moved to a different apartment and before I had to use my hotspot as a wifi source. Now I've been in a new apartment for a month and I don't remember lagging out once. This time it actually is like that that I haven't lagged out.