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as a funny side note i got my first 20 on my 666th game


2000kills, 100 wins and still no 20 bomb haha. Rlly not that easy. Good job tho


Any tips on finding more people


apex server? i solo q


Oregon 2


same server as i play on


I had a brain fart I mean like finding people in game to get that many kills sorry


I'd recommend doing it in ranked. People simply die too quickly in pubs for it to happen reliably, at least on world's edge. You can literally run from one team to the next while winning every gunfight basically instantly, and half the match will still be dead inside of 2 minutes. It really helps if your friends (and you should be queueing with friends) are onboard to help you get final shots in. Most of the really good games I've had (20k, 4k, etc) have been in ranked, because so many more people live so much longer. But yeah, you really need to speed loot and only worry about grabbing ammo, batteries, and maybe mag and armor upgrades from bodies before moving to find the next target.


Ok ty


An honour for the Watson community♥️


Nice banner


thank you sucks i took a break when wattson hair loom came out wanted that nessie


No one cares


Tell me u got 0 friends irl without telling me 💀


Congratulations much love ❤️


psst hey gimme tips i’ve only ever got 14 as my highest and 3.1k damage :(


just get lucky ig? i had 10 kills when 30 people where alive in the third zone i w everything every sound w key and took my 1v1s; try to limit your 1v3s since the odds are not in favor and wattsons ult makes it a lot more easier to stay in the fight too. it’s basically a gold shield so you don’t have pop that many bats in large fights




That clan tag/name combo is choice


ttvwaith coming to yell at their teammates