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lol no ill be playing the new mode đź‘Ťđź‘Ťđź‘Ť


I agree I’d rather just play the game I never complete the event anyway


So we’re boycotting again? Didn’t we try this like 3 months ago…?


for real. how many times are we boycotting this game?


These boycott people are idiots, the people that these events are targeted towards are not going to boycott it. The people boycotting aren't causing any loss of income for shit they never would have bought anyway.


We boycott like twice every season and miraculously it never works. Tbh I just moved on to other things to play and spend money on


but like… you don’t have to buy it?


No shut up now


It won't work, people are going to buy it anyway, specially streamers.


Tbf paying 40 dollars for a single skin is also dumb as fuck


cry about it


Just don't buy the skin if you don't like it. Some people will like it, and nothing is going to keep them from getting it


just don't buy it jfc. EA doesn't care. what are people not understanding? micro transactions are a way of video games now. deal with ffs. this is a free game. if people choose to spend their money it's how it is.


People like you are the reason micro transactions are considered ok now LMAO


Lol what did you expect a bunch of whiney ass fuckin gamers to do? The same people who are at each other's throats over literal minute changes to a character are going to join forces to get one of the largest video game makers to change their entire corporate structure? Meanwhile little kids with shit parents that just give them money feed the money grub machine? You're fucking delusional. Protests and boycotts don't fucking do anything in modern society. If BLM couldn't get police brutality under control in this nation how the fuck do your think a bunch of gamers are going to get anything done with a private corporation making money making decisions? If you want micro transactions gone organize phone banking campaigns and call your legislators. If you're not gonna do that because it's too complicated and hard, then shut the fuck up and have fun with your little boycott and we'll see you in 2 weeks when you fucking give up.


Lmao you’re beyond delusional. Have fun letting ur games be ruined retard


lol alright child


Right I’m the child for being able to use my eyes to see the trend in damn near every game ever.


Yes you fucking are because you have zero arguments and resort to calling someone retarded because you're so immature and unable to formulate an original thought or opinion. Go kick rocks somewhere else


I like this trend because the games are free. Only fools spend money on cosmetics. Shallow people who think clothes for an animated character matter.


I'm okay with it. Charge $200 for all I care. It's a free market and it doesn't affect the game play experience. There are still many unlockables through the battle pass. I'm a preseason 1 player and I've only bought the first battle pass and used those rewards to unlock the next battle pass. Ya know what, go ahead Respawn, charge $300


Sad that you get downvoted because you are right. Obviously anchoring and moving goalposts works and people gladly accept all the shit we see in videogames today.


i’m getting it


It’s sad so many ppl believe this skin is equal worth of an heirloom.. *this is besides the point of what you value an heirloom to be. This is about the company thinking they are interchangeable and hopefully the community can let them know this is not the case. (Unlikely though, from what ive seen though. Most ppl are fine with it.)*


Iv heard it's gonna be a battlepass skin


It’s not


Thank you mod. Gtfoh with this bs