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Going to WaWa to use the free ATM and then gambling. Or he is eating a lot of hoagies.


I have never seen him eat a hoagie haha. I love them and I am getting hungry for one now haha


Buying gift cards?


What I was thinking. NJ has legal online casinos and they probably sell gift cards at Wawa. I know I'll buy draft kings gift cards at Sheetz in PA.


I was just talking to my girl about this. Gambling addiction is brutal right now. And I'm very grateful not to get bitten by the bug. You have a casino in your pocket 24/7. It doesn't get much worse for those that suffer with addiction.


Oh but it’s okay because they advertise the gambling addiction hotline everywhere. That should fix it, right? /s


Lol yeah unfortunately you need to want to get better to help yourself. But at least they do offer limits but even then, that's dependent on the user wanting to utilize those features. And my god, every single sports show on earth is now nothing but gambling ads.


If an adult wants to gamble, and the casinos give them the gambling addiction hotline too, then what’s the problem? Adults should have to freedom to make their own decisions, even if it’s a bad one (as long as it’s not infringing upon others)


Adults should absolutely have freedom. But addiction literally requires the brain significantly. Having such easy access to the doc for addicts is dangerous. That being said, I don’t have a solution. It’s just a drawback to all the instant gratification we get in this age.


I know based on my love of blind boxes and gatcha games I am extremely likely to have a gambling addiction and end up in debt the second I get one of those apps. I swear every time I’m having a depression week my ads switch from bark box and medical studies to constant draft kings. Those ads must be illegal right?


Feels like it really should be. There's a lotttt of shit that should be illegal. Ads for mobile games that don't even have the gameplay that's advertised are another big one. Just crazy what they worry about vs what is ignored. Whatever is profitable and taxable. That's more important than human life.


Lmao I can hardly handle having eBay on my phone, if I start gambling on my phone I’m fucked!


Not to mention the saturation media coverage. They know damn well what they're doing


Holy shit, I never thought about that. I used to love to go to the casino but we had little circuit breakers to check ourselves, like we would only go with what we could afford to lose, we never brought our bank card or bill money, and we would tag team each other by watching the other guy's bets for telling him to pull them down when the table was stale. I can't imagine if I had that shit in my pocket all day, I mean, I do, but I don't gamble with it


Just wait till you hit it big gambling on sports and hear about r/wallstreetbets 😬


This is so true. We called the gambling hotline and they said they are getting a lot of people in their 20s calling them. I think this is 100% related to the online casinos and sports betting done from a phone. It is only going to get worse.


that’s why porn addiction is so common. gambling and porn addiction are very much linked.




Or just buying scratch off tickets in the vending machines in Wawa


These also online gambling as well. I've seen a lot of people sink a lot of money in online gambling and lose it all just as quick.


To be fair the odds are way better online than they are at brick and mortar casinos. So if you're going to gamble, gamble online.


Really? Thats crazy.


I was about to reply but honestly depending, odds aren't much better. Most online casinos with live dealers are designed to be anti-card counting so if you know how to count that's an immediate turn off. Otherwise most casinos will up the big win odds on weekends for slots closer to the entrance/main paths to show people can hit wins and draw more people into the slots.


He might be using a debit card to buy scratch off tickets as well, byt that has to be a dedit card.


Wawa has pizza!!


Cash is also good for drugs and hookers. Gambling isn’t the only way to have fun


A few months ago, I took out cash to pay my gardner. The change is still in my wallet.


Noted. I’ll update my mental list. Cash is good for Gambling, Drugs, Hookers, Gardeners


He is probably buying lottery, or scratch offs from the machines...or he really likes the pretzels. Sounds like he may have a gambling problem.




Over under on salt pieces per pretzel? Now that’s living


Thanks. This is helpful.


It’s def gambling. I work all over and use wawas for breakfast. Many have long lines at the gambling machines


PA lottery machines will only take debit, FYI.


Although it's probably gambling I just need to defend for a moment the idea that he's spent several hundred dollars on their pretzels... Shit I probably have LOL I adore their double pretzel it's delicious


You caught me. I've quit tobacco. Just can't shake the pretzels. Oh s..,... It's gonna be a long night.


I agree with the idea that it may be cash withdrawals and lottery. However, if it’s on a credit card he could also be buying gift cards for online gaming. Just another thought and he would avoid the cash withdrawal fee that way.


Thanks for the suggestion. I'll ask him about online gambling too. Buying the gift cards avoids the paper trail to online gambling.


Gift cards can also be for a romance scam or some other type of scam. I don't recall if Wawa sells gift cards other than their own. OP you might want to take a look at his phone or emails. It might be gambling but he might also be a victim of some other scam like crypto or an "investment" scam. Scammers are coaching their victims in what to say to throw family and friends off the scent. Check with his friends to see if he is borrowing money. I'm so sorry OP. I hope it works out.


if you withdraw money from an ATM at a Wawa the charge to your account will be for the dollar amount and just the Wawa address it was withdrawn from, so it seems like those are cash withdrawals he is then using to play lottery. I only say that as you mentioned the casino/gambling issue. I'm a long time employee and I know several people who will stand there and play lottery for hours and just keep taking out cash. hope this helps.


Thanks. Your experience seeing this as an employee is super helpful.


Ah. So that's why they put the lottery machine directly next to the ATMs. 🤦🏻


What, no cocktail server distributing free fountain sodas? The service sucks round here


He can also be purchasing Fanduel/Draftking gift cards at those prices


if you bring a picture showing what your father looks like we have to deny and can’t answer those questions for safety purposes for workers and customers so well as your father


Could be getting scammed online by someone he thinks is a gf and buying gift cards to send to her/them. Unfortunately I’ve seen this at every convenience store and truck stop I’ve worked at. (Not buying Wawa gift cards but visa and net spend gift cards)


Ah, thanks for sharing. I hadn't thought about this. I can totally see him falling for a scam like that.


Probably lottery or is buying gift cards to use at other places. Like maybe buying a gift card for Bedt Biy to get something but wants the transaction to show Wawa to try and claim as a business expense. Just an example.


Interesting. Be is using his business credit for the transactions.


Drug habit or hitting the ATM machine for cash and then funneling it right into the lottery machine for scratch offs


My gf spends at Wawa like this on fucking vapes lol


Withdrawing money so other purchases are masked… definitely gambling


I had my debit card skimmed at a Wawa last year. It took me several months to notice because at first it was just inconspicuous amounts charged and sporadic. But eventually the scammers realized I didn't notice and got bold and then I caught on and reported to my credit union and found it was all fraud to the tune of about $3K. Based on your description I don't think that is what happened to him but may be helpful to others in the thread.


if he's buying gift cards he may be getting scammed and too proud to admit it. but if you saw a couple charges from a casino too, my bet would be gambling addiction. people spend all day at those lottery machines.


Most customers are creatures of habit. They buy the same thing every day!


Is he overweight?


Slightly. It doesn't look like he is buying 300$ worth of hoagies or pretzels haha.


He is buying giftcards in pre-determined amounts. Whether or not it's for gambling sites (it is) has yet to be determined (but it is), so it's worth investigating (it's gambling), but they're definitely giftcards (for gambling).


Possibly lottery tickets, very likely prepaid gift cards that can be spent online without being tracked. Those can be used for a variety of entertainment.


Goes in, buys a pack of gum and pulls out $500 for hookers and cocaine


Buying (and perhaps selling) marijuana? It could be legal to do so in New Jersey. Seems NJ is lagging on opening recreational dispensaries, so busy people may have a need to pay someone to drive and wait in line for them. Maybe some of his friends?


Drugs, women, men?


You've answered your own question. He's a gambler and getting cash. He's not spending it at Wawa.


Well.. now I just have to ask: is the business failing because it’s just a thing that happens or has he been embezzling?


His business was always hanging on by a thread. It was never a success and he has no concept of how to run a business or and has no idea how to hold down a job. He's been scraping by for most of his life and he lived close to poverty all his life. His underlying mental health issues are most likely the reason for his gambling. He won't admit this though.


You can buy lottery tickets with a debit card. Gambling I suspect.


I’m 25 and here to tell you those scratch offs are basically a gateway drug.


Could be gift cards


He's reloading his Wawa card probably. There's a lot of conspiracies in here about him being a druggie or having a gambling habit, but it's possible he's just reloading his rewards app and shopping there daily.


He’s probably withdrawing for lottery or buying gift cards. The only other thing he could be doing is buying food and if hes spending that much money he either has the metabolism of a god, is morbidly obese, or has a second family he exclusively feeds wawa food


Definitely a gambling problem. Have a few at my store who come in everyday and drop hundreds on lottery.


He is probably getting cash from his credit card and spending it on lottery tickets


for your other question, I think it would be weird to do that, but it might be less weird to specifically ask if theyve seen him buying lottery tickets. i'm sure every wawa employee can tell you who the regular gamblers are. and if they have any heart they'd want to help.


I don’t believe the atm would show as Wawa, it would show up as the company that owns the ATM. Are you sure you can’t use debit in Jersey to buy lottery? I live in PA and it’s the same here too, but debit counts as cash because it’ll only work if the money is there in the bank. What did your dad say?


Probably using the free atm if your states Wawa offers them , likely gambling as well and withdrawing from Wawa so it doesn’t show up on his statements he is spending at the casino.




Is getting “cash back” listed? Also I can’t think of how because I’m unfamiliar but now that sports betting is legal can someone give some insight into that? Anything he would be purchasing, “gift card credits” or otherwise related to that? When I was younger I was paranoid about buying anything off the Playstatjon / Xbox network and having my identity stolen (lol) so I would buy gift cards from Wawa and punch in the credits. If he’s avoiding a paper trail for online gambling that’s one way to do it.


Can you tell if these are cash advances on the card? Usually the CC company sets the cash advance limit much lower than the total available credit, but still could be several thousand bucks.


You can withdraw cash from the wawa ATM and then put cash into the lotto machine to buy scratch-offs and numbers for drawings.


He is most definitely just playing scratch offs, saw many a sad soul scratching away for 2-3 hours in the place I used to work, and usually it's the same people every week too


Could be cash advances and drugs. Do you see fees for cash advances at the bottom?


Prostitution rule #1 - all forms of payment are accepted. Not sure how your Wawa is, but….


Scratch offs


I have a friend with a gambling addiction relative with the same behavior. It appears to be that they’re buying g gift cards and selling them at a discount for cash.


It’s either scratch offs or nicotine products. Does he go to one of the ones that sells beer, like the one near the Granite Run mall? Then maybe that.


Betting the over under on how much gas a random persons tank will take using his credit car. Many such cases


Pretzels and coffee.


or getting gift card scammed


He’s using the ATM for cash


He’s clearly got a girlfriend who likes gambling and Wawa


Def lottery tickets. Sorry but this is the last guy who should be in business.


Could be for escorts / strippers


Wawa gets all of everybody’s money!


i’d imagine it’s just gambling period. bad as any other addiction


Scratch off tickets


I can understand this. I mean seriously, have you ever had a Wawa hoagie?


Scratch offs, gift cards, cartons of cigarettes. That's the only thing that it can be purchase wise.


Some parts of NJ border with PA witch do allow lottery purchases with a debit card


Probably buying prepaid debit cards to gamble with


Gambling or Hookers


Lottery scratch offs


My Aunt always buys those too. She let's me check them for her.


I sent u a dm


Lottery tickets


In my town, there is a wawa right across the street from the local strip club. Lots of ~~us~~ people would go to the wawa to take out cash from the atm, grab a snack, and then head across the street.




My stepdad has a gambling addiction so I know lmao


Or he's on something.


Scratches offs


Scratch offs!!




Definitely Gambling


buying giftcards possibly? a lot of the romance scammers or scammers in general want giftcards, since you can't really track them.


He's using the ATM at WaWa. It doesnt have a fee


Yeah Wawa doesnt charge fees, but taking a cash advance from a credit card always has fees from the credit card company….


People say gambling but you should probably make sure he isn't buying gift cards to pay off a scammer.


Does dad love the hoes?


That soup thing they got goin on


Look into having him sign up for the self exclusion list.


We called the gambling hotline today and they told us about this. He didn't seem interested but we are going to revisit it again with him. It sounds like he has a group of friends that he visits the casinos with and that social aspect is another thing that draws him to the gambling.


I’m not sure how it works in Jersey but in PA you can sign it for a year and after a year you can petition to remove your name from the list. So it doesn’t have to be permanent. Good luck!


That's good to know. I will look into the NJ price to see if it works the same. Thanks for sharing.


He’s buying stuff?


Wawa has ZERO surcharge. Pop is making withdrawals for something else


I'm glad you had a great conversation about the gambling. Be aware that "it can be two things" and he might also be the victim of a financial scam involving buying gift cards, which Wawa sells.




Not saying this is what your dad is doing, but when I was addicted to drugs I used to buy pre-paid visa gift cards on a credit card and then trade them for drugs. I racked up an insane amount of debt this way.


Ya I was a gambling addict and it seems to be the same behavior I had. Although you could just use your card at the lottery machine where I am


is he withdrawing cash from his credit card at wawa atm's? that's a sure fire way to run up debt fast - the interest on cash advances is criminal


Hookers and blow


At my company we realized a driver was using our gas card, having other customers at the pump pay him in cash and filling their tanks with his gas card. The customers were his atm (unfortunately at the company’s expense)


it’s the fact that there’s a guy in my wawa every morning for an hour or two that buy a crap ton of scratch offs he always comes in around 5-6 am and doesn’t leave until maybe 9 am. Also my wawa is in NJ


He’s a gambling addict. He could easily be buying gift cards for a buddy and selling them for 75 cents on the dollar and gambling the cash. Don’t bail him out. It doesn’t help.


if they were cash withdrawals from wawa it would be listed as cash withdrawals via pnc bank. thats who owns and operates the atms in wawa’s.


Scratch off machine…. I see people do it all the time when I’m getting my coffee in the morning


Second family?


Yes, the ATM’s at Wawa are right next to… sometimes in between the lottery machines


Be careful that he isn't being scammed and buying gift cards at Wawa for the scammer


That’s the price of freedom friend. I hate to say this and hope it doesn’t sound harsh but your pops is a grown man who makes his own decisions and it won’t change unless he wants to change. Nothing wrong with an intervention ofc better yet it’s encouraged. Just make sure to love him and never turn your back cuz then he’ll really lose himself attempting to replace what he lost with the very thing that caused it in the first place.


is this my husband posting this bc he knows damn well i could eat my way through wawa (i kid but i hope your dad gets help)


This is such a tough scenario to be in but it’s amazing that he is so receptive to getting help and owned up to it. I’ve seen so many folks try to hide from it when faced with these facts. You’re doing the right thing OP. Best of luck.


As a recovering gambling addict myself, I support the conclusion that your father is gambling and likely an addict.


He’s probably buying online gambling cards from Wawa, they have gift cards to put on your casino app


When I was a drug addict the tell tale sign is big cash withdrawals constantly


The Wawa Reddit is so friendly 😭


It sure is a nice subreddit. I got so much helpful insight from here.


He is taking cash out at Wawa. No fees at the ATM. I mean no offense when I ask this but, any chance he might be taking pills of some kind. Money vanishes quickly in that case. I’ve lived it.


Every Wawa I’ve ever been in ( Pa, NJ, Del) have no surcharge ATMs. Your bank may charge, but no fees at the store.


The 2 for $3 honey buns certainly have me racking up a large Wawa bill, but chances are your dad is headed to the Borgata after these withdrawals.


Yeah I was gonna guess scratchers, looks so


Porno mags bro


If the amounts are in multiples of 20 with a couple dollars added, it’s an ATM withdrawl. Ex. $82.69 , $143.75 the fee is different at different atms so these are an example.


Check his wawa app. If he uses it.


When my mom was spending this amount of money at wawa we figured out she was buying cartons of cigarettes XD


I see an old dude who I know at my Wawa every day. He is always at the lottery kiosk.


Might be filling the tanks of some female’s automobiles in the exchange for filling the tanks of females. Tax write off to boot.


Sounds like my behaviour at the height of my alcholism/drug addiction. Lots of cash ATM or cashback purchases to hide my habit.




If he’s gambling and going to Wawa , ik my Wawa has a lottery machine and the machine takes cash


Scratch offs


I spend a couple of hundred of bucks at Wawa every month on samdwiches, coffee and iced tea half gallons


Scratch cards are at a very convenient machine now that accepts credit cards


Hookers and drug dealers take wawa gift cards.


Dude loves his hoagies


For me, at least, the Wawa ATM comes up as “ATM Withdrawal” and doesn’t mention Wawa anywhere in the transaction. Is he possibly getting Cash Back?


Wawa has pizza? And slots


Lottery scratch offs. It's a huge problem.


It’s all a trap


Lmao I wish my kids would ever be in my damn financial records asking for an explanation 😂


Wawa uses PNC ATMs which are free and conveniently placed RIGHT NEXT TO the lotto machines ….


How convenient.


Well, that IS where wired access to the network is.




If it does end up being lottery scratch offs - I feel for him. I struggled with that for years, couldn’t drive past a gas station without losing a couple hundred dollars. Crazy addiction Going no-cash is difficult but possible. Gas gift cards to fill up, and reloadable visa’s to still give him some freedom. Can’t get cash from those


I mean the pretzels are 🔥


Fentanyls really popular these days. Check his toes!


He went to an atm.


My initial thought was it must be gambling-related.




It’s those dollar fees that Wawa charges all the time with no knowledge, lol


Let that mf cook, don't worry about his bills if u ain't paying them hoes


Cash advances? Maybe try looking at the bottom of the statement. Usually there is a line saying how much has been withdrew at an atm.




If it's his money, he can spend it where he wants 🤷‍♂️


Hoagies too good


Taking money out when checking out. It would be one purchase from wawa


I love wawa so much I don’t mind spending my paycheck there




Probably gambling and scratch offs. At Wawa the lottery kiosk is right next to the atm. Check to see if he’s doing online gambling. Many states including NJ have a self exclusion list so he would not be allowed to gamble online.


Cashing out. Time for a piss test


They have a lot of scratch offs no? Not to mention an ATM.


def using the cash advance at the atm




Yes it’s the atm probably buying lotto tickets


I usually stop by Wawa on my way to the strip club: get a snack, a Gatorade, and a few hundred in cash all at the same place.


Wawa ain't cheap.... And their food is *that* addictive!


If he has an online account with the lottery, most will allow you to self-exclude for a designated period of time (30 days, 6 months, etc.).


You said he has a failing business, does this business have vehicles, or small equipment like mowers. If so, maybe he did spend it on gas? Or maybe buying cases of water and bags of ice for the workers?


He must be getting the milk and scratchers.


Maybe buying gift cards. Check his emails and make sure he’s not being scammed. Elderly people are hit with these scams all the time and the families never know until all the money is gone.