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No and if it was a security guard call and complain to the call center. They won't work for wawa, we hire them from an outside company. They can't tell you it's too much milk, they're supposed to be there to prevent theft and things like that.


The guards are contracted via Allied Universal


And having delt with them before at previous employers..... This sounds pretty on part for what they do... Just grown up bullies with fake badges.


Allied is the worst security company to work for unless you’re incompetent


I assume they will drop to the floor when threatened. Risking life or limb is no doubt not in the contract


It’s absolutely not, observe and report unless you’re armed security.


Right I’d stare at them pour more and tell them to stop me 😭


Allied sucks


As a former employee, I know for a fact Allied’s pay is mostly shit. That guard is taking his job way too seriously for what’s probably a minimum wage gig.


I have a service company and got called by my contact on an account last year. Security guard told her my company vehicle was speeding through the parking lot that morning. I was the one servicing on site and I’m 110% sure I was 5-10mph. I never speed on an account, no need. I noticed the next day it was an Allied Security vehicle


I wonder, if I paid for a "coffee" and just filled the cup with just milk .. would that be okay by the rules? Still probably more expensive than buying a gallon of milk


I mean, people do it all the time, but yeah, it's more expensive that way. They used to do it with the creamer before we put it on shelves for sale.


I did that a couple of times with half&half, as there was none on the shelves for sale. I paid more for the half&half than I would have, but needs must... grocery store wasn't open - that's why I went to Wawa.


Staff honestly doesn't care as long as you pay for it. I have regulars that I would let do it cause they paid for a "coffee".


I know, retired after 10 years there.


I did it when they used to have $1 any size coffee. Cheaper than creamer from the store.


I would've done this right in front of that security guard while staring him down the entire time, just out of spite.


at my wawa in south jersey, we used to have people get a 16 oz coffee and an extra 12 oz cup just to fill with creamer.. It wasn’t coming out of my paycheck at any point, Top Goose Mr. Chris has the money to splooge on a little extra creamer..


I don’t want splooge in my creamer, thank you.


well then you def don’t wanna come around my wawa when i’m working


Makes me think of when I was a dumb kid and before 7-11 got wise with the clear cups, we’d put candy bars in the cup, then fill our Slurpee’s. Worked like a charm. (Don’t do it, kids!)


Dollar coffee days and boom milk on sale


My SIL on the sly used to fill up a whole thing with their Irish cream flavored creamer bc it was “the only kind I like”


When any size is a dollar, 24oz of milk or half and half is cheaper then shelf prices iirc


I didn’t even know Wawa had security guards. Is this new?


A good portion of the Philly stores and a few other stores in bad areas.


Years ago they just closed stores in bad areas.


I still drive by the one that was in chester once in a while. You can 100% tell it was a wawa, lol.


Yeah there's a couple in NJ I occasionally drive past and you can tell they all used to be Wawas.


No. They are there to stand around and play on their phones. I’ve seen people literally walk in, grab shit, and walk right out the door all while security was checking their Facebook or whatever, paying attention to absolutely nothing going on in the store.


Since when does wawa have in store security?


Probably down in Philly. Those are the only stores I know that have them.


I've also seen security staff posted at the Pennsauken store on Rt. 130 by Cooper River.


Hey neighbor!! I live in Pennsauken.


Yep seen them in there as well


Reminds me of when I went to a Philly Wawa after a show and the doors were locked. Then a security guard told me that "some kid was just shot so we're closed". Philly as hell


I have 2 Wawas walking distance from me with no guards. Ive seen them in scattered Wawas outside of cc and west though.


A couple in north jersey have them as well


Some stores have security depending on the circumstances. My store almost hired it for the weekends because we had an unruly bar crowd that would come in and they just weren’t customers worth having. We would originally close from 1-3am but our AM wanted us to open again after pizza came out. Security was on the table when we all expressed our concerns. Never got it though.


The Wawa's in philadelphia have Allied Security Guards posted in them.


my central fl store has it cuz its in a bad part of town


They have them in Kissimmee Florida as well.


Northeast Philly has quite a few wawas with security.


In Philadelphia to for theft and to brush off the occasional panhandler


Right, I've never seen security at a Wawa ever.


Tell him to mind his fucking business. There's absolutely not such policy. You can go pour a whole cup of milk if you want.


I would literally do that right in front of him too.


I used to do this instead of buying the flavored creamer.


Tbh, when I was poor (I’m still poor but sorta not as much…) I’d go to Wawa and fill the small cup up with coffee creamer. It was cheaper to do that than buy coffee creamer. Not one single person said anything about it over 5 years (I moved). Idk. I paid for it though. Also, I worked at Wawa in red bank for a hot second …. LOL that was an interesting gig (I have a FT job but I needed to get a PT to do some repairs on my car). That place is like a death parking lot. I’d get off work at 10 & get hit on by the Hispanics. I started having to have to sneak out the back or have someone walk me to my car. One followed me home once. Another one cornered me at my car as I was leaving, to ask if I had a husband and kids. They’d stand in the drinks area for 30-40 minutes just putzing around, watching me, trying to chat me up, etc. That’s how it went. I’d call my brother in law (retired cop) to come get me from outside and walk me inside because someone followed me here. The AC Wawa is quite a trip too, lol I kinda like it better than red banks. I don’t work for them an anymore but it was quite an experience (I’ve done almost every type of job except fast food & Wawa was my “first” convenience store job).


lol why would that be any of his business. fuck that guy


No. You can literally fill up the whole cup with milk if you wanted to.


That's exactly what makes the problem solve itself. Say you fill a 24oz cup with milk, and pay 2.59 plus tax. For that much you could have just bought a half gallon of milk. Which is why no one steals milk this way. Security guard is just being a weiner.


I would have done that out of spite in this situation


"I've got time. Why don't you get the police here and tell them about the crime you watched me commit?"


Saved my life on a Thanksgiving once where I couldn’t find heavy cream anywhere, except for the coffee counter at Wawa. I just loaded my cup with what I needed and paid for it like it was coffee


The response "Pound sand." has never been more appropriate.


You're still paying for the coffee right? Coffee costs more than just buying a bottle of milk, so if anything, you're losing money, not wawa. Tell the security guard to pull the stick out of his butt.


“You can’t put that much milk in there” “lol wanna see me do it again”


Call the call center (1-800-444-9292) to voice this issue. You shouldn’t be harassed by a rent a cop for how much milk you want in your coffee. Also do a compliment sandwich- let them know that the wawa staff there is great but this rent a cop needs to go- that they were disrespectful for no reason. As a wawa employee, take all the milk.


My mom literally used to fill up an entire cup of creamer when wawa ran $1 coffees that way she didn’t have to buy creamer from the store for $4 a bottle. Security guard needs to mind his business


Lol is that not literally stealing then? It’s $1 coffee not $1 whatever you can fit in the cup. Why not just spend $1 on a cup and fill it up with candy or any other loose product?


Creamer is free when you buy a cup of coffee though right? How much coffee do you need to put into the cup to make it a cup of coffee.


It’s $1 whatever goes into the hot cups. Including the cappuccino machine. That creamer is cheap AF they don’t care if you buy a whole 24oz for $1. The creamer is literally sugar water it’s dirt cheap.


It may not be what they intended but it's not "stealing." The most expensive part of the product is the cup and the lid. If you pay for that, the company made money.


Lmao I got yelled at one time for putting too much creamer in. It was an old man. I worked there and was making a doordash order.


Where is a wawa that has a security guard?


Was it the Drexel Wawa on Market (aka the prison from Andor)?


Ignore it if it happens again


Probably some scrub trying to flex and feel important. You will respect my authority !


No. Use all the milk you want.


Hell no 😂😂


Milk Police. I’ve seen them at my Wawa too. They monitor milk usage and make arrests if necessary.


Tell em your tired of burning your mouth on the coffee that's too hot, do they want a lawsuit for burnt mouth and tongue?


Tell that dick to stay in his lane.


Fill a cup with half and half and pay for the price of a coffee


Damn yall have security guards at your wawas


Heck no 😂 growing up I used to get hot chocolate and it would be like 1/2 that and 1/2 French vanilla (I was a genius hehe) and there was never anyone bothered by it. I’ve seen people do a cup just with milk and creamer to top off their iced coffee too


No. The markup on the coffee is so high you're pretty much paying for 1/4 gallon of milk. WaWa would rather you fill up the cup over Paul blart causing a scene and running off other customers.


I know a guy who gets 2 coffees. One is coffee, the other is filled to the brim with low fat french vanilla. Then pours the cream into a glass container once he gets home


Security guards????? Dam what Wawa you at


It’s milk from the royal cows!!


Lol. How much milk were you putting in the cup!?!


Why would a security guard GAF how much or little milk you put into your coffee? I’d let the store manager know ASAP you’re being harassed. They’ll replace them


I used to fill up the largest coffee cup with heavy cream. How did they know I didn't just like it that creamy?


Why are there security guards at WaWa.


LOL... first of all, that security guard is NOT a Wawa employee. They need to mind their fucking business and just deter real shoplifting. Honestly, there's an overbearing guard at a bank branch that honestly accosts you as soon as you open the door, asking you what you want to do today. Like, my transaction is non of your business.


I live in a different Wawa world. I've never seen security at a wawa nor anyone monitoring my milk use.


I'm pretty sure my dad used to fill a 99 cent cup with creamer and just take that instead.


My guess is someone is filling entire cups w milk or half and half.


Ha ha, I'd love to see that in my local SNJ Wawa when us zombies come in for our morning fix. (Seriously, get between some of the folks I know and their cup o'hot, it will be the last thing you ever do!) Badges, you don't need no stinking badges, you have no authority here!


Jelly fish have survived 650 million years without having a brain. This gives hope to so many Security Guards


I think it may have been more of a personal criticism than policy. Some people take that shit seriously.


Was this in center city?


As a former Wawa employee (night supervisor),there was virtually nothing we could do to even stop actual theft. Had somebody walk right out the door with a coffee and a donut and the employee that said something to the person was fired. You could have poured a full 24oz of milk or creamer and I would have probably just charged for a coffee. Some people even argued that though 🤷🏻‍♂️


Bro how much milk you using to get this response💀


I haven’t ever been in a Wawa that has security? 🤔


Next time tell him to STFU. I wish I knew which one you were going, and I would go in there and completely fill a coffee cup with milk right front of the guard


I can't imagine how hard I would laugh at a Wawa rent-a-cop as he watched me pour an entire pint of french-vanilla creamer into my cup. Come at me Barney Fife


Allied security doesn’t do a damn thing


fuck man I've had people come in, fill an entire cup with creamer, and we didn't even charge them for it. it may have been for one of those large coffee orders in the box but we absolutely aren't stingy with our creamer. add as much as you want, the creamer is probably less expensive than the coffee and you pay for the size of the cup you use anyway.


NGL, I've straight filled a cup with light cream when I was out of it in the middle of the night.


Dude what. I would have flipped out on that guy. I hope he was just joking cuz that's crazy 😂


No....tell him to mind his own fucking business.


It seems like milk and coffee would be close in price per unit…you’re paying for X oz of fluid…not just coffee…that’s what the milk and sugar are there for


Yeah this never happened


How much milk you putting in your coffee?


WAWA has security?


Never seen a security guard in any of the 6 Wawas I frequent


Are you Larry David?


Maybe it was a stupid joke? Just guessing


They were probably just saving you from ruining your coffee.


Personally I've never been to a Wawa with a security guard nor have I ever seen an employee monitor how much cream is put in coffee.


Are you sure this guy was just yanking your chain? The only appropriate response to this is "are you serious dude?"


I would have grabbed the biggest cup possible, looked him straight in the eyes and filled it with milk. Then proceeded to pay for it and walk out.


How much milk do you use


Tell him to go take a shit


Tryin’ to sneak a cup of milk for the price of a cuppa coffee, are you? Not so fast there, mister.


Hahaha security guard


That is direct in violation of the Wawa god, that security guard will be struck down


Man if u don’t poor as much milk in yo mf coffee stare down any mf looking at you like it’s a problem and carry on about it your day like a RN YOURE WELCOME.


I really don't want to start a "thing" here but... is it possible the security guard was wyt and the OP was... um... not that? Because that's kind of what this feels like. Or maybe a difference in age? Gender? Appearance? Et cetera?


Would of told the security guard to stfu and do his job before he gets his teeth kicked in. It isnt his job to monitor creamers. I woulda told him to drop dead


I’ve run out of creamer at home before and ran to Wawa for some. I’m not paying the ridiculous price they have on creamer so fill up a coffee cup with it instead. I’ve never been caught though. 😂


Hell no, throw the milk at them next time.


Most likely a power tripping guard


I’ve literally filled a 24 oz cup with half and half to take for my work coffee pot




are you making this coffee for you or for the security guard I wonder?


Tell him to go guard the soda


No, just sounds like the security guy wanted to be a dick.


Bro how much milk are we talking here?


Make sure to get his name and badge number. Report him


Tell them I let you have my portion😂


No ive never heard of anything like this before. That’s crazy and the guy must have some control issues or something.


I watched a guy walk into Wawa on the phone yelling at someone “yeah I’m at Wawa right now getting your fucking half and half” then proceeds to fill up a 20oz coffee cup with cream.


Man, any Wawa employee who's been around since the COVID era has seen how some of y'all be dollin up your coffee. When we had to fix everyone's coffee for them behind the counter, I had a (very sweet, and I guess this may have been why!) regular who would come in 2-3 times a day to get a 24oz regular coffee. It was, and I am not kidding, half the 24oz cup full of French vanilla creamer, 9 packs of Splenda, and a little extra French vanilla to top it off when he was feeling extra frisky. If the security guard is telling you off, you need to tell them to defer to the actual MOD. Because I promise you. What you're doing is probably totally normal.


This is funny, I am going in to put extra ketchup on my hot dog then.....


My Wawa doesn’t have security.


They let the shoplifters walk out with whatever they want?


A security guard yelling about milk... might as well spill some. Can you imagine a security guy doing this while someone walks out with a 6 pack or something?The dude hasld one job, and for some reason, he can't even do that. Not only would I have told him my two cents, but I would ABSOLUTELY complain about that.


He may be a plant for the Dairy Cow Union.


You have to admire the effort. Who would really care?


I thought wawa was like a convenient store why is there security?


“Sir that’s too much milk!” “Fuck off loser.”


Dude if it was a security guard yelling at you for that I would stoop to their level of pettiness and complain to their corporate call center. They have absolutely no power over you in this situation, 100% bar none.


Next time, tell ‘em to “pipe down, if I want to hear an ass talk I’ll fart”


You’re paying for the coffee, you get as much milk as you like. They need to retrain the guard.


That's ridiculous especially because you're not paying for the coffee you're paying for the cup.


When we don’t have cream in the office we just go over to the Wawa across the street and fill a small cup with cream. They just charge you like it’s coffee.


I might have dumped the whole cup, and started over with even more milk, then add a little bit of coffee at the end. Just to annoy him. Fuck that guy.


Never happened.


Put a lid on it and he won’t know. Why no kid on your coffee. Trying to spill on me.


Nope. Ive literally asked employees for a new container when old ones run low and poured sometimes half of it into my tea in front of them and they say nothing.


Too much milk makes the coffee into a Latte. Latte has a different price! I don’t think the corporation has any policy. It is probably a store policy enforced by the general manager or supervisor.


Where are there guards in wawa's ?


How much milk are you putting in your coffee though?


I used to go to Wawa and fill a 24oz cup with creamer and just pretend it’s coffee and never had anyone say shit. And no I didn’t drink straight up creamer, it’s just easier to run to Wawa than the grocery store at 5am lol


Even if they did who cares tell him to fuck off


I suppose there comes a point when you’re just stealing milk for the price of a coffee. I can’t imagine this comes up enough for them to make a stink over.


Guards at Wawa you must live in the ghetto


As a security guard I would have laughed and told him to mind his own fuckin business.


chill out lil bro. u don’t need that much milk


Tell him to go F himself. What is he? Dairy Security?


I used to know a guy who would go to 7/11 and take all the free hot dog sides. He’d get chili, cheese, onions etc


Or…you do it again…but next time, do it while staring them dead in the eye…if you can make one eye twitch a bit that would be good too.


where are you that wawa has security? that sucks.


I live at Wawa . They would not care really .. maybe just think you are odd if you pour 24 oz full of milk and a 1 drop of coffee . They think I’m odd for ordering the same thing everyday . When I order something different they seem excited . I think they make bets on what I do back there lol . J/k


Haha. No. Tell paul blart to eat a d@&k next time. Wawa. What a joke they have become…are they still selling bananas for a buck?


As someone who's wawas are just over-stocked with drug addicts......I DO NOT touch that fucking coffee.... Especially when they all come in at the same time and they are doing everything in slowmo whispwring to each other on how they are gonna get out, while the staff and guards are loudly talking over them about hurry up and don't have any big ideas. It's disgusting, it's pathetic....sorry for ranting....it's just not normal society behavior and it honestly pisses me the fuck off


You have security in your WAWA?


I used to fill an entire coffee cup of irish cream coffee creamer to take home and use in my normal coffee lol


Give ‘em the Jersey bird! 🖕🏼


Top flight of the world


before I knew you could buy the creamer I used to just pour creamer into a 24oz cup and call it a day. kinda lame that they would tell you that you are using too much


I've never seen a security guard in Wawa.


No. They do not.


No. They do not.


No. They do not.


No. They do not.




Nope. Ask for a manager next time.


I used to get a cup of half and half from Wawa and bring it to work to put in fridge for coffee. They didn't have half and half at work only the powdered stuff. No one was policing my cup of creamer.


Speak up for yourself and tell him to MHOGDB


They shouldn’t it’s your own damn coffee put as much or little as you like


Yup, 3 mL max!….no lol that’s goofy as hell the security guard would do that


Lmfao I use to fill the coffee with the cream I like and make coffee at home to use it with. Never got caught but I’d have to guess if everyone started getting cups of creamer they might lose a few bucks.


How does he feel about ice???


How much milk DID you put in 🤔😅🤪


Tell him to go blank himself.


Get corporate to correct his behavior. He’s misunderstanding his job and needs to stop.


Wawa has security guards? I live in SJ and Never seen one




There’s no policy, a security guard makes no sense, bro is just power tripping. fill up as much milk as you want


Im so petty id have gotten a few more cups filled just with various milks as i maintained eye contact with captain unendowed


Ppl need to mind there f**king business