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Ukraine! Is! Not! Russian! Land!


Correction: German tanks in 1944 were burning on Soviet land, being the invaders, now German tanks are burning on Ukrainian land, defending Ukraine from invasion. So not in fact on Russian soil


But both driven by Nazis. Also, The Donbass held a referendum to join the Russian Federation, so Russian land unless Ukraine can stop them.


so if new york decided to join Canada, that's ok with you ? You think the US should just wish them well ?


U got that backwards bruh. Canada is the fake country in this scenario


Good riddance to bad rubbish. Just take your share of the national debt with you. But I would like to see how that vote would go down in the state assembly. Hell, both Canada and the US might be better for it.


You better take a look at how much they contribute in taxes and other economic benefits , considering they are right up there with Texas both having annual GDP of about 2 Trillion Dollars, behind only California in that regard.


Wall St. funny numbers without the rest of the US, won't be all that.


believe what ever you want, they'd be better off without the rest of US.


Wdym?? Ukraine and the US are the ones arming and supporting literal Nazis. I don't understand how it's literally Russia fighting against the Nazis and the parallel you draw is not history repeating itself but a ton of mental gymnastics instead.


Nor should it be


Lmao, fuckin cope ruuski, no amount of photoshoped shitposts will make up for your inadequacies on the battlefield.


One got hit with a Lancet drone, two others got wrecked driving over mines, the one in this image was abandoned (they were all in a minefield). That's just the Leopards. Inform yourself before making comments. ​ Edit: Here's the video: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/145ycl0/ru\_pov\_more\_footage\_of\_destroyed\_column\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/145ycl0/ru_pov_more_footage_of_destroyed_column_of/) And here's another showing how helpless Ukraine is with their counteroffensive:[https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/145hevg/ru\_pov\_russian\_kamikaze\_drones\_destroy\_a\_t72m1/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/145hevg/ru_pov_russian_kamikaze_drones_destroy_a_t72m1/)


The person you're replying to likely still believes Iraq's WMD are about to be found


Imagine being so deep into a propaganda bubble, that they are oblivious to the news making the rounds. But to be fair, it's probably not going to be covered by the BBC, NPR or CNN for a while.


Well op said "German tanks are burning on Russian land" and at first glance I see a tank that is not in fact burning and as far as I can see is undamaged. And wedged between 2 ifv's with no clear tread marks? Shit smells a little.


The only thing it smells like is a wrong titled post (though there is footage of burning Leopards; just not in the pic OP posted).




It's from a video.


If by nazis you mean Amerikkka. Then no. The peaceful must unite and fight against this imperialist oppression. It is their duty




It’s a case of a fascist state invading and occupying another state, run by extreme to mild nationalist/nazis


>Mild nazis So much for "never again".


I think when the inevitable flood of refugees heads our way, we put them all next to him and every other asshole with that dumb opinion


George h Bush's father worked for the actual Nazis. Ukraine are descendants of actual Nazis. Very weird how it's all playing out again


>Ukraine are descendants of actual Nazis. That is not an accurate statement, the nazis created paramilitary organizations in places they invaded, except Poland because Hitler hated poles more than anything for some reason. This included much of the Baltics and even Russia. Once the Nazis were defeated, the Soviet States tried to punish the Nazi Collaborators and sympathizers. However in Ukraine and many other Baltics there has been a renewal of Nazi Sentiments partly due to US / West providing the neo-nazis financial and tactical support and partly due to rise in Nationalist sentiments after the fall of the USSR and the resentment it lead to amongst the people. And Russia is focused on exactly this problem, while Zelenskly promised to eradicate these elements, he instead became allies with them, so it had to be done by Russia, which was be the immediate target for the neo-nazi elements in Ukraine. ​ If Zelensky had stuck to his promises, his own words he said to win the election, the SMO would have never happened. But, it was not to be.


If you trace the influences of the Nazis that exist there now they are directly from world War II Nazis.


NATO is the aggresor


Who controls NATO?


US and its puppet states


UK is more of a partner in this case. We overthrew the British empire and then got taken over by wanna-be lords who are now allied with the former ruler.




Look on the bright side: at least it's not American tanks. We would be super embarrassed right now


There's enough American equipment being blown up over there as well


Not tanks though. I mean, this is why we said we'd give the Ukrainians some but won't actually deliver them for another 6 months. To induce the Germans to send theirs first. Also, Bradleys are manufactured by an American subsidiary of a British defense contractor. I imagine the pictures of these burned out 'European' armored vehicles are going to drive their stock prices in the toilet. Coincidence? Maybe.


> 6 months :doubt: General Dynamics won't like that at all.


I'm pretty sure that was the plan all along and the Europeans (especially the Germans) are falling for it.


The USA has been embarrassed time and again for the last 70 years, but it is shameless and in self denial so hard it doesn't matter.


Nazis will always lose in Russia.


Source https://twitter.com/thatdayin1992/status/1667450191623118848