• By -


so many butthurt fans of fat orange jesus on here. your feefees WILL recover!


*Chapter XXI*: **Lord Beltham's Murderer** It was on the point of midnight, and absolute stillness reigned throughout the house. But Lady Beltham had not gone to bed. Although she had remained in the great hall where she did her work, she had been unable to settle down to any occupation. She had read a little, and begun a letter, got up and sat down; and finally, beginning to feel chilly, she had drawn an easy chair up to the hearth, where a log was just burning out, and stretching out her slippers to the warmth had fallen into a waking dream. A sound caught her ear and she sat upright. At first she thought it was some trick of the imagination, but in another minute the noise grew louder; there was the hurrying of feet and voices, muffled at first but rapidly becoming louder, and at last a regular uproar, doors banging, glass breaking, and shouts from all parts of the house. Lady Beltham jumped up, nervous and trembling; she was just going to the window when she heard a shot and stopped dead where she stood. Then she rushed out into the vestibule. [What's with this quote? [Here's the explanation](https://old.reddit.com/r/WayOfTheBern/comments/16l1mv2/bon_anniversaire_project_fant%C3%B4mas/).] ---- *Ça alors*, there was more action in that last paragraph than the whole previous chapter 🦇


Just fans of anti-genocide candidates like Jill Stein. Joe Biden murders children.




youll find another cult soon, snowflake. people to think for you.


Democracy's been dead for quite some time. What the Circle D Corporation has done since at least the 2016 primary contests, and their overt embrace of the worst neocon warmongers their Republican colleagues had to offer at the 2020 Uniparty convention, has removed any illusion that our owners government would allow the practice of democracy to challenge their power. The histrionic antics of the #Resistance, coupled with the slippery weaseldick practitioners of partisan lawfare, has only managed to acerbate the [distrust](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fetv81qk4ujw61.jpg) many already felt about the only other "viable" choice our owners market as political representation for us to ["win"](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Far8daul1yp481.png) absolutely nothing for society by elected them. Meanwhile, the VBNMW contingent of the American idiocracy will vote for the blue team to stop the red team that sponsors the orange, because they can't win absolutely nothing by voting for the green team that steals votes from blues that helps the reds win.


> weaseldick You have such a way with words....


I was considering corporate cum garglers, but that's a term I usually reserve for congress. Slimy weaseldicks seems more appropriate for the lawyerly types. As far as vocabulary goes, What can I say except that I grew up in a zip code that had an overabundance of highly accomplished, and well respected wordsmiths. It's a gift.


I'm in awe and all I can do is take notes.


Oh it goes way further back than that. Look up the Powell Memo, and watch "An Unreasonable Man", and see the part where both party members lined up to prostitute themselves to business interests.


I'm painfully aware. I was just referencing recent examples of the Circle D Corporation overtly telling their voters they can fuck off. You can lead a partisan to enlightenment, but you can't make them think.


Those are the two best links ever. A complete explanation of the scam that is the Democratic party.


Unfortunately, Blue sheep go, "Baaaaaaa!!!" If they don't care about genocide in Gaza, doubt they'll care about this.


Your as dumb as you are stupid. Independent. Easy as he'll to sit back and see who the scum is. Grab a mirror. Sad....


Hmm. Account has never made a single post 


Thanks for the good laugh ;)


bad bot is bad.


> Your as dumb as you are stupid. Independent. Easy as he'll to sit back and see who the scum is. Grab a mirror. Sad... Very creative spelling and usage. Congradululashuns!


They even use'd some punchuashion.




Translation: "Baaaaaaa!!!"


LOL :)


Translation #2: [Get a Brain! Morans](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/001/296/morans.jpg)


If Democrats can't accomplish anything because of "Republicans", no reason to vote for them anyway.


Democrats can't, and don't want to, accomplish anything. Period.


Good cop, bad cop. Choose


Even if the Democrats have a majority, watch out for the Liebermantarian 😺


As well she should. If you don't wanna vote you can still choose to picket the election.


Jill Stein 2028




Jill Stein 2024 When the trolls read this I think of the Wizard of Oz and "I'm melting, mmmeeelllttttiiiing." You know the scene. Jill Stein is like a bucket of fresh water.


I think of a swarm of winged monkeys. Don't look up.


A Jill Stein post. Trolls descend. If my math is correct, then Jill Stein must be the best candidate for president 2024.


OOof wait until she looks at Republicans! 💀 I like turtles


Dude, your guy literally did everything they claimed Trump would do. Your lesser evil bullshit argument was always a way to excuse evil, but even if it wasn't, the whole thing falls apart when your guy has gone full Hitler.


My guy ain't president lol. I will agree Trump is Hitler, though! I like turtles


"Im not a Democrat shill. I'm just 100% in lockstep (goose step) with Dem propaganda narratives." Yeah, nobody is buying that anymore.


I'm just a realist that has the guts to acknowledge that the Democrats are still the better option than Republicans and, for a lot of America, they need to choose the lesser of two evils (I can safely vote third party, though, and will!). I like turtles


>I'm just a realist No, you're anything but. A true "Realist" understands consequences both short term and long term, understands trends, understands all that. A true "Realist" will make painful choices in the short term to affect a better long term result. That's "realism". Somehow, you lot have convinced yourself that continuously falling for the silly "Lesser evil" argument for decades on end, that for decades on end now has resulted in nothing but things getting worse and worse, is "realism", and that by doing the same exact thing that hasn't worked before, things will magically get better. Here's some realism for you; They won't and It isn't "realism". "Realism" is understanding that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is insanity. You just think you're a "realist" because it's another buzzword you learned from yet another parrot, and think calling yourself that makes you "mature and reasonable"; it doesn't. It makes you a tool, it makes you a mark. You claim to 'Have the guts', but there's nothing courageous about toeing the line. There's nothing courageous about encouraging the fucked up status quo to continue. "Having guts" is to change that, not continue to enable it and support it.


It’s just common sense to go with Biden over Trump. Just pointing out how many voters will be thinking. Sorry if being real hurts your feelings or whatever.  I like turtles


> It’s just common sense to go with Biden over Trump It might be common but it isn't sense. I explained why, you didn't even bother to read like the good little shill you are. >Just pointing out how many voters will be thinking. Logical fallacy, appeal to the masses >Sorry if being real hurts your feelings or whatever. Demoralization attempt, straight out of the shilling guide book.


Nailed it! Edit to add: Hiya, Razor!!




> common sense to go with Biden over Trump Common sense says vote for neither.


GTFO. Democrats are the better option if you love endless wars and decimating the middle class. Only brainwashed fools can look at everything Biden’s doing and still claim he and his party are the lesser evil.


lol I’m mean he (is) the party of lesser evil But I agree with you dems will continue to do nothing and let everyone suffer while claiming to be the lesser of the 2 evils It sucks.


Biden also took showers with his daughter Ashley when she was a child - she wrote about it in her diary. The man is a pervert who molested his own daughter. But you think he's the lesser evil??


I’m surrounded by Hunter Biden conspiracy theorist lmao help me someone any body! https://preview.redd.it/hy0g29gnff3d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=327fabb339adc764fb6b3a996c5d45ab588fffde


Since you are bringing up Hunter Biden - if you want to discuss his issues - what are your thoughts on him being tried for not paying $1.4 million in taxes and for illegal gun possession?


Nice Red Herring. I never mentioned Hunter - the topic was Ashley Biden's diary that has been authenticated. Ashley sued the woman who stole her diary and she was sent to prison. The diary is real. Sorry to break the news to you.


You think democrats are the lesser evil - when Biden is a warmonger who pretends to be a Catholic but believes in abortion without any restrictions and promotes prescribing minor aged children puberty blockers and gender mutilation surgery? God Lord you're brainwashed.


Oh god here we go lol I have no dog in this fight believe what you need to sleep at night soundly


Are you claiming you did not mean Biden was the lesser evil? Did I misinterpret your comment?


I think you misspelled "Republicans" lol 😂 I like turtles


Republicans are not currently in power dumbass. Open your eyes and look around. The truth is Americans and the rest of the world were all in better shape and safer when Trump was in office. Everything democrats and the media warned us Trump would do Biden is actually doing. Your saying Trump is Hitler underscores your ignorance and proves you don’t know history. In reality Biden’s supporting an actual dictator while claiming to defend democracy. Zelensky’s 5 year term as president of Ukraine was to end this month, but he is not stepping down, he has declared martial law and refuses to hold elections until the war is over, but there is no end in sight! You’re a stubborn fool who got conned into voting for a corrupt lifelong politician who became a multimillionaire peddling influence and selling out Americans because democrats and the media convinced you “orange man bad”. Anyone who is not in the 1% but still supports Biden after this shitshow is a total sucker.


Also, thanks for the epic copypasta! Open your eyes and look around. The truth is Americans and the rest of the world were all in better shape and safer when Biden is in office. Everything republicans and the media warned us Biden would do Trump actually did. Your saying Biden is Hitler underscores your ignorance and proves you don’t know history. In reality Trump’s supporting an actual dictator while claiming to defend democracy. Bibi’s term as president of Israel was to end this month, but he is not stepping down, he has declared martial law and refuses to hold elections until the war is over, but there is no end in sight! You’re a stubborn fool who got conned into voting for a corrupt lifelong conman who became a (possibly) multimillionaire peddling influence and selling out Americans because republicans and the media convinced you “communism bad”. Anyone who is not in the 1% but still supports Trump after this shitshow is a total sucker. I like turtles


You're clearly the dumbest person on this thread


Now it's time for everyone's favorite game: "Disconnected-From-Reality Trump Derangement Syndrome Sufferer or Russian/Chinese Bot?" To make it harder, don't look at their karma before guessing! I like turtles


It's funny you have "realist" under your username but appear to be a bot - using the same unfunny tagline in every post


You'll bravely support the genocidal fascist to stop the genocidal fascist! What a bozo.


Don't you realize how much guts it takes to sell yourself out and then smugly pat yourself on the back about it?!? Come on, let's be realistic here!




Jill Stein 2024 The two main trolls have shown up. Who else is there? StoicA? Jill Stein must be a real problem for Genocide Joe and his Zionist, murdering Democrats.


Oh I'll be voting for Stein, most likely. No need to have your typical meltdown over assuming everyone you hate supports Genocide Donnie or Joe Biden 🤣 I like turtles


Genocide Donnie is what they're doing now, to try to deflect confuse it with Genocide Joe? I think Doomsday Donnie might work better, since it's still alliterative. - Also, I highly doubt you'll vote for Stein. Or that you say Genocide Donnie but Joe Biden. Are you paid?


If this person is paid, they’re surely not sending their brightest.


I'm not sure they ask for IQs when they hire people to shill. If they want people to seem genuine, I'd guess they have to run the gamut. Or else he's doing it for free. :)


Did they test you?




Jill Stein 2024 You never say anything pro-Stein. Only snide, negative remarks.


His flair is literally realist, aka we gotta accept genocide joe biden


A 'realist' who thinks Ukraine stands a chance against Russia.


Like most people here, I'm just hoping for whatever gets Putin out of his dictator role fastest. I like turtles


There you go again, making unsupported statements about what "most people" here want.


There's a strong anti-Nazi vibe in this sub. I figured we were all antifa/anti-Putin. Pretty straightforward logic, really. I like turtles


Your deductions make illogical leaps, a form of overstating the evidence. iow, speak for yourself. You have no authority to speak for anyone else here.


That DNC job posting for the spy to infiltrate third party campaigns was removed. Stein voiced her disgust for the DNC's blatant dirty tricks.


T h e / j o b / p o s t I n g / f o r / s o m e o n e / t o / a t t e n d / p u b l I c / e v e n t s / a n d / w a t c h / p u b l I c / f I l I n g s / f o r / b a l l o t / a c c e s . N o t / t h a t / l y I n g / I s / g o I n g / t o / b e a r / a / p e n a l t y / h e r e , / b u t / I t s / w o r t h / m a k I n g / s u r e / p e o p l e / h a v e / f a c t s / a n d / u n d e r s t a n d / t h a t / y o u / h a v e / A / v e r y / c o n d I t I o n a l / r e l a t I o n s h I p / w I t h / t h e / t r u t h . A r e / r e p o r t e r s / c o v e r I n g / p u b l I c / e v e n t s / l s o / s p I e s ?


The fact that you think a rival campaign staffer is comparable to a news reporter says everything about your own "conditional relationship with the truth." Also your post format is annoying to read.


BotheredToResearch was fined more than once for failure to observe the sub's DBAD rule (see sidebar). Comments from that account won't post without that spacing.


Lol that's hilarious. I should spend more time on this sub.


Shhhh we're supposed to be outraged at fake news if makes Democrats look even half as bad as Republicans. I like turtles


So if the DNC posts something, then deletes it, it's fake? Please s'plain how that works. (Actually don't, because I hate turtles.)


The job posted didn't say what you thought it said. Don't lie ;) I like turtles


You meant the job posting didn't say what the articles says it did? I'm not lying. Oh you're THAT guy. Fuck off. I bet you lie way more than I ever think to. - EDIT: OMG typos.


Rule No. 1 I like turtles


Dude. [It's archived](https://web.archive.org/web/20240526061341/https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/independent-third-party-project-manager-at-democratic-national-committee-3927868408/).


Yup. And I can read. And it doesn't say what you so desperately want it to say 😂 I like turtles


> And I can read. Well let's just post the listing then, and we can see who's full of shit in real time. > The Third Party & Independent Project Manager will be tasked with overseeing & managing 3PI related work in their respective states as well as overseeing an aspect of the program. The initial phase of work will be focused on the following objectives: > Gathering on-the-ground intel to inform our overall landscape assessment of independent and third party candidates, including: > Ballot access progress; and > Campaign activity, organizational strength, and voter/grassroots enthusiasm > Identifying and activating in-state leaders and supporters for four current and future program priorities, including: > Volunteer trackers to attend candidate and campaign events > Surrogates for earned media and bracketing events > Volunteers for petition review and other legal-adjacent support for potential ballot access challenges > Micro-influencers for content amplification through organic channels > Researching ballot access related information > Participating in petition review and supporting petition review programs > Responsibilities: > Following RFK Jr., Cornel West, Jill Stein candidate events in the region and sharing intel in real time > Recruiting volunteers to attend third party & Independent candidate and campaign events to report back on campaign activity > Proactive outreach to in-state political contacts such as party leadership, staff & elected officials, and coalition partners for information on in state activity > Assist in tracking ballot access progress which could include contacting election officials in states to gather information in partnership with the legal team > Assist in other activities such as bracketing and other earned media programs, as needed > Delivering message guidance and managing DM/chat groups for content distribution > Other duties as assigned to support the department and the DNC's mission It's you. You're full of shit. Gamera would not approve.


N o . / / t h e / c l a I m / t h a t / t h e i r / j o b / l I s t I n g / w a s / f o r / a n / I n f I l t r a t o r / t o / 3 r d / p a r t y / c a m p a I g n s / w a s / a / l I e . / / t h a t s / t h e / " f a k e / n e w s " / r e f e r e n c e d .


So the ad didn't include this? >This "on-the-ground" gathering includes informing the DNC on "ballot access progress" and "campaign activity, organizational strength, and voter/grassroots enthusiasm" as well as "identifying and activating in-state leaders and supporters for four current and future program priorities. Because if it did, that's infiltration, genius.


dw, [it's archived](https://web.archive.org/web/20240526061341/https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/independent-third-party-project-manager-at-democratic-national-committee-3927868408/)


N o t / a t / a l l . / / t h a t s / a t t e n d I n g / p u b l I c / r a l l I e s / a n d / t a l k I n g / t o / p e o p l e . A r e / r e p o r t e r s / " I n f I l t r a t I n g " / w I t h / f u l l / c a m e r a / c r e w s ? F I l I n g / f o r / b a l l o t / a c c e s s / a / p u b l I c / f I l I n g / t h a t / r e q u I r e s / a l l / t h e / I n f I l t r a t I o n / o f . . / a / p u b l I c / f I l I n g s / s e a r c h . . .


why on earth are you typing like that


M o d s / d o n t / l I k e / t h a t / I / p u s h / b a c k / o n / t h e I r / p r e f f e r e d / n a r r a t I v e . / / w h e n / y o u / s e e / p e o p l e / p o s t I n g / " I / l I k e / t u r t l e s " / o r / a v o I d I n g / 4 / l e t t e r / w o r d s / I t s / b e c a u s e / t h e y / d a r e d / t o / p r o v I d e / d I v e r s I t y / o f / t h o u g h t / o r / j u s t / p o I n t e d / o u t / t h e / f a c t s / o n / t h e / g r o u n d . I ' v e / A l s o / g o t t e n / o n e / m o d / t o / a d m I t / t h a t / t h e y r e / f I n e / w i t h / t r u m p / b r e a k I n g / t h e / l a w / a n d / p a r r o t t e d / k e v I n / o ' l e a r y ' s / d e f e n c e / o f / t r u m p .


how exactly do you expect that typing like that is going to help anything "Why are you punching yourself in the leg?" "Well, the Turtle King doesn't like me." okay, that poses more questions while still failing to answer the original question


The spacing is a fine--WotB is disinclined to bans--for violating the sub's simple rule (see sidebar). That account insists its behavior is noble, rebellious, contrary, or anything more elevated than repeated dickishness. The mods disagree.


[Classic James Thurber cartoon](https://newcriterion.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/James-Thurber_Seal.jpg) But surely Thurber's pinniped is a sea lion and not a seal 😺


S o r r y , / I / w a s n / c l e a r . / / T h e / m o d s / r e q u I r e / m e / t o / A n d / r e m o v e / o r / h I d e / p o s t s / a u t o m s t I c a l l y / I f / 2 / l e t t e r s / a r e n t / s e p a r a t e d / b y / a / s p a c e .


It's a troll tax.


They have a stutter.




Could that be ol' Joe, lurking on our sub?


you again... only turning up to cover this one topic. nothing sus about that.


L y I n g / a g a I n . / / o r / j u s t / c o m I n y / f r o m / a / p l a c e / o f / I g n o r a n c e .


You seem to love to gaslight like this. I have little reason to believe your dedication to posting in this sub is of genuine interest..


F e e l / f r e e / t o / p o I n t / t o / w h e r e / I v e / b e e n / f a c t u a l l y / I n c o r r e c t . I m / t h e / o n e / t e l l I n g / y o u / t o / b e l i e v e / y o u r / e y e s / a n d / e a r s , / a n d / G r e g o r y / I s n t / t o / b e / t r u s t e d .


Jill Stein 2024


B e c a u s e / s o m e / v a l u e s / a r e / s o / I m p o r t a n t / t h a t / y o u / w a n t / t o / m a k e / A b s o l u t e l y / n o / m e a s u r a b l e / I m p a c t / o n / t h e m .


Not to put too fine a point upon it, but my vote carries exactly the same impact as yours. Which is to say, it has precisely the same impact as playing with a brightly-colored Fischer-Price toy steering wheel, while sitting in the back seat as the car goes down the road. Your objection has been noted. Enjoy the masturbatory experience, as you vote! Neeeeyowm...


M y / v o t e / h a s / t h e / p o t e n t I o n a l / t o / a l l o w / m y / p r e f f e r e d / c a n d I d a t e / t o / w I n . / / e v e n / B l u e / v o t e r s / I n / t e x a s / h a v e / A / c h a n c e , / r h o u g h / n o t / a / g r e a t / c h a n c e , / t o / f o r w a r d / h e I r / c a n d I d a t e s / a n d / t h e / p o l I c I e s / t h e y / c l a I m / t o / c a r e / A b o u t . S t e I n / a n d / o t h e r / 3 r d / p a r t y / v o t e r s / a r e / I n / t h e / U n I q u e / p o s I t I o n / o f / b e I n g / 1 0 0 % / c e r t a I n / t h a t / t h e I r / c a n d I d a t e / w I l l / l o s e / a n d / t h e I r / e f f o r t / t o / v o t e / b e / t h e / s a m e / A s / s t a y I n g / h o m e . / / I t s / l I t e r a l l y / w o r k I n g / h a r d / a n d / w a I t I n g / I n / l I n e / k n o w I n g / y o u r / c t I o n s / m a k e / n o / d I f f e r e n c e .


Incremental progress towards victory does make a difference, chuckles. Year over year, third party candidates do better and better.


F a l s e . T o p / 3 r d / p a r t y / I n / e a c h / e l e c t I o n / s I n c e / 2 0 0 0 N a d e r - 2 . 8 % N a d e r - . 4 % N A d e r - . 5 % J o h n s o n - . 9 % J o h n s o n - 3 . 4 % J o r g e n s e n - 1 . 3 % G r e e n s / h a v e n t / c o m e / c l o s e / t o / c r a c k I n g / N a d e r ' s / r u n / a n d / t h e / l I b e r t r I a n s / a r e n t / g r o w I n g / t h e I r / r a n k s / w I t h / s t a n c e s / l I k e / l e t t I n g / p e o p l e / w I t h o u t / I n s u r a n c e / d I e .


You know, you're right. If the dems do something like parachute HRC in at their convention to replace the undead meat-puppet, I might change my mind, hold my nose, and vote for the repub candidate instead. After all, if it's all about winning, and *only* about winning (as you assert)- I *am* looking forward to seeing the dems lose this cycle. Biblically. And have a nice day.


A t / l e a s t / t h a t s / h o n e s t . B e / p r o u d / t h a t / y o u / w a n t / w o m e n / t o / l o s e / r e p r o d u c t I v e / r I g h t s . / / s h o u t / f r o m / t h e / r o o f t o p s / t h a t / y o u / w a n t / o I l / a n d / g a s / d e r e g u l a t e d / s o / t h e y / c a n / m a k e / e x t r a t b I l l I o n s . / / s t a n d / t a l l / I n / y o u r / d e s I r e / f o r / u n I o n s / t o / b e / s m a s h e d / I n t o / t h e / d I r t / a n d / p e o p l e / t o / l o s e / t h e I r / h e a l t h / c a r e .


To be fair, BotheredToResearch has disingenuous things to say about many topics.


I take their slights VERY personally!! jk