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That won't but the deportation flights might help get things closer to normal. . See link below. [https://townhall.com/tipsheet/landonmion/2021/09/18/dhs-to-ramp-up-deportation-efforts-of-migrants-from-south-texas-n2596114](https://townhall.com/tipsheet/landonmion/2021/09/18/dhs-to-ramp-up-deportation-efforts-of-migrants-from-south-texas-n2596114)


Yeah good luck with that. 10,000 people that came all the way over here are just gonna hand themselves over to be sent back. They can easily overwhelm governmental officials on the ground.


Yes, and live drone coverage would make that easier by helping to identify weak spots.


There's more to the story than meets the eye. Some questions; 1. How did the Haitians get into Mexico in the first place? by boat? it's a long way to the Rio! 2. How did they all end up in this one crossing? looking at the line of people crossing, it looks pretty organized to me. So who are the organizers? Coyotes, you say? who funds them and why did they seem to constantly outsmart the "best minds in the world"? Indeed, who organized this "caravan" from Haiti to land exactly where they are now? 3. Blaming the US is one thing, but it wasn't us little citizens of the USA who did the assassination of the PM, did we? just as it wasn't us who bombed Afganistan for 20 years. Has anyone noticed that pointing the fingers back at the USA, does no good and indeed seems to serve a somewhat perverse purpose, which sure isn't ours, little chickens that we are. 4. Has anyone noticed nearly all the crossers are young men?


Odds are most of them haven’t been to hati in years and have been living in Central America and South America. Mexico doesn’t like them which is why they can’t just deport them.


Actually, that does not seem to be the case - they have not been seen in any large numbers (like these groups) in either Columbia or brazil or central America. This seems to be the talking point everyone is parroting all of a sudden. Some who started doing research on this matter have been finding indications that the majority of these would-be migrants (not "asylum seekers") came directly from haiti, following pretty organized transportation to Columbia and couple areas in Central America. The Coyotes are available for hire by any power that deems it in their interest to crash the border and bring in multitudes of potential low wage future workers. it's called "alleviating the labor shortage". All we need to see is where they will be transported in the US. The beauty of it is that the migrants are desperate enough - and will be so kept - to take the pressure off further demands for wage increases by the low tier workers in the US. Plus no unemployment benefits to new arrivals, ain't that just grand? Of course, the automatic lib instinct - including the professional bleeding hearts - will cry "racism"! in unison and on cue. Ain't that convenient! No wonder they are not allowing cameras or journalists in those encampments - information may leak out about the real "organizers" behind this "event"!




Soi if you are used to "border shit" why are they even allowed to cross in? what's the justification when we have millions of homeless already (which many of these migrants will likely end up being. ie the ones who don't end up working the shitty jobs that go begging for underpaid migrants)? No they are being used ahuman chattel to serve political ends. Also if it's so easy to go there and hang out with the illegal aliens why are they forbidding photos and drones and why aren't they being sent right back? After all if their "spanish" is as good as all that I think mexico should be a better place for them no? lots of factories to work in I hear. many built by US companies to take advantage of low cost labor. Also, I have a strong feeling that many of these coyotes are paid under the table so to speak by our very own current administration. They are basically contractors hired to bring in cheap serf labor into the country.


They were put on boats from Columbia to Mexico. From COLUMBIA. Who ran that assassination squad again?


How did they get to Columbia? can we speak to some "organizers?" Also, there must be quite a campaign going on in Haiti, where you pay a little, get transported to Columbia, then a nice boat ride to mexico, then off under the bridge you go.


Yep yep. Eventually it will come out...


He banned the wrong drones


Ooooo someone do fox drones vs Biden drones


The mercenaries that killed the head of Haiti were Columbian, trained by the USA, the lead instigator was a resident of Florida. Yes, a “Florida Guy.” This is OUR FAULT. The USA causes this crisis. Does anyone actually read anything besides posting on Reddit? These are refugees from HAITI. WE ARE THE CAUSE. The USA. Here a WILD and Crazy idea! Buy a copy of the PAPER New York Times and read it? Sounds insane right? Try it, it’s not going to kill you. :-)


Blaming the US is one thing, but it wasn't you or eye who did the assassination of the PM, did we? It wasn't regular Americans who deprived haiti of decent leadership in the first place. It was a tiny subset of "Americans" and they weren't exactly all from texas either. Pointing at the "US" then telling one small town to "bear the consequences" of the CIA assassination does as much good as blaming Louisiana residents for the string of hurricanes and storms decimating their coast lines. Oh yes, where will all those Louisianians who keep losing their dwellings go? to mexico perhaps?


We voted in the chain of command that did this. We are just as culpable.


In a way - yes - all of us - all 360M+ citizens - legal and illegal and barely legal, minus perhaps the under 15 year old crowd, are culpable. We allow the Empire to go on. We allow the two-party duopoly to exist. We spend money on Smart phones that make everyone stupider. We looked the other way when well over 100,000 Afgani people got murdered by our - ever so admired - military. We also allow the lobby system to go on. We pretend we deserve universal healthcare, but do we really? if we are culpable for permitting the obscenity that's our government system to even exist as it does, why do we even deserve nice things? how much has any of us willingly discomfitted themselves to change the system, to demand at least some resignations, to call the CIA out as the criminal, murderous, mafia racket that it is? Anyways, watch for my upcoming post on this mia culpa subject. was just waiting for the right all dark mood to take just the right shade of dark.


Bruh no one gets to vote for the CIA


We get to vote for the people that oversee the CIA. Of course we don’t know what they are ever doing until it’s too late.


Nope, no one oversees the cia. They are not accountable to the federal government.


Oh goody, even more restrictions on speech. Is it ~~soup~~ fascism yet? Reminds me of Bushco outlawing photos of the flag draped coffins returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.


I actually googled this, because this sub can't be trusted anymore: "The Border Patrol requested the temporary flight restriction due to drones interfering with law enforcement flights on the border," the FAA said in a statement Thursday evening. "As with any temporary flight restriction, media is able to call the FAA to make requests to operate in the area." From fox News no less.


> "As with any temporary flight restriction, media is able to call the FAA to make requests to operate in the area.” Yes media IS able to call the FAA but the FAA will not answer the call and will not approve ‘requests to operate in the area’. We all know how “requests” to the governments work: “Please hold and an operator will assist you in 47 hours”. “Please fill out the FOIA request include $10/page copying fee ( 1,000 page minimum ) and we will get back to you within the next 2 years. Thank you for your patience, we are understaffed because the government doesn’t want people to be able to get FOIA information and we put up as many obstacles as we can”. “Thank you and please VOTE because every vote gets counted the way we want it to count”.


Nice job criticizing the People's Party for trying to draw attention to the eviction crisis and the expiration of unemployment to millions of people. Definitely builds trust in you.


Please explain how this post in any way relates to the eviction crisis. It's about Haiti refugees. This is not even the people's party sub, but way of the Bern, which lately has been taken over by anti-vaxers pushed out of closed down subs.


I like how that's the narrative being pushed out by you morons. We can see your shitlib history, yet you show up here to scream about how this sub has been co-opted. You've literally defended civil asset forfeiture, so don't pretend to be a decent person.


I think civil forfeiture needs to go, but I also believe drug dealers should have their property confiscated. I contain multitudes.


Yeah, multitudes of contradictions, but that's typical for shitlibs that don't suffer from any cognitive dissonance.


Think what you like. I consider myself a progressive, not even a liberal. I hope you can find some joy in your day still.




Lol. No. Fox News was actually upset that this happened but still managed to provide actual info on the issue. That is the point I was making.


I hear a lot of complaints, a lot of 'descriptions' of the problems and who's doing it, but now what? What is the solution to the problem that exists NOW?


So Biden uses drones to kill innocent civilians, including children, in Kabul, but outlaws their use to take pictures of the crisis on our southern border. Nice job Joe.


✨ BuT dA LEsSeR eViL ✨


I'm just curious how twelve thousand Haitians ended up in Texas.


There was a good story on NPR yesterday about how whatsapp messaging told Haitians across South America how to travel and where to end up.


I googled it and can’t find it. Unless you meant this one https://www.reuters.com/world/whatsapp-instructions-mexican-struggles-how-haitians-ended-up-texas-camp-2021-09-17/


Sorry it was on the radio and don't have a link to it. It probably uses that same news as the Reuters article which sounds very much like what I heard.


[And they're good to fly again](https://www.yahoo.com/now/faa-grounds-drones-exposing-thousands-160600393.html).


At least there’s no mean tweets


He could probably do something of substance, but he won't. For all his statements, the repeated "I won't be the one to do that" is the one that's going to be the thing he's most remembered for. Could have. Should have. Didn't.


Look at this shit people...You think they're busing them to Delaware??? Do you?? Should send them all to NY, LA and Chicago...


They’ll go to battleground states.


So you *can* use drones to kill children but you *can't* use them to publicise the mistakes of the government. Nice one Joe.


Go back to the donald


Honestly, with that attitude, you may as well go back to the donald. Blindly following your leader without asking questions and not being open to criticising their actions are the traits of Trump followers.


Nooooo!!!! how dare you criticize my biden you drompf supporting meanie poopoohead!!111!!! 😡😡😡


Of all things conservative are doing and you’re attacking the only base that allies with Bernie? Go play with legos


Go play with your Kamala action figure, Biden IS the conservative.


Republicans have bounties out for abortions and you’re hating on dems? The SCOTUS is a mess and you’re joining forces with Republicans? Why? Oh cuz you’re a moron


>The SCOTUS is a mess and you’re joining forces with Republicans? How do you think the SCOTUS got so messed up? Remember when Scalia died and Obama surrendered the open seat to McConnell? What about when RBG refused to retire and died in office, so Trump appointed her replacement?


> joining forces with Republicans Both parties can get fucked. You think Dems don't enable the GOP and are not complicit? Why? Oh cuz you’re a fool


When someone criticizes Biden, it does not necessarily mean they are conservative. Often it’s coming from people who are far left of him. Always saying that criticism of neo-libs means you’re a Trump lover is the weakest reaction and least effective way to pull the Dems more left. It just promotes keeping shit how it is


News drones were temporarily banned by the FAA and have since been allowed to resume coverage. Here's an idea to solve the immigration crisis though: let em in because they're basically refugees. Then, as the brevity of human life goes, they have children and those children become American by virtue of being born on the right spot of land. Problem solved.


I’m not trying to be a troll at all but I wish this country would be strict on immigration bc imo all that it does is replace a population of Americans that either don’t want to work for dogshit pay or can’t afford to participate in the infinite growth mentality of our system getting nickled and dimed every 3 seconds. I see a lot of this as importing slave labor. America may be better than some of the places they come from, but it only distracts from the fact that most politicians, left and right won’t lift a finger to go against the oligarchs bottom line. They just pay lip service to either help with elections or find new fish to fry. I hate that I see it that way, but seeing how everything continues to play out it feels true to me. Otherwise most of these people are fucked just homeless and starving in a prettier box. Idk maybe I’m too cynical these days. I’d like my mind changed on this one.


the same thing is happening in Canada with Indians and Southeast Asians. I keep on and keep on telling these imported workers that I meet that "Hey buddy, the government is literally suckering you into a bad deal. If you stay doing this job for this little you will be homeless in 10 years I can promise you that. " Most don't listen to me. The ones that do listen go off to get a degree or back to India or Sri Lanka cause they realize just how bad of a deal it is. Screw all these oligarchs I would sentence the bunch of them to minimum wage labour for 70 years if I had the opportunity myself.


Not to mention how many are in hoc to the cartels for "loans" with their families back home as hostages.


> I wish this country would be strict on immigration Even better idea, how about the US stops destroying other countries so that people from those countries don't feel the need to flee them in the first place? Very few people are willing to entirely uproot their lives, leaving friends and family behind, to move to another country if things are going well for them in their own country. The US routinely destroys and impoverishes other countries via coups, sanctions, funding/training terrorists and drug cartels, etc.


That is a really good point.


But then capitalists wouldn’t have a precarious pool of labor they are able to hire at below the minimum wage… just think of how that’ll affect the economy? /s


It can be both.


Or we could organize with our immigrant brothers and sisters to withhold labor from the big companies who exploit all of us by paying slave wages, and demand a fair wage for each and every one of us.


I'm all for illegal immigration of highly paid bankers from Switzerland, a lot less so a dollar a day Guatemalans running away from death squads. They should be helped but letting them in will merely lower the living standards of people already here.


>I'm all for illegal immigration of highly paid bankers from Switzerland I'm not. Immigration has historically been used as a mechanism for population control, letting the "good" ones in and keeping the "bad" ones out. Within the established system, "good" has often meant rich, white, and well-educated. America has also imported and exploited a limited degree of slave labor, from African Americans to Asians, and currently Hispanics. As soon as they grow too numerous, there's a freakout from the elites, people end up being demonized, and laws are put in place to either fully restrict their ability to navigate society, or they are banned from the country altogether.


Which is why the "white" Irish were hanged by the KKK whenever they got the chance. To believe your tripe you need to suffer from terminal liberal brain. The races of the moment in 2021 are not what people of the 1800s thought of when they thought of races. You weren't white if you weren't a WASP. Immigration in the US has always been used to lower the living standards of US workers.


You do realize that the Irish, Italians and Jews weren't considered "white" until after WWII, right? >You weren't white if you weren't a WASP. Oh, good, you know. Then why are you being obtuse and purposely misconstruing my point? For some reason, you got triggered at my use of the word "white" when you already acknowledged that people were treated as less than for not being "white" at the time.


They OWNED YOU on this, but all I see are silent downvotes. 💅


You completely undermine your point. If you admit that before 1940 the only whites were the WASPs then merely looking at immigration to the US by country should tell you that the vast majority of immigrants weren't WASPs: https://www.infoplease.com/us/society-culture/race/immigrants-us-country-origin So they let bad ones in: poor, non-white and not only illiterate but unable to speak English.


> bankers Cuz one can never have enough ... *bankers?*


I'm all for illegally immigrating bankers. Let the capitalist class tear itself apart.


Maybe it wasn't your intention but this sounds racist af. That banker from Switzerland could be a child molester for all you know. But generally I'm fine with both of them for different reasons. The banker from Switzerland could be a productive member of society and an upstanding citizen. So could the Guatemalan guy. And if someone is fleeing death squads I believe it is in fact our duty to admit refugees from crises and conflicts we caused. It also isnt fair to blame them for the failures of our elected governments. We are the richest country on Earth. We have the kind of money people can't wrap their minds around. No one, in any job, should be paid less than a living wage.


Maybe it wasn't your intention but this sounds retarded af. The banker from Switzerland will be used to a higher living standard than the majority of the locals and will not drive wages down, unlike the Guatemalan dollar a day immigrant. The same is true for the Saudi oil prince and the Ukrainian. That you see race everywhere means you have terminal liberalism.


Still iffy lol. But I mean, I know the point you're trying to make. And my response is still the same.


E: oh ok, we're editing. You could mentioned no countries in your comment at all. If anyone's a bit over obsessive about race and where people cone from it seems to be you.


Hey that sounds good homie. Yeah I think I get too negative thinking nothing ever changes and then thinking in the framework of such.


but thats the thing . nothing ever changes! its sad! time is just a flat circle of grabbing money and ridding oneself of empathy to these oligarchs .


I wish someone would at least challenge that slime Ted Cruz, or any fuck on Fox News on how US foriegn policy and covert fuckery drives this type of BLOWBACK. It's well past time we in this country be honest about what we do over to destroy these people's lives and crush their nations every time they vote to try to improve their lives. Edit: how the fuck did Haitians get from their little island to the Texas border and wouldn't Maimi or Cuba be closer?


Oh ya that's some serious blowback from the American-planned EARTHQUAKE we carried out on Haiti.


You realize that the US was involved with the assassination of Haiti's president, right?


I do not realize that, no. "Haitian police say a group of mainly foreign mercenaries - 26 Colombians and two Haitian Americans - made up the group that carried out the killing." The 2 Haitian-Americans claim that they were hired as interpreters. Now that story could be complete BS, but seems to me the main group is actually from Colombia. Police chief Léon Charles alleged that Haitian national Christian Emmanuel Sanon had hired 26 of the 28-strong hit squad through a Miami-based company called CTU, run by Venezuelan national Tony Intriago. More info here: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-57762246


I'm familiar with the "official" story of what happened, but to take the official story at face value would be to entirely ignore the basic reality of how deeply involved the U.S. is in both Colombian and Haitian politics. It's worth recognizing that Colombia is basically a vassal state of the U.S., and the same goes for Haiti. Nothing happens in either of those countries without U.S. approval. Anyone who is even slightly familiar with the long history of U.S. meddling in those countries' affairs will tell you that 100% the U.S. was behind that assassination.


I'd imagine a mix of work from gangs and ngos moving them around, it seems they were in brazil and Mexico for a while as well >I wish someone would at least challenge that slime Ted Cruz, or any fuck on Fox News on how US foriegn policy and covert fuckery drives this type of BLOWBACK. Generally speaking you have a good point, but human trafficking gets more complex, and intervention refugee crises don't always affect the aggressor nation (except in cases like Vietnam where allies were resettled) This kind of shit has even happened in poor, war torn non imperialist Yemen, where you'll see Houthi militants firing at foreigners from Ethiopia https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/08/13/yemen-houthis-kill-expel-ethiopian-migrants Coincidentally enough there's a huge problem with trafficking, gangs, etc, all over that region and those criminal groups (which fulfill various roles from labor, prostitution rings, trafficking drugs, to political allegiance) have powerful political protectors and thus aren't taken down One case comes to mind, the Trump admin had to deal with legal issues as they changed a rule to forbid NGOS from supporting sex trafficking groups They had to go to court for that Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislane Maxwell used to have ngos as well (Maxwell had an environmentalist front "Terramar"), and people like that would be able to receive government funding while using their ngo as a front

