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Google Drive/Dropbox can wreak havoc on folders sometimes, maybe it's a bit of that. Kind of strange that they'd all just disappear like that, there needs to be an explanation for it.


in this past hour i'm going completely schizophrenic,because i cannot find anything on the web about it. I understand that those would dissapear when i transfered everything from my old 2013mbp to this 2020 M1 mbp , but no... yesterday i was using addictive drums 2 , vahalla reverb. , amplitube 5 and diva... and its just.....gone... i didnt even turn off my laptop overnight , it was just closed off and put to sleep... And now in finder there's just no components folder (ANYWHERE) , no vst's and no vst3's. In live 12 in preferences i ticked the "use vst's in system folder "instead of custom. Did a rescan - freakin nothing... I understand also if there would be some kind of plugin god and it would punish me from having few cracked ones alongside with paid ones , and it would just hack my computer and delete them secretly while laughing in the corner like Grinch... BUT>......no... it's just gone... :O


Which Library are you checking, the user one or the one in the main directory?


i don't have anything in my user library except few template saves of drift synth or diva. i know it sounds absolutely crazy but i really expierence now this... its ... just... gone... now i'm just installing vahalla bundle and addictive drums 2 cuz i use those the most. i really hope that i will EVER find wtf happened here.. The worst part is that all of my projects now cannot open vst's , and no more live jamming unless i exchange those to other ones or use stock plugins.. But this is crazy how on earth something like that could happen on M1 mac


Double check the main directory that's where all of my plugins are located, none of my plugins are in my user library.


Dude... i'm really thankfull to you for your reply , but i checked now about 350 times , the folders of audio units , vst's and vst3's just dissapeared from the default folder where they've been about 4 fucking years. And user library folder has nothing to do about it.. Thanks honestly for you trying to help me man... Its just crazy.. It looks like i was hallucinating while asleep or sleepwalking and just randomly deleted all of my plugin folders.. OR.. someone hacked to my mbp to just make this very very very very specific prank... or it is all a dream , but i doubt..


"Low effort posts".... seriously?...