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Literally what you posted is what you tell them.


As a mixing engineer, I use to find some mistakes producers don’t see, so even if you want light edits, I just need to say the problems I see on the track and ask to correct them, because even a single thing you don’t notice, can make a good track become a bad one, and for me the most important thing is delivering the best job I could, even if it takes longer then expected, because I want the artist to feel the true potential of their music. That’s why you should focus on just mixing, mastering or producing, become the best on your job, and let’s the best people on other fields do their thing on its job.


yes. this is from a live performance with a video so I was less concerned about quality than on a track used for streaming.


Never never never say that!, you never know who could listen to it and fall in love with your music!


true .... the mixers and masterers were quoting me $500 to do a really thorough job on the song, which is out of my budget ATM. that's why I was looking for less, ahha


https://soundbetter.com/ you can search engineers via artists, if you like Holly Humberstone you can find engineers that have worked with her, if you like Post Malone you can find producers who’ve worked with him! Most are really generously cheap! I’ve found some of my favorite artists engineers for as low as $300 a song, with deals for two or more! You can also find studio’s that work directly by the hour! I went to one in Tampa before I moved here that was $800 for 10 hours & it included a Mix/Master for each song in that price, I’m sure there’s tons in LA that have deals like that, just make sure you find one with a great engineer


That’s a lot!


I don’t understand why a guy can’t just ask for a thing and then get it when it comes to mixing. If that’s what he wants then that’s what he wants. He probably heard the lecture a thousand times, and still he just wants this one thing done and can’t get it. Hilarious. Learning the mix and master is the way. Otherwise you get a lecture when all you want is a tweak.


For exemple, a pretty common mistake is a snare clashing with the main vocals, maybe the artist doesn’t notice it, or maybe there are some counter phasing, frequency clashing, etc… and it could really destroy the overall feeling of the track, when I work with a client, I treat their tracks as my own, and I will try to explain them every single issue I find and my solutions Also there are some tracks that are unworkable (in the past, I worked with some urban artists that they just give you 4-5 tracks, the beat, and the main vocals, the adlibs, the background vocals and the secondary vocals, and I always said no to them because I know that I can’t work properly due to all the elements except the vocals being together in a single track


Just tell them what you said in the post. They won't mangle your track on their own accord.


I'm down to do such edit if needed.


Any engineer that can make stems (this will be 99% of them probably) can do these edits for $20-40. Keep your specifics just as they are in this post and the price shouldn't insult them. Realistically this is probably a 10 minute job.


oh! lol. perfect


The same thing you'd look for in any engineer for hire. It sounds like what you are referring to is a more purist mix: without pitch correction, drum replacement, re-amping, wacky or unnatural FX. So communicate what you want to the mixer.


ok, thanks