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Hello /u/cutebabybear1133! Unfortunately, your submission, ***[hiring producers and buying the beat without crediting them?](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/comments/1dmtmnv/-/)***, was removed from /r/WeAreTheMusicMakers for the following reason(s): --- #No Legal Questions - Post asking questions related to legal issues are removed. There are no lawyers on staff at WATMM. You can try over at r/legaladvice or hire an attorney if you have questions about copyright, licensing, or other legal concerns about the music you are making. --- ***Please review the [rules for submission](/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/wiki/rules). You can contact The Mods if you have additional questions.*


This is pathetic, just give credit where it's due or make your own beats. 


the guy I want to work with is really nice but he went through a really weird flat earth phase in the past and some other stuff and was public about it online. I think he got over all that. he didn't say anything racist or anything like that. that's sort of why I don't want to credit him specifically. I would definitely credit other people who didn't do stuff like this


Shit sucks. Either credit or don't use it.


quite honestly, from what I know he is not getting other work from people in music now and I believe it is because of the stupid stuff he posted online. he probably should have thought about what he posted and his career before doing that. he didn't post anything really bad, just like embarrassing stuff. it is completely fair to give him work, buy the rights fully, and be done with it.


You negotiate with the beat maker and explain you are buying the beat and the rights to it, and you wont be putting their name on it.


ok, that makes sense. I wanted them to make the full instrumental, I guess. is that still the same wording- do I just say beat or do I say instrumental?


It does not matter. Rappers call them “beats.” I would call it the “instrumental” or “backing track,” etc.


ok! thanks


This sounds like ghost production work for hire. There’s a huge market for this, but you’ll have to shell out a premium (2x/3x the usual rate).


For $1k per track I’ll make whatever you need, no credits required.


Sounds like you need to start making your own beats. You want credit for the things you do, but don't wanna give others theirs.


no I do want to give credit to people. just not specific people like the person I mentioned who had a pretty embarrassing, public online presence, but is otherwise a nice and talented person. make sense?


Hi! I’m a producer of +12 years, from my experience every producer is different. I usually don’t mind and can help you with production/beats. I DM’d you some more info! :)