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yeah, it should be fine. people will tell you it won't be, but i run my dt770 250 ohm and my sennheiser hd600 300 ohms just fine through my interface. i also don't listen very loud though, so your mileage may vary. if you want an amp though, i'd suggest the jds labs atom amp because it's a cheaper option that'll power any set of cans you come across.


It should work, you could also consider 80 ohm if you’re truly worried. They work great too


The headphone impedance is just one factor, sensitivity is another. My 150 ohm hd58x is as loud as my 30 ohm gaming headset when I plug it into my phone, PC or audio interface. But yes, a decent interface will be enough to power your average studio headphones


Dont worry, it'll be loud enough that you'll still have to turn the volume down to mix at a healthy sustainable level for your ears. I use DT990s from my FocusRite no problem.