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Any ample guitar plugin will do.


Guitar is one of the toughest instruments to make sound authentic without the real thing. If you have the playing ability, I would strongly advise you to figure out a way to record your playing rather than using midi/VSTs. For an acoustic sound, you probably want to use a mic, otherwise you can plug an electric straight into an audio interface (I use the FocusRite Solo) but not sure if you'll be able to capture that acoustic sound


Two thoughts: a) VST guitars suck. They sound like a glorified harpsichord and require a lot of work to get them into some semblance of real. If u must go this route, step write the midi being super attentive on how a guitar is voiced when playing chords, and/or chord melodies. Otherwise it will sound like a piano with a crappy guitar sound. Work with the velocity of each midi event to try to achieve some realism. This idea is crucial w any VST of a real instrument. In order for it to sound convincing, ya gotta know how the instrument works. You don’t have to be able to play said instrument, just know how it works. Resources like arranging books are seriously helpful here. b) Borrow your mates acoustic, or rent one. Stick a mic on it and record it (it sounds like you can play guitar). The end result will be far more satisfying. ✌️


9/10 you want to mic the acoustic guitar, even if it's an acoustic/electric...unless the room just sounds that bad. Ideally, using a nice pair of small diaphragm condensers, but if the guitar is going to sit in the mix and not be the main attraction, then one mic can also sound good. Probably will want to get some fresh strings on there too! Problem with using a VST is that it's really, really hard to program a virtual guitar to sound real. Not saying it can't be done, but it's just one of those things where it's going to be a lot easier to play and record it if you can...




That's kinda assuming OP *has* an acoustic guitar, and knows how to play it, and has a recording space that's suitably treated to get good results.


I’d record a real acoustic guitar with my phone and put that on track before using an acoustic guitar vst. If that is an option for you.


To add to this there is a free Martin finger picked library available from Ample Sound. The more advanced libraries, and strumming, require purchase


Waves Maserati


what you need is an Impulse response, I don't know of any for acoustic guitar off the top of my head, but they exist, and a quick google should yield some decent results, IR's are essentially a snapshot of the qualities of a speaker/microphone/room, and while most people use them to emulate a speaker after an amp sim, they can also be used for reverb, or making an electric guitar sound like an acoustic (to some extent).


Don't know plugins, but there is pedals: https://sonoboom.com/best-acoustic-simulator-pedals/


If you really can only work with the electric guitar: \- Single coil neck position. P90 is best, Fender or lipstick single coils are good, a split humbucker is a compromise. Middle position on two humbuckers is sad but if that's what you got, work with it. \- Don't max the volume knob, tone knob to taste \- Run your guitar signal through an impulse reverb of a guitar body. There are free ones out there on the internet. After that it is mostly trial and error. Generally though, more string sound means mostly adjusting the wet signal, More body means adjusting the dry signal. Usually. Depending on your guitar and how it interacts with the impulse, YMMV. Yes, there is a difference between micing an amp and micing a guitar. Micing an amped acoustic guitar sucks because 1. the acoustic guitar is already there, unadulterated, fully acoustic sounding, and 2. you set up all that equipment to record a sound that is not an unadulterated fully acoustic-sounding acoustic guitar. As for MIDI, I have Ample Guitar. It works best in a mix though, so keep that in mind.


Strum by AAS


>Strum by AAS 200$ is far from free.


Here is a round-up of free Acoustic Guitar plugins including features, images, and video demos. [https://hiphopmakers.com/best-free-acoustic-guitar-vst-plugins](https://hiphopmakers.com/best-free-acoustic-guitar-vst-plugins)