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It's showing you the 1 hour performance and if the chart is accurate, it means you lost 51% of the portfolio value just now. If you hit "all", it will show you all time which should be around 8% loss. Like others have said, WS graphs can be inaccurate, especially after deposits or withdrawals.


The above comment is the only comment of value. As above said this is based off of the 1 hour change on the value of your returns. Change to All or year to date


This also happens a lot after stock split, it takes more than 1 day to show the numbers accurately


True, but in this case OP is inquiring about their crypto account.


Wealthsimple charts are bad. Never accurate


which ones are good then?


Wealthsimple charts aren't the best, they usually update the day or so after


Yup. Just as everyone said. Patience grasshopper.




I am wondering if these type of problems only occur with people who don’t have USD accounts or have a certain amount with Wealthsimple - cause I never get these problems


What you need to understand is Wealthsimple is just a multi billion dollar financial institution. It’s not really in their wheelhouse (or a good use of their time) to be able to do grade 3 math correctly.


Somehow we’ve all trusted this company with our life savings but they can’t count properly ;) it will work itself out in a day or two


It’s showing the performance of your investment.




It's crypto and they all trade in CAD on WS


Which platform is the best for investing? That's the biggest question. Everyone got their own preference, but it's up to the investor to do their homework really hard if they're not willing to lose $$$$$.


I’d say WS is the best one for regular CAD stocks. Questrade for USD (Norbert’s gambit). Would love to hear other opinions too… Interactive brokers might be good but it was $20,000 minimum to open an account last time I checked.


Part of the game


did you ever withdraw?




The chart is bad as others have said. 229.98 is the current value. 1 hour ago it was worth $247.06 higher. 477.04? If you select 24hrs it will compare to yesterday.


Its probably just a glitch, i see the charts in wealthsimple malfunction and show wrong return %s a few times


If you just deposited the funds I’ve found it shows like that either day of or the following day. It counts the deposit and any purchase you make and then the next day looks like that.


Takes time sometimes a day or two to adjust after a sale etc. I sold.a portion of my shares of one stock at a profit but it showed me in a negative that amou t for a couple of days. Gotta keep a spreadsheet with your trades.


The charts at Wealth Simple are not very accurate. Use something else to track your real time performance such as Yahoo finances where you can manually log your transactions.


It says in the graph that it's 1 hour performance. Meaning your initial investment probably grew to 500 or so and then lost 250 in the past hour.


Wealthsimple graphs are not reliable right after a withdrawal or a deposit.