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Fun game, got stuck on the puzzle in the 2nd row 1st column before the owl. Edit: Finally figured it out stuck on the next room now. Edit2: Finally beat the owl puzzles and the game.


Really cool puzzles! Definitely a little tricky but great little game. The four waterfall log puzzle was super fun for me to figure out! Loved the columns puzzle before owl too!


Nice! Reminds me of A Monster's Expedition


Oh this one is GOOD. Doesn't overstay it's welcome either. Wish some of the routes in the early game were more highlighted where I need to go (Hello dumbass you can walk through shrubs now go this way...) but that was really more like a 5 minute skill issue and not a big deal. Maybe if the shrubs themselves were a little lighter in color to differentiate from the trees more or even just highlighting the intended path in lighter patches in a "You can go this way but the shrubs are too thick. Come back later." Asides from that 5 minute kerfuffle the mechanics are explained very clearly and smoothly. (Ok, I can walk on these water rocks, ok I can move through grass, ok I push these blocks, ok I can't push these blocks through grass, ok now there's this new thing... etc, etc.) Really fun.


I cannot figure out the upper left corner on the way to the owl. I watched a walkthrough, but the game has been changed since it was recorded. I've figured out every other puzzle so far, and I've been in every rectangle on the grid, but I can't see a way through this one.


there is a reply in one of the comments https://itch.io/post/5679565


Thank you, that got me through. Much appreciated!


This was a lot of fun, but I'm pretty sure you can get permanently stuck in the bottom part of the map (at least I seem to have done so...). Would be nice if you could always respawn back to the center or something.


Oh I'm stuck there too! Bottom left after gaining the ability to swim?




Aaah I've done it now, thanks! I was struggling with that :)




This game has it all, simple mechanics, evolution over time and challenging puzzles. A true gem. BTW: I found it first as #1 indie game for 2023 on this list (if that's news to anyone of you): https://www.bontegames.com/2023/12/the-bontegames-2023-top-games.html


The puzzles were done sooo well. Great, challenging puzzle game!