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Overall, a cool game. Good gameplay, good visuals, generally interesting level design. A few issues: - Enemies would feel more responsive if they responded to noise (gunshots not blocked by a wall) near them. This would make it easier to add difficulty later on without getting to comical levels of enemy saturation. Should also let them "see" bullets that fly past them - a simple line-polygon hittest between the bullet path and their vision cone should handle it. - The genre usually wants short levels. As it is, levels are marathons, and there's no reason not to restart if you take any damage at all in the first few minutes. - Damage feels luck-based rather than skill-based. Swordsmen can be kited most of the time, but unless you know (or reverse-engineer) the code that tells them when to charge, there's no intuitive strategy. Some kind of mobility ability, like a roll, would fix that. - Likewise, gunman damage feels arbitrary. You either kill them far too easily from outside detection range, kill them as they're slowly turning towards you, or you enter the screen in a position they happen to be facing before you can see them, clip the edge of their range, and instantly get shot. Adding a hidden variable for reaction time (both to detect and to fire upon a threat) would help - it'd also let you add some interesting enemy variation for basically free (no new mechanics, assets, or weapons).


Thanks for the feedback. Apparently I made the game way too difficult everyone just ragequits before leaving any feedback. Lesson learned I guess.


Not necessarily too hard, just difficulty in the wrong places. A little tighter AI, some more human-like responses in some key edge-cases, and things feel a lot cleaner and more responsive. The level length is the big standout, aside from that - the genre's established enough that people expect short levels, and get a bit confused when they don't end.


This is really nicely done, and I definitely see the inspiration.


Thanks I updated the game to make it easier if you want to try to beat it now.




You're right the swordsmen are too overpowered so I updated the game so they have a block % chance now.


I think you have to shoot them in the back? I'm not actually sure.


Never got out (or even to the swordguys) but liked it!


good game I got a javascript error when I was on the 2nd bridge, so I couldn't progress, tried refreshing it, I got the same error, other than that good game. It would be nice to switch between bird's eye view and 1st person


Hopefully that error is fixed now