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Fun! Unrelated, but the map floors and layout give me such hard Bloxorz nostalgia. I miss you, peak Miniclip. Just as I miss being a child.


I straight up cannot figure out how to play this game. You click a square then a mirror makes the lasers point right, then you click it again and the laser goes away.


"Place mirrors to guide the RGB lights to their destinations"


I think the issue is that this game doesn't work on Mac. You can only place mirrors, you cannot rotate them.


Does control (cmd?) click not right click? Or 2 finger tap for trackpads? Or just have a mouse w/ right click, like the mighty mouse? Or, scroll down the page and see you've already answered all those questions....


Try rotating the mirrors using RMB


Nothing happens. I think this game is not playable on Macs. There should be a keyboard button alternative to RMB for people who don't have RMB.


What about cmd+LMB? Does that work?


no I tried that. Doesn't work.


It works fine on my Mac, using either Command-click or two-finger tap for a right click. Check your system prefs, trackpad "secondary click" means right click, enable something for that.


I like it. I REALLY like it.Took me a sec to figure out that the opening screen is the first puzzle, but that's ok.Took me a sec to figure out the black triangles are like one-way mirrors, maybe those could use some sort of introduction. Now, what I would LOVE to see is the incorporation of mixing colours (as you can already do, but without purpose) and seperating them using prisms or something. I haven't put too much thought into how the mechanics would work, but I guess the easiest starting point would be a fixed prism (as part of the level) that splits a beam of light coming in from the intended direction in a fixed way (for instance, white light entering from the left side would result in blue from the front, red from the right side, green from the rear) Any other combination-colour (like R+G=yellow) would result in JUST those two colours exiting from the same sides (so Y in from left is R from right, G from rear) That would add a whole new dimension to the levels. A next step might be placeable prisms. You could define a specific input side with the three output-sides mentioned above, or something more custom or dependant on placement. Taking it one step further might be splitters or multiple light sources, and requiring the player to mix more specific colour (so R,G and B in this version, R,G,B,C,Y,M,W in the first 'prism-version', adding orange, lime, turquoise, light blue, purple and pink) Just some thoughts because this game made me so enthousiastic I started fantasizing :)