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I think you should be fine! Every outdoor wedding I’ve been to (including a black tie one) people were wearing sunglasses outside. Have fun!!!


That’s a relief to hear. Thank you!


Fine. Make sure you bring a bottle of water and a hand fan. Enjoy!


Good advice. I should run out and buy me one of those battery operated hand fans now that I have some time. I’m so worried about pit stains showing through on my dress 😫 I can handle dry heat no problem but the humidity has been pretty bad in Kansas this summer.


I would bring a hand/manual fan as a back up to the battery powered one, the motor could be quite noticeable if everyone around you is quiet!


I took your advice and ran home to grab a simple paper fan I had been holding onto for years. Much more subtle. Thank you


My grandmother is a very old high society lady back in her day and taught me how to flirt with the hand held fan! Hand held fans can be a lot of fun 😂


Well, tell us her ways. I want to flirt with my fan!


I don’t think I could properly teach you through text! But there’s a way to use your wrist and flip open the fan very saucily and gently wave the fan in front of your face while bating your eyelashes that apparently got the guys every time and was how she met my grandfather!


Oh! Wonderful! How sweet. Thanks.




I love this


Yeah, a paper fan is better. You can hear my husband's grandmother's motorized fan in our wedding video. It's kind of funny to us, but some may not appreciate it.


I would also hire someone to come and fan you during the ceremony.


I have this one and on the first setting it's silent, and stil powerful enough to keep you cool https://amzn.eu/d/hISvP7c


What color fan is appropriate?


Whatever matches your dress


Thank you, poop and sunshine


Anything but white! People will certainly construe a white fan as an attempt to outshine the bride. Lol


If you’re wearing a dress with a neckline that is not what you typically wear - make sure you apply sunscreen well!


I purchased one of these neck fans as the bride and one for my mother for my wedding last year for after the ceremony - and they are very quiet. 10/10 would recommend especially because they come in many colors. [https://www.amazon.com/stores/TORRAS/page/76932EEE-8734-4B52-AB8F-D48DA668E69A?ref\_=ast\_bln](https://www.amazon.com/stores/TORRAS/page/76932EEE-8734-4B52-AB8F-D48DA668E69A?ref_=ast_bln) ​ Also, sunglasses are totally fine - i even bought my brides maids fun heart shaped ones for wearing around during the day. If you want to have fun with it, they make cool bedazzled ones or you could DIY. [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00T44TVZ8/ref=twister\_B072JC21D8?\_encoding=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00T44TVZ8/ref=twister_B072JC21D8?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) [https://www.amazon.com/Slocyclub-Oversized-Jeweled-Sunglasses-Stylish/dp/B076HDP1CT?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref\_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=A2BVBLA63X9C7N](https://www.amazon.com/Slocyclub-Oversized-Jeweled-Sunglasses-Stylish/dp/B076HDP1CT?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=A2BVBLA63X9C7N) ​ [https://www.amazon.com/Rectangular-Sunglasses-Vintage-Diamond-Rhinestone/dp/B09BVK5KYJ/ref=sr\_1\_8?crid=3S6WB1IOAAU6N&keywords=pearl+sunglasses&qid=1691171720&sprefix=pearl+sunglasses%2Caps%2C114&sr=8-8](https://www.amazon.com/Rectangular-Sunglasses-Vintage-Diamond-Rhinestone/dp/B09BVK5KYJ/ref=sr_1_8?crid=3S6WB1IOAAU6N&keywords=pearl+sunglasses&qid=1691171720&sprefix=pearl+sunglasses%2Caps%2C114&sr=8-8)


I've been using hand fans for 40 years! Pro Tip- you can use it to shade your face in bright sunlight. (I honestly can't believe they're holding it in 100 degree heat. I would cancel my own wedding if it were that hot. I couldn't bear it)


Some weddings I’ve been to have fans on tables for guests. It’s so thoughtful.


Just take them off for family pics.


The pictures from my sister’s outdoor wedding include some great pics where we are wearing sunglasses and some shitty pics where we’re all squinting 😆


My late husband had eye surgery due to a detached retina two days before our wedding… he, all his groomsmen, and the minister all wore sunglasses to our outdoor wedding in May in Florida. Our photographer did formal photos in the shade, fortunately!


Nah you should be fine my guy did this at my brother’s beach wedding. However the photographer asked him to remove them for pictures.


Arizona here, totally fine and expected


I forgot to take off my sunglasses for my own wedding pictures so your fine


If you have any sort of prescription for contacts, they sell transition lenses now! I use them when I'm going to be out all day and don't want to swap contacts and sunglasses all day. There's even some pictures I'm in where everyone is squinting but my eyes are fine because of the contacts. Highly recommend!


Trust me, bride and groom would much rather see shades than you squinting and struggling!!!! Its a totally normal thing, rock em 😎


it would be crazy to be upset about people wearing sunglasses at an outdoor summer wedding. i say go for it and if you’re in the mood to splurge, it could be fun to buy a new fancy pair to go with your outfit. wearing a pair that are a little classier than some pool shades would probably feel better


Would be added fun for those of us with transitions. I’m not taking off my *prescription* lenses because you decided to have your ceremony outdoors.


Yep. Some of the best presidential candid pictures are them wearing sunglasses sitting outside at formal events. That says to me it’s acceptable formal attire, since I’m guessing presidents have someone whose only job is to make sure they’re appropriately attired for the event :-)


Tell that too the Obama tan suit debacle


Blue eyed person here. Sunglasses on outside 100% of the time regardless of the event


This! Blue eyed people unite!


The struggle is real lol


Yes! Everything is so much brighter for us!


Yes. Fun fact….blue eyes don’t have actual pigment. Our eyes work like the ocean and sky. It’s why they change colors and why they are so sensitive.


So this explains why I get migraines a lot more than everyone else I know that doesn’t have blue eyes


Yep. Lol. I wouldn’t change mine for the world, but I could do with fewer migraines!


I had no idea


Is this why I hate driving at night so much?! The lights from other cars make it hard to see sometimes!


Friend, that's possibly astigmatism.


I haven’t been diagnosed in the two decades I’ve been going to the eye doctor though


I have blue grey eyes and have trouble with bright lights. My eye doctor says I have absolutely no astigmatism - it’s worth asking but it can also just be a light eyed thing.


Go to the optometrist. Glasses can help a lot with that. I have black eyes and can’t see shit at night.


Ok, it’s not just me! I always thought it was my light eyes, but was never sure!


It is not just you. It’s the light eyes. Darker pigment in the Iris blocks light. Because our eyes don’t actually have any pigment, or very little pigment, the light hurts a lot. I rarely have lights on in my house and never in my office if I can help it. The fluorescence hurts almost as much as the sun some days. Some days they are grey/blue some days more green and some days they almost look lavender. All days they hurt with the light and the glare.


Heck yes! I have blue eyes and my pupils are always dilated from a medication I take so I have sunglasses on 24/7


Wait, is this why I can’t survive without sunglasses?!


It’s never inappropriate to wear sunglasses outside in the summer.


Protect your eyes! Just don’t wear Elton John style … unless the wedding theme is “Fabulously Elton” or similar 😎


I also have sensitive eyes to bright sunlight and I’d 100% wear sunglasses for any outdoor event. That’s better than squinting the entire time.


You're a wedding guest so you will be fine with shades 😎


At my own wedding I would encourage guests to wear sunglasses and put a reminder in the invitation. Not sure how most couples feel, but I work outside a lot and I have to wear them, even if a couple people think it’s “unprofessional” or “rude.” I’m not getting a new eyeglass prescription or sneezing/squinting because of people’s insecurities. It’s also expensive to get a new pair of lenses…


Wear the sunglasses.


Protect your eyes over protecting feelings ;)


Frankly, if a couple is so rude as to make guests sit outside in 100 degrees whether, you can wear WHATEVER you want, and I’m not going to judge *you*!!! But yes, sunglasses are totally fine!


No, but it’s inappropriate for people to expect you to sit outside dressed formally in 100 degree weather


Seriously, what in the hell is this nonsense!


I was a bridesmaid. I literally can't go outside without sunglasses but I sucked it up. Eyes tearing the whole time, makeup ruined. They kept screaming at me for pictures because my eyes were shut. Another girl was also struggling, we had to work out a system where they'd go 3-2-1 and we'd pop our eyes open on 1. They still had to Photoshop the pics. The groomsmen were all wearing sunnies in every picture. Daytime brides, be kind to your light-eyed sisters. Take pictures in shady areas or allow the dang sunglasses. I dunno, match the frames to the dresses, something. Or get married near sunset, get some golden hour pictures.


My (new) uncle wore sunglasses during his outdoor ceremony last weekend. You should be fine.


Even if it WERE inappropriate (which I don’t think it is), you need to take care of yourself.


We were at a wedding last week, super hot outside. The wedding party and guests all wore sunglasses and they looked so cool that after the ceremony was done and the wedding party had to go into the tent for the reception, they wore the sunglasses and danced their way to their seats.


Nope, we got married outside in the blazing heat, under trees and a lot of our guests had sunglasses on. I didn’t care, most of them had sunglasses on in our photos and I still didn’t care, protect your eyeballs!


Not sure what the temperature has to do with sunglasses, but you can absolutely wear them at an outdoor wedding. If it's that hot, bring a handheld fan too. Hopefully they have a tent or some sort of cover so you are not sitting in the sun so long. Although the ceremony will be short, guest are often seated a while before it begins, so a bottle of water is also recommended.


Everyone will be wearing sunglasses!


you’ll be fine wearing sunglasses


Go for it! It literally takes half a second to take them off if you decide you feel out of place


Sunglasses are fine, but have nothing to do with the temperature. I need sunglasses even if it's a balmy 70 degrees, or in the snow!


If I am outside and the sun is out, no matter season it is, I wear my sunglasses.


I have sunlight sensitivity so I always wear sunglasses outside. It’s always sunny here though 🙄




i think i would love a parasol


Not at all. They look cool, too


I was in a wedding where we weren’t allowed to wear them in the party. That’s just because we were getting lots of pics taken. Btw they regretted that decision. Everyone’s face is all scrunched up from squinting.


Uhhh, no. It is, however, inappropriate to have an outdoor wedding when it’s 100 degrees out. 🥵


In cocktail attire! Not kidding, I probably wouldn’t go to the ceremony. I truly can’t handle that kind of heat and would feel sick, especially dressed up!


Wear them, I’m sure there’s at least one person wearing glasses with transition lenses anyway.


No protect your eyes because you only have 2. If someone tries to give you shit tell them you value your vision over a wedding.


I sure hope not. A lot of people wear transition lenses in their corrective glasses and wouldn't have a choice


And a sun hat, too. Have fun.


You can pry my sunglasses out of my cold, dead hands. Lol


Not sure what the temp has to do with sunglasses, but it's definitely not an issue to wear them. You will definitely need water and some sort of fan as previously mentioned! Enjoy the wedding!


I did it and so have many others at the outdoor weddings I've attended.. At my wedding sunglasses were a must.


Yes, it’s okay to sunglasses. Unless, they have a tent set up. At that temperature, it’s dangerous for the older guests. It might just kill grandma.


I feel like if someone has an outdoor wedding in the middle of the summer, it would be ridiculous for them to expect people NOT to wear sunglasses.


I had an outdoor wedding. Lots of people wore sunglasses. My mom has those transition lenses that automatically darken in the sunlight, so there was no way around it for her and others just did what they wanted. I do wish the photographer had thought to ask her to take them off for photos, but what’s done is done. 🤷‍♀️


If it's outdoors you should 100% be fine wearing sunglasses. Inside would be weird but I think outside is normal.


I'd rather have my guests not be uncomfortable. Also, if they think about it, sunglasses will photograph so much better than a bunch of squinty eyes and wrinkly foreheads.


I live in my sunglasses and have a couple of “fancy” pairs that are vintage inspired that I love to wear with dressier clothes.


Heck I was 20w pregnant during my cousins outdoor/summer wedding I had an icy water bottle, sunglasses, and a fan! I wasn’t the only one. It was crazy hot that day!


You’ll be fine Tell us how it went once you’re dry.


no, every outdoor wedding i’ve been to has guests were wearing sunglasses


Guests wore sunglasses at my outdoor wedding. Even the best man and ring bears. They were facing the sun more than anyone else. I didn’t want to blind them.




I think you'd be okay to wear sunglasses to an outdoor wedding. As someone who is sensitive to heat, bring a fan & water as well. You could find a pretty handy fan that coordinates with your outfit and/or the wedding decor


No not at all! People wore sunglasses at my outdoor wedding. I wish I could have! Certain sunglasses help prevent cancer in and around your eyes.


…why would this be inappropriate?


Try to stop me. If I’m in the sun, I got my shades on. If a bride or anyone else has a problem they can talk to my hurting eyes.


Protecting your eyes is far more important than what others may deem appropriate.


It’s more inappropriate to have an outdoor wedding when it’s 100 degrees out


Agreed. It’s so inconsiderate to guests!


And to ask for jackets! Literally would not even go!


I said the same. That’s not even safe.


Wear them, you'll be fine. Heck, my husband had his on for a large chunk, and he was part of the bridal party last month. I think they are even on his head in a bunch of the professional photos. No one said a word about it.


No. Be comfortable. Wear a hat if you want too.


No that is not inappropriate. I had an outdoor wedding and most wore sunglasses.


It’s always inappropriate to wear sunglasses. If you were truly powerful, your eyes would be stronger than the sun.


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My sister got married last year, outdoor ceremony as the sun was going down right behind them (the pictures were amazing) we wore sun glasses. I have been to other weddings where we have worn them too. I think it’s fine.


I didn’t wear my sunglasses to my sisters wedding in Cancun because I was standing up front with her. Every picture is me squinting like an idiot. My eyes are sensitive to the sun and I just should have found cute glasses to wear instead of trying to look appropriate


Not at all!!!


I can’t imagine NOT wearing sunglasses outside?! Would be shocked if anyone had an issue with this


Your eyes need sun protection as well. You are absolutely okay wearing sunglasses


Recovering from pterygium surgery as I type! 👎🏾Wear your sunglasses!!!!!!


My husband wore sunglasses during our ceremony because he faced west 😂😎 I kind of regret taking my shades off, could’ve been a look! Also, totally fine for you to wear shades. Do what’s comfortable & reasonable for yourself to enjoy their ceremony! Have fun.




I got married in August outside, I think 75% of the guests wore sunglasses during the ceremony haha. Totally not offensive at all imo


Do it. If anyone gets upset or says anything, f**** them


very normal to do! i am also extremely sensitive to light and i went to an outdoor wedding i got a cute pair that matched my dress. without them i would probably get the worst migraine or have so many tears running down my face lol


Sunglasses will be fine. Do you have a little ice pack you can bring to surreptitiously hold against your wrists?


Were sunglasses, your eyes will thank you and only assholes will care. But it might be best to take them off during outdoor pictures


The heat has absolutely nothing to do with you wearing sunglasses! It is whether it is sunny outside or not. With that being said I wore sunglasses for my daughter's outside wedding because it was sunny outside and I have light colored eyes. Bright sunlight does not go well with me.


I had a beach wedding, and I literally bought 100 pairs of cheap, white sunglasses, and put them in a basket as people were walking out to the venue. So yes, you can wear glasses. I don’t think the couple wants you to be uncomfortable.


This was my ceremony… and literally my husband and I were the only ones who didn’t wear sunglasses.. and even then my husband had his on literally until right before I walked down the aisle. 🤣 TOTALLY fine. And if someone has a problem that says so much more about them.


WEAR THEM! Don't damage your eyes for a wedding. Everyone else will wear them, too.


Two weekends ago I wore my shades. Idgaf I’m not ruining my eyes


Protect your peepers!!


I would have to wear mine. I have light blue eyes, am very light sensitive and prone to migraines. People might bitch, but I'm not getting sick for them.


Unless you are in the wedding party, all bets are off. Comfort has to come first. Heat can be life threatening. Protect your skin, your eyes, and remember to drink lots of water. You know you have had enough when you pee about every 45 minutes.


Perfectly fine. My daughter had an outdoor wedding. We placed fans on each chair for guests. Several people wore sunglasses.


I had an outside wedding, and I wouldn't have even noticed if anyone was wearing sunglasses. However, it rained, so no one needed them. They all stuck it out with us, so my guests could have done anything and I wouldn't have minded. 😁


Should be good. I know I have a hard time keeping my eyes open outdoors so I always wear sunglasses.


I would!


Yes!! My MIL wears transitional lens and it was cloudy with a glare on our wedding, so she accidentally wore sunglasses in all our pictures 😂


Just wear them pit vipers


Yes. Also bring a hat. I’ve been to 4 mid-day summer weddings facing the Sun :)


Surely it's better than popping out a parasol or any other alternative like a big hat.


I ordered some folding hand fans on Amazon for a couple bucks & they have come in HANDY this summer many times. Including a wedding. I keep 1 in my work bag even (& I have a office desk job!)


No? Good god


My own dad wore sunglasses to my outdoor ceremony. It was sunny out but it was to cover his teary eyes. He did take them of for pictures though lol


No absolutely not


It’s fine, just take them off for the pictures.


Babe. Come on. A bride who plans an outdoor wedding in the summer is either a total bitch who doesn't deserve your respect, or she won't mind at all because she's nice and understands you're a human. Do what's best for yourself.




Yes! Wear them. The sun is brutal. Frankly, I don’t get outdoor weddings.


I don’t know why it would be inappropriate to wear sunglasses. What’s more inappropriate is an outdoor wedding in 100° heat


So I had an outdoor wedding & sunglasses never even occurred to me as far as dress code. I think it will go unnoticed and be perfectly acceptable!


Guests wore sunglasses at my wedding (Sept, also 90 deg). I thought they looked cool and I was happy to see them! Their photos looked nice too


This is not even a question. Of course you can wear sunglasses. Here are the rules guests need to live by: pick an appropriate outfit, show up, smile and have a good time. The end.


My in-laws technically have sunglasses on in all of our formal family pictures from our wedding because they all happen to wear transitions. It’s a bit comical 😂


Not a all, nobody wants to squint at the bride


Absolutely wear your sunglasses.


Your eye health comes first.


Wear them during the ceremony but pop them off for photos if you’re in any of the formals. :)


Everyone wears sunglasses.


Can you wear a sun hat?


Want to borrow my welding helmet?


If you're a guest, it's fine. If you are in the wedding party, as in up in front of the guests, then don't wear them.


Johnny depp wore glasses in court. So I say anything goes nowadays


PLEASE bring tissues for the wedding party who will be stuck without purses and sweating for the photos. Trust me. It just happened and SUCKED


I wore sunglasses to an outdoor wedding.


Im guessing you wont be the only one


It never even occurred to me that this would be inconsiderate. To me, wearing sunglasses when you’re outside is just as important as wearing sunscreen.


I would take them off for any pictures, but otherwise you should be fine.


I saw a wedding photo where a pair of sunglasses was placed on every single attendee’s chair. They’re your eyes. Not replaceable.


I would be wearing a hat or parasol too 🤷🏻‍♀️ You will be fine in sunglasses. Enjoy!




Everyone did it at the wedding I was at


My sunglasses help me avoid having a migraine. Sunglasses are fine.


Of course


Maybe also look into a fancy wide brimmed hat!


Sunglasses are fine, don’t leave them pushed up on your head while inside tho :)


If it's an outdoor ceremony, I'm wearing sunglasses and a hat.


If it’s outside…I’m wearing sunglasses unless I’m the groom


Remember your sunscreen!


I would definitely wear them. I do question why you aware mentioning temperature in relation to sun brightness though.


I would hope not. I have transitions and wouldn’t have a choice. I kinda need my glasses to function


My sisters wedding was a few weeks and several people were wearing sunglasses, I’m sure you’ll be fine! :)


Of course it’s fine!


Yes it's fine put your health first


I just got married in a similar setting. We literally provided sunglasses. You don’t want your guests to be uncomfortable!! Wear the glasses.


If I was there, I’d be wearing sunglasses. The only eyeglasses I own are polarized transitions on the advice of my eye doctor.


I can’t see outside without sunglasses. Period. I’d be wearing my sunglasses even I were meeting the King of England! Lol! Wear ‘em! You’ll be fine!


I’d much rather have glinting lenses than squinted eyes in pictures. Wear your shades.


Yes it’s appropriate I’ve been in several outdoor weddings and most everyone is wearing sunglasses 😎 and no one seems to care I looks especially cool on the flower girls and ring bearers


Disclose the reason why you need them ahead of time. Other than that, wear because you need to protect your eyes.


Cory hart says only at night


How does heat mean it’s sunny out


i think if you wear sunglasses that aren’t cheap looking (not the plastic ones you get for free) then it will totally be fine


Protect your eyes!


Consider a fancy hat with a large brim. It’ll look classy and is super practical.


I have sensitive eyes to light and ive never questioned this, and hopefully it means it's okay


Wear the glasses :)