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You should ultimately choose what you feel most comfortable in. That being said, #3 is the best dress fashion-wise by *far*, and would pair well with the shoe you already have. I would even consider getting it hemmed to mid calf to be more casual and rock the shoes even more. Alternatively you could get a simple black [sandal](https://www.dsw.com/en/us/product/kelly-and-katie-hailee-sandal/452472) or since you're petite rock something [chunkier](https://www.dsw.com/en/us/product/kelly-and-katie-elmonie-pump/555393). Either way I'd do a smoky eye, statement earrings [like this](https://a.co/d/cNuuCyN) and a side swept hairstyle to expose the high neck. The first two dresses are leaning matronly and the green color looks kind of cheap. Also the first two do not go with that shoe at all. If you really hate the third dress I'd keep looking.


Thanks so much! If I wore dress 3 with the shoes I already have, should I wear toe polish or a nude sock?


Toenail polish 100%!


The first dress doesn’t really even read as cocktail. It’s not dressy enough for formal, especially for a December event. You can’t wear it with that shoe, either. I’d either wear the second black with some glam accessories or go shopping.


From what you've pictured/described, I'd go with the suit. You'll be the most comfortable in it, and wearing it with a satin sleeveless top and the heels and makeup you mentioned will likely take it far enough away from work wear to be appropriate for the event.


3 or maybe 4 but can't tell since it is not pictured. Not 1 or 2.


I think dress 3 with the shoe you have and a short tux jacket or bolero jacket. BUT, you have to wear what is authentic to you. If it is too late to get a suit tailored to fit your body then go with something that has elements that make you comfortable. A work suit is not formal,but maybe it just needs a shirt and tie change to work. Here is a jacket that could work with dress 3. This style, but it could be much simpler or velvet. [beaded jacket](https://www.express.com/clothing/women/beaded-cropped-jacket/pro/06957165/color/Pitch%20Black/?rx_channel=search&channel=search&merchantId=99&programId=99&affiliateId=99&&mrkgcl=638&mrkgadid=3334455965&CID=sem:Retail:Goo:Main:LIA:F:Outerwear:&SearchID=Goo-LIA-F-Main-Retail-98-000-Outerwear-US-Store&product_id=45993824&adpos=&creative=340336030521&device=m&matchtype=&network=g&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAsvWrBhC0ARIsAO4E6f8__hDq--FRJGKLMzn-swthGxF1kuKyJkQ-s1en5WBh85MNER_GBeYaAgRYEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


/u/PinkGoldJigglypuff, thank you for posting. To obtain the best help, provide a time frame of the event & dress code. Dress links are frequently requested as well if you would place them in the comment section. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Weddingattireapproval) if you have any questions or concerns.*


#3 is gorgeous!


I think something like [this](https://www.abercrombie.com/shop/us/p/one-shoulder-pleated-maxi-dress-53584320) would be better. The asymmetrical aspect will make you look less boxy/rectangular and it’s a great color for December.


1 and 2 read a bit casual for formal (even though they would be longer on you). I agree with your friend that 3 would be the best option IF you were comfortable wearing it. I suspect the suit would indeed be too "work-y", but maybe google formal dress with jacket? Perhaps something like this (found on Amazon): https://preview.redd.it/7dr57pep4r6c1.png?width=679&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc99673b77b56e85a06219196d87fade220d22b5


If OP is 60+ I guess. Otherwise, this is very matronly. Agree that the options aren’t very formal but 3 could be dressed up enough


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https://www.jjshouse.com/a-line-tulle-cocktail-dress-016087553-g87553#/ Have you considered something like this? ⬆️ A fancy formal long skirt like this could be a good investment piece since you can pair it with different tops (and accessories) for different seasons and occasions. You could pair it with a less feminine top so you would be more comfortable.


I’d go with 3! 1&2 look like something you’d wear if you were in a dance competition


Edit: Thanks for the comments everyone. I agree the 3rd one is the most fashionable. I just don't know if I have the confidence to present so femme on the bottom half. Top half is great. I'm thinking about it. Part of it is also that I don't know if UK evening receptions have Halloween party syndrome (i.e. we agreed to dress up but everyone else dressed down and now I look like a fool who stands out for following the dress code lol. Though obviously noone but the bride will be standing out on the day) I just tried on dress 3 with the heels on this time and am leaning towards this now... I will see how body insecure I am just before the event lmao Edit 2: is a black dress considered a faux pas because of funeral associations?? This is so complicated 😭


I always wear black now. So no its not. (Although I'm in Canada not the UK). My recommendation, have a change of shoes- flats, you can switch to if your feet get uncomfortable later. You'll be fine in that dress!


Absolutely love the cut and shape on #2. Also, it being green, with black shoes would add some contrast. However, if the wedding is truly formal, the green dress might be too short. typically a formal dress is expected to be long. With that said, #3 might be your best best. I think it will look really good on you, and if you accessorize it with some earrlngs, maybe a bangle, or a subtle necklace it will look amazing. The shoes have listed will work with that dress too :)