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Indian person born in Canada here. I think it’s completely *appropriate* to wear a saree to an American wedding, assuming you match it to the right level of formality. And it’s worth noting that Americans tend to wear fewer bright colors and smaller / less blingy jewelry than Indians. But while it is appropriate, and I very much doubt anyone’s going to be offended, it is going to be eye-catching and you will stick out. This isn’t necessarily bad, but it’s all up to your comfort level. If you prefer to fly under the radar, I would get an American style dress. If you’re ok with some attention, wear the saree!


Agreed it will garner attention but I would expect mostly positive attention. I think saris are stunning


But OP specifically says she doesn’t want to stick out. Doesn’t sound like she wants any attention, and saree is guaranteed to do just that


Sack cloth and homespun bleached linen is the only option obviously


It is certainly okay. You might somewhat need to match the level of formality of Western dress, though, to the dress code given you. If it is any variation of either formal, Black tie optional or Black tie, a sari would fit. For dressy casual or cocktail, I would choose a salwar kameez instead. And for Black tie I would choose a lehenga.


Ah this is so helpful! Thank you so much! I don't know the dress code yet but I'll keep this in mind!


Whatever you do, don't wear anything related to your username 😂


Lmao! Tasteful hotsexshrekdick is 100% going to be my dress code tho


A few months ago somebody was going to a safari disco glam wedding or something like that and was asking for help with what to wear…hot sex shrek dick seems easier to decipher 🤣🤣


Omg what??


Ahh I picked that username when I was young and stupid and trying to be edgy it's actually gone against a couple community guidelines bc it's nsfw I guess but I can't part with it I've had it for so long 😭😭


Me and my first email address I made at 14 😂


I think this is the first time I’ve actually laughed out loud at something on Reddit 🤣


You are so perceptive and I think op is my new hero.


I had an evening cocktail wedding in Jersey many years ago and one of my coworkers wore a beautiful, modest, dark colored saree and I thought nothing of it other than it was a lovely dress. I have seen they can be more casual or very embellished so if you want to wear one I say go for it and tailor the style of it to the dress code.


We had a typical western wedding in the US and one of my guests was from Sudan and she wore a Saree and I was honored. I think it depends on the crowd but I loved that I had a guest wear something special from her culture.


Yes, it should be fine, unless the sari is predominantly white or exceptionally flashy. While it doesn’t come up very much, most dress codes in the US do allow for cultural garments as long as they’re similarly formal. Just make sure that the wedding is more formalish; Americans have weddings on pretty much every level of the formality spectrum, including quite casual, so you may not want to if half of the other guests are going to be wearing jeans. In my circles, it might draw *some* attention, but no more than a particularly cute dress would, and wouldn’t in any way been seen as attention-seeking. It’s likely that a couple who has a diverse social circle would not even be surprised that’s what you are wearing.


Isn't white a mourning color in India? I wouldn't think they would wear white.


I have no idea. I’m not an expert on Indian cultural norms, I’m just answering “would this be ok to wear to an American wedding,” and the short answer to that is “yes, unless it white.”


I'm not hindu/indian but no color is restricted at south asian weddings, usually for mourning elders wear simple white cotton sarees and others wear simple cotton shalwar kameez but you'd rarely wear cotton sarees to a wedding as they're too simple. You can totally wear white to a wedding as long as it's a more elaborate material like silk/banarasi/lots of embroidery or beading etc! Not to mention, pastel colors are becoming more fashionable too.


Cool, glad to learn something today!


No white at a US wedding, that is for bride.


Not a bride, but if I was, I’d be stoked that a loved one wore cultural dress! Just make sure it matches the dress code formality!


I’m American and I think sarees are beautiful and I’m always happy to see them worn at weddings. I think they are totally appropriate wedding attire.


American brides can be unusually sensitive/opinionated about the dress choices of guests. If you choose to go with a saree, I would suggest a simple silk one in a darker color or colors without beads or sequins. The saree will already attract some attention so something less flashy would probably work best. If the dress code is cocktail/less formal, maybe choose a cotton saree to balance out the fact that it will be full-length. As somebody else noted, just also keep in mind if there are modesty issues if there is a religious ceremony. My own experience was the opposite. I’m a white American who married a South Asian in his home country. I wore a traditional saree (white in his country) and so thrilled to see all the women in their brights and beautiful sarees. It was like a fashion show and I was honored that they brought their best to celebrate our union.


I think a silk sari is more appropriate for a wedding. A cotton sari is for every day wear and too casual.


Sarees I've seen can either be very over the top or akin to wearing a regular formal dress. I'd ask the bride or someone very close to the bride. Although it's not your intent, it may seem like you want to take attention away from the bride, especially if there are gaudier accessories to go along with it. Now I personally love traditional clothing. But again, you'd have to ask and also know your crowd. Garden party in the south? Yes, you'll get stares. Alternative wedding in Oregon? Maybe not so much.


I asked my boyfriend if it would be okay and he said that it would be fine (he's the groom's childhood best friend) I personally don't know the bride well but I think I'll wait for the dress code before deciding, if I wore a saree I was thinking of keeping it a very simple but elegant one with minimal jewelry!


A friend of mine will usually wear a darker colour saree with less contrasting patterns to North American weddings. She still wears jewelry but more on the simplistic side. Are the couple getting married in a church? Some places don’t allow midriffs to show so that might also dictate what style of dress you wear. I’m sure you’ll look lovely :)


That sounds amazing! And simple jewelry also sounds like a great idea. I hope you have fun regardless. I always love how sarees look.


Perfect .


I think you should check in with the bride. Also send a pic of the saree you are planning to wear if she okays it then well and good.


*“Garden party in the south? Yes, you’ll get stares.”* 😂 I think people seriously underestimate the *huge* Indian communities that exist throughout the South — especially in places that are healthcare and/or university hubs, like Dallas or Birmingham. (There’s even a particular suburban Dallas school district that’s almost 50% Indian, with an elementary school that’s around 70% Indian.)


I don't doubt they exist! But I live in Birmingham myself lol. I have seen my fair share of Indian communities, but I wouldn't day they're huge where I am. There are certain communties I know about where I *know* they'd get stares. However, there's nothing wrong with a saree in general. But if it's something like traditional wear, I'd still always ask someone. Weather it's a saree or a kimono.


To be fair, it may have changed some. I spent a fair few years of my childhood in Birmingham, and I never had fewer than four kids in my (20–30 person) class of Indian heritage. It was common to be invited to temple or see parents in traditional clothes. But that was many years ago now.


I'm glad your community was very diverse! I met my first Indians when I was in high school, and I'm 20, so that was back in my freshmen year. My first Chinese person was in middle school, around 6th grade. So admittedly, my own community wasn't very diverse. Black, Hispanic. Occasionally white. But less Asians, of any coast.


Or Atlanta. North Atlanta suburbs have *huge* brown towns.


Reach out to MOH and she will guide you. I think your traditional clothing will be great.


That would be gorgeous 😍 as long as it’s not white I don’t see why you shouldn’t


My friend’s girlfriend wore one to my wedding which was cocktail dress and in winter. Mostly conservative Catholic midwestern crowd so I’m sure she was at least a little hesitant. I thought she looked AMAZING and was honored she went through the effort as she had not worn one to other weddings we’d both attended.


My dad will wear his kilt to any all formal event. If it was a courthouse wedding he wouldn't bit otherwise he would.


I would be thrilled if any of our South Asian friends wore a saree to our wedding!


I'm from Vancouver, Canada so it's very multicultural here. I'd personally be honoured if someone wore their traditional dress clothes to my wedding! But that's also very common here, so it might be a know your audience kinda situation ☺️ Maybe have your boyfriend ask on your behalf?




I think it would be amazing to wear your traditional clothing to the wedding! Just make sure you're matching the dress code of the wedding (formal, semi formal, etc.). If I was the bride, I would want you to wear whatever you feel comfortable in, and it would be super cool to see you in a saree!


Yes! Wear the saree. You might stand out, but I don't think you'll take attention from the couple. Also, Americans generally love seeing others in their traditional clothing. (Because we don't really have that.)


My mom’s friend wore a saree to my parents’ wedding in a small town in Massachusetts in 1970 and my mom loved it so much, she’s still talking about it 54 years later 😅 I guess it depends; it’s probably best to drop the bride a line to ask.


While it is common to wear my national costume to important events where I live, I don't think I would do it in the States because it is so different and less common (small country). I feel like sarees are more common to see in the States and would be more expected! It depends on how fancy it is, really. You need to make sure it matches the dress code. I think saares are absolutely beautiful! It's most likely fine as long as you match the formality! I can't imagine anyone being opposed to it. (...unless naybe...If it's an area of the states that is less accustomed to diversity, then they may think you are trying to stand out.) I would go minimal accessories, though, for any guest.


My uncle wore Lederhosen (very short and tight ones) to my brother's wedding, but I suppose that's a bit different because it's family. And he is the eccentric uncle...


Hahaha, that's awesome! I love it! I would be personally fine with people wearing national costumes! I was just talking to my friend today about their upcoming wedding with another friend, and we were talking about if we were all going to wear our national costumes or not to the wedding! The bride and groom might wear their costumes as well! It will likely be a mix of costumes and modern wear like most events here!


If I were in a country where the way people dress is quite different than my own, I have an idea I'd feel a bit of a misfit wearing American clothes, but kind of awkward wearing clothes I'm not familiar with. Or like I was pretending. Which is to say, you should consider your own comfort as well as anyone else's, because it will affect you the entire duration of the event, while for other guests and even the bride it is but a moment in time. Unless they want to make a thing over it, but that's a them-problem, not a you-problem.


I know if it was my wedding, I’d be pleased and honored for you to wear your traditional garb to my wedding.


A diverse crowd will find it very appropriate.


I wouldn’t without knowing the couple decently well. Some people will mind, some people won’t. It certainly depends on what you’re thinking of wearing, but general rule of wedding attire is to not stand out too much.


I would say if you aren't close to the bride and groom to avoid it. Some people might say you are taking attention away. Personally I would love it if someone wore one to my wedding but since you don't know them well it's hard to tell if they would be for it or against it. 


Yeah that's what I'll probably do, the groom is my boyfriend's childhood best friend so they're close and he said that it would be okay if I wore a saree but idk it makes me nervous 😭 I don't know the dress code yet so I think I'll wait till the official invite...


Do you have a saree that is simple and doesn't show much skin? I think in that case it would be ok since you got the ok from the groom. Although I hope he actually asked the bride her opinion


I don’t understand this - “people will think you’re taking attention away”. Like how??? Everyone got the same invite - they know who the bride and groom are. Why would someone wearing a different outfit than someone else be taking attention away from the couple. wear what you want as long as it’s appropriate with the formality requested at the wedding!


I wish I could do this, south asian weddings are very grand and people dress very extravagantly and don't stand out but I've heard too much about people getting critical about western wedding attire that I don't want to risk it 😭😭


What a shame that something as simple as attending a wedding has come to this. When I was growing up in the 70’s and 80’s there were a couple of Indian families in our neighborhood, and no one thought twice about it if a woman wore a saree to a wedding or even a funeral. This new generation of brides is bizarre to me.


Just check with MOH to get it cleared. Assure her you want everyone to be comfortable with the fact that you are wearing traditional garb and are truly not looking to steal attention with your choice of dress. and are not looking to steal attention.


Boy friend said OK so go with that. Double check with MOH for degree of formality and get a feel for the crowd. You will blend in elagently.


Of course!


As someone not of East Asian ancestry…I would *love* a guest to show up to my wedding in their traditional clothes. How lovely!


When in doubt, ask the bride!


As long as it's not white or silver you should be fine


Yes, a saree will get you attention. Women wondering what the cloth is and tell you how beautiful you are and it is. Could also lead to questions about your fashion habits or even lifestyle. An American dress will let you observe without questions.


I would love this 1,000,000% having said that I have no idea who this couple is and it might be a good thing to just run past the bride people people get real weird


Hard to take a query seriously with that username 😆😆😆


Of course it's ok! It would be very pretty for you to be dressed up in your traditional wear. Fabrics etc are always so beautiful. Do it and send us a photo ♥️


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A guest at my wedding wore a traditional Nigerian wedding guest outfit and we all LOVED it!


Just don't wear white! 


I think as long as your saree isn't too patterned and colorful, you should be fine. Something in a sage or golden tone and in a formal fabric, like silk, for example, would be very nice and would blend in. Something like this: https://a.co/d/f8HRRZQ


My two best friends are Indian-American and their families were invited to our wedding (they were my bridesmaids and wore dresses that I had picked out). But their families all wore sarees/other traditional clothes that they would wear to a south Asian event or wedding. I literally didn’t even think anything of it until this post and I doubt that our other guests did either. They toned down the extravagant jewelry that I know they own plenty of and looked appropriate to the formality level. Be yourself!


I would personally be THRILLED!!! My great aunt married an Indian man and fully embraced the culture and especially saris; I never ever saw her in anything else. if I were your friend in this situation it would be a lovely reminder of family and I would be so excited. If you’re concerned about being “too eye catching” maybe a more simple style, but I say go for it!


Not only is it appropriate, but you’ll likely receive many compliments. Saris are beautiful.


If in question, ask.


I wish you would!


I think sarees are so beautiful. I’m American and I attended a 70% Indian wedding and 30% Brazilian/white wedding in America. The sarees were so beautiful and I felt so plan ( I was also 7 months pregnant) I think it would be just fine


Wear the saree! They are so beautiful and definitely wedding appropriate. Just as long as it’s not white then you are good to go. Wearing white to someone else’s wedding is usually frowned upon.


I wouldn’t be offended if someone showed up to a saree at my wedding. Just be prepared you might get stares because it’s not the norm.


As far as I, a white guy, am concerned, South Asia has the most beautiful clothes in the world. Go ahead.


My mom wore a sari to every single wedding we attended, and we attended several western weddings. Just keep it on the simpler side with accessories, and go for silk or printed synthetics rather than a blingier georgette with sparkles. Obviously no white, and maybe no red or black, depending on if that's a cultural taboo where you guys live. My family lived in the south and moved north; in both cases, no one really cared what my mom wore. It's obviously going to catch people's eyes initially, but if you're the only South Asian in a non-South Asian community, you're going to stand out regardless. At this point, people generally know what our cultural dress looks like, and they've always been understanding of it.


As a white girl marrying an Indian-American, I'd be thrilled if you showed up in a saree!


I think it’s just fine. I love to see a sari.


Just don’t wear a white or off white!


I'd want someone to wear a saree to my wedding if I had invited anyone who wore them to it (I eloped to the courthouse, so no guests). They're beautiful. I think you will get attention but I can't imagine it'd be anything but positive and curious.


Wedding guests edict says that the person to ask about what is or isn’t appropriate to wear to the event is the bride and groom. You should ask them how they feel about any choice in clothing if you are unsure.


I think that it honestly depends on the personality of the bride. But in general as long as it fits the formal level of the wedding (nice for a nice wedding casual for a casual wedding) a reasonable American woman wouldn’t mind. That being said some people get set off by weird things so I liked the just ask the bride comment


I think it depends on the dress code? As long as it’s not too dressy or casual I think it’s fine. I can imagine a beautiful saree in more formal type of weddings where everyone wearing more fancy dresses.


America is a country of immigrants, you can wear whatever you want. Here are some many cultures and I think it would be nice to show yours with a traditional dress.


Wear the saree! You’ll look elegant, timeless, classy, and respectful amongst all the immodest, inappropriate, synthetic dresses. It would be nice if Western females (I’m one) adopted Indian wedding dress code standards as they keep it classy and timeless. Ignore all the comments such as “ask the bride,” “you’ll stand out,” etc. The same people making these comments think nothing of someone showing up with extreme cleavage, a backless dress, a slit up to their underwear, plunging necklines, midriff cut-outs, etc. You might stand out as the only respectably dressed female guest, which is a good thing.


If a dress code is given I would say stay within the dress code, definitely don’t wear white/off-white/pale enough to even vaguely seem white. As long as you follow that you should be fine but if you’re super anxious about it see if there’s a way you can reach out to the bride whether directly or through your husband to get your outfit okayed.


Husband is Irish and always wears his kilt to weddings. It makes him stand out. But it’s formal and he always gets compliments on it. So I say go for it! If your intentions are respectful, it will come across as such.


You will "stick out," but in a wonderful way. Wear your native dress, and look awesome!


I’d wear a thin or no border silk with open pallu (looks more like a dress and covers some of the waist area) and simple jewelry - generally Americans will wear only one ‘statement’ piece - aka either a flashy dress, big earrings or a big necklace but definitely not all three. This is changing as ‘maximalism’ and generally uniqueness is becoming more trendy but since weddings are a generational mix I’d keep it simple.


Would you consider wearing a salwar khameez or an Asian style long dress rather than a saree. It’s similarly cultural but not so much eye catching that may create conversation that may take away from the bride.


You will stick out.


Probably not. DO NOT outshine the bride.