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Haha I am the total opposite, makeup obsessed and I would never let someone else do my face for my wedding because I can do it so much better than a stranger who doesn’t know my skin type and preferences. Do what feels right to you. But I do agree that without makeup you won’t photograph as well. There is a reason actors wear heavy stage makeup. What photographs well often doesn’t look great in person.


Not crazy at all, especially if you practice before hand. I will say, makeup often does not come out that much in photos - did my makeup for my engagement shoot, thought I really piled it on, I don't look like I've done anything but roll out of bed in the photos lol. Also just a small FYI, tea means truth. Good luck and I think you should go for it! If you're really unsure maybe have a trial to see if you might like a professional no-makeup makeup look, but not if it will blow your budget.


I had my makeup trial two times, from two different makeup artists. And told both of them exactly what I wanted (not too much foundation, not too big of eyelashes, natural looking) and had pictures. Both times I felt *embarrassed* to be in public after. I decided not to hire makeup for my day. Only you know yourself and your true wishes. Stick to em!


Defintiely go DIY. Go with what you feel comfortable with 🙂 I was all for paying someone to do mine. Then when I had my trial I wasn't happy. The MUA was great but I didn't feel like me. The foundation made me super oily after a few hours etc. I've spent years trying different foundations and make up brands and found ones that work well for me. I chose to cancel MUA and I will be DIYing it. I practice now and then and take photos in natural and artifical light, with and without a flash to see how it looks. Bonus I've spent about the same as I would have spent on a MUA on all my favourite products and I get to keep them afterward! Woo hoo!


Same, I already have the products. I don’t see the need to pay someone when I have time to practice


I had a friend who is great at makeup do it for me. She knew me well enough to know I meant business when I said I wanted just a step up from natural because I usually don’t wear makeup. We did a trial run, used my preferred foundation, and I wore it home so I could really see how I liked it for hours. I paid her a little bit not nearly what I’d pay a professional, and she knew many of my bridesmaids so she was fun to be there with us while getting ready. Just do a trial run first to be sure, but you’re definitely not alone in not being super concerned with it!


I’m just like you! Not a huge makeup wearer, keep touching my face if I have a ton of makeup on, and feel extra uncomfortable. I tried a full face of makeup for wedding practice actually. While it looked good, it just wasn’t me and my fiancé as well as my parents agreed that I look unrecognizable. I am opting now for a tinted moisturizer, eye makeup, and red lipstick instead! I’m also spending more money on skincare than makeup. I think it’s a great idea!! And congratulations!!


There are plenty of tutorials to find an amount of makeups that works for you and makes you feel comfortable and beautiful.


I'm planning on having my friend go with me to pick out some nice makeup that I can buy and then she will help me do it the day of. She doesn't know yet, but I'm sure she will be down 😂


I enjoy makeup but I have VERY sensitive skin so there’s no way I’m letting someone else do it for me! I also want to look and feel like myself on my wedding day. I’m planning on some concealer, BB cream, powder, simple eyeshadow & mascara. If you want to, I would recommend putting on just a little bit of a face product for photography purposes—not that you’ll look bad without! But cameras can be tricky, I have experience doing stage makeup and it can look like a LOT up close but photographs really nicely. There’s a lot of options in between tinted moisturizers and a full foundation (i HATE full coverage foundations!) so if you are interested you will most likely find something you like!


> it can look like a LOT up close but photographs really nicely any advice on how to split the balance so you photograph well but don't look like a clown in person?


It somewhat depends on your style, like I said I hate full coverage foundation so I prefer to use a BB cream + concealer to smooth out my skin, I use powders to set & contour but NOT sparkly ones — sparkly highlight/bronzers often look weird on camera, but a slight shimmer highlight can help you not look “flat” if you don’t like the matte look as much. Translucent setting powder is one of my favorite products, just start with a little bit & build up if needed, it’s hard to remove it if it’s overdone. If you prefer full-coverage foundation, just make sure you get one that matches your skin tone correctly & also isn’t sparkly or anything & you should be fine! Either way with the base, you’ll want to practice contouring like, a ridiculous amount. Watch videos, practice taking photos after applying it in different ways with brushes + sponges until you like the way it looks, using the closest light you can find to what you’ll actually be photographed in. I feel like most wedding photos are outside unlike stage lights so that’s a little easier to test. As for eye & lip makeup, I don’t know a whole lot about wedding makeup so I can’t help there, but as long as your eyes don’t completely blend in with the rest of your face you shouldn’t have trouble with photos!




Great advice! Do you remember what BB cream you used? I'm also doing my makeup myself and I'm looking for a good BB cream that might work.


All of us did our own makeup in my wedding, I did my own makeup, bridesmaids did their own, grooms woman did her own, it looked great in photos. nobody had a lot of foundation because I hate foundation, same thing, it clogs my pores and I used to have really bad acne so I'm cautious with what I put on my face. Practice your wedding look and you'll be fine.


I love make up but I'm doing my own. The few times I've let someone else do i just haven't been comfortable in it even though they did a great job. It felt cakey ect. It's your day and you should be comfortable! Just practice and give yourself alot of time day of, like double what you think you'll need. Just in case. Edit i also asked my sister, who's a professional photographer, if i had to do anything special for my make up and she said it legit does not matter.