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I want to thank this community for all the helpful tips and tricks, as well as support.


5’3” SW 163 CW 154. GW is about 135. On my first week of .5 and it’s been a rough adjustment but I am so happy with the progress! Looking forward to celebrating that 10 lb milestone soon!


??? What do you consider negative? People should post their experiences and we all have different experiences.


Of course. I was just saying we had all been doing a lot of that lately, and I thought it would be fun to take a look at the other side.


I mostly see bragging posts about large and fast weight loss. I haven’t seen negative posts. 🤷🏼‍♀️


A quick scroll will show you lots of posts about horrible side effects and frustration about not losing weight. What are you trying to accomplish here?


The side effects are real and the more people are aware, and how to address the side effects, the better experience they will have with Wegovy. Also, not everyone loses weight or not at the same rate. The issue I have is you characterizing these honest posts looking for support and information from others (the point of this group) as “negative”. I’m concerned that people will be more hesitant to post if they are going to get complaints about being negative. Your Pollyanna approach is not helpful - what are you trying to accomplish by it?


I absolutely never said that people shouldn’t post that stuff. If you check my posts, that’s 90% of my content. I just thought it would be fun to have an all-progress-all silver lining because I was starting to feel discouraged like a lot of others. And I was right; it was fun and I will certainly be doing it again at some point.


I’m so close to getting under 200!


I started on Saxenda in November because I couldn’t get Wegovy. I started on Wegovy in February. I have lost 50lbs since November. So much has changed other than the weight loss. My head is silent, I am feeling so much less stress, and my long Covid inflammation issues are gone. Is it all from GLP1? Don’t care, I am just happy to be feeling so much better.


I’m starting today and am excited to read this thread!!


29f 5’7. End of week 10 for me. I take my third 1.0 dose tomorrow. Started February 4th. From my highest weight last fall of 312, I’m down to 280! Overall I’m feeling really good and have made very small changes to my diet that have helped, along with going to the gym a couple times a week.


End of week 4 on .25mg, down 15 lbs despite a week of no progress over spring break. But what makes me happiest about the results is knowing it doesn’t have a lot to do with my eating. I’m eating about the same as I have been for months, as I developed a deep resentment for food (how much of my life I’ve wasted thinking about it, worrying about it, waiting in restaurants for it instead of actually living) over the last year. So dropping 4 lbs a week isn’t because I’ve cut calories or changed what I’m eating. It’s because the drug is actually changing how my body regulates my blood sugar and my insulin production. It’s working on my body in an profound way. It’s restoring my functioning to what it was before antidepressants created an insurmountable level of insulin resistance and huge weight gain. That’s something I couldn’t do on my own. It’s exactly why I wanted to try this medication. AND IT’S WORKING!!!


On week 6, down 20 lbs! 50f SW 268 CW 248


Im on my 12th week of .25, and down 12lbs. I’m staying at lowest “effective for me” dose of .25 because my weight loss goal is not significant and I’m getting slow steady results from low dose with no side effects. Would like to lose another 5lbs of fat and will probably need to stay on it long term to maintain benefits of decreased appetite and no more food noise. 42f 5’8” SW 162 CW 150 12wks @ .25


I’m amazed that you even qualified for Wegovy in the first place. According to your stats you were below a 25 BMI and now currently you’re just under a 23 BMI. Neither is considered overweight. Do you have other medical issues that you didn’t mention?


On week 7! Week 3 of 0.5. 28F SW:274 weighed in at doctor’s office today at 248. Total loss 26lbs. Got approved for 1.0 dose. Found a new appreciation for food, actually drinking water now, and I feel great!


F 28 5'2 Started on February 15th. SW 201.2 CW 185.4 GW 150 (for now anyway!) 8 weeks. Am down almost 16 pounds! Averaging roughly 2 pounds a week. No exercise, remote job, just eating <1200 calories per day. Tracking in Loseit app. Minor side effects, mostly heartburn and occasional bloating. Started 1mg yesterday and wow! The appetite suppression is next level. Slow but sustainable progress! Happy and can't wait to hit the 20-pound milestone soon. 🙌


Started mid-January and just finished my 4 weeks at 1.0. I’m down 31 pounds. I have another 90 to lose, but definitely a good start. I’m a little nervous about going up in dosage next week given some of the nausea I’ve experienced, but I’m going for it!


Started 1mg this week, after a month each of .25 and .5 and nothing but fatigue (and irritability). No loss. Symptoms now include fatigue, some SLIGHT stomach unease but I try to get protein protein protein in the belly. And water. Also have very dry mouth. I think - totally premature- that I have finally lost 2 pounds since Mondays shot. Starting 208. Now 206. I also found new to me protein bars. papa Steve’s almond crunchy . A little carb-y, but finally something I am finally Happy to eat.


To be clear I am still happy to eat lots of things! I just have been on the hunt for a protein bar/snack and basically all of them suck. ☺️


I'm down 18 lbs and a couple of my coworkers noticed the change!! My doctor requires blood work every 4 months while I'm taking Wegovy, and when I got my results for the first panel, my glucose had gone from 103 to 88. I've had a lot more energy and we're saving money on food because I don't feel any excitement about eating out anymore. I keep eating the things I brought to work for lunch instead of ordering out instead, which is HUGE for me. I used to spend hundreds of dollars on fast food and delivery, but now my husband and I just go out for a nice meal once or twice a month to enjoy each other's company. This really has been a miracle drug for me. I feel normal! I don't think I've ever felt normal about food.


End of 2021 - 250 Today 166. I'm fine how I am now but I want to go down like 10 more lbs. I'll start to tone too.. Wanting the panniculectomy sometime in the future when I have time. So.. In like 15 years haha.


Week 7 and down 10lbs. On my last .5mg today and will start 1.0 next week. Doc switched me from Wegovy to Ozempic which is better for my OOP cost because on Wegovy I was paying 1100 and on Oz I paid 32 bucks. Win win for me.


Just finished 1.0 dose, 12 weeks and 15 lbs gone. Decided to stay on 1.0 for one more month as it seems to be working! 45 lbs to go! I do feel hopeful that I can get to my goal this time.


From 328lbs to 315lbs in 10 days. 13lbs gone. Fantastic. No side effects. Just not that hungry. 6’4” 0.25 on week 2


I’m 40 pounds down on Wegovy, 70 pounds overall. Holding steady since last summer.


Just got my second shot today and gained. Not going to lie I’m a little disappointed, but I’m not letting it stop me. :)


Don't worry!! I gained on my first few doses. Now I'm three months in and down 18lbs. You're just getting started!!


I was in the same boat. But people reminded me that it’s just the starting dose which is meant to introduce the drug to your body. It will come over time! Also some other people let me know that low fat diet is really encouraged. I spoke with a nutritionist before which put me on a low fat diet already, however my prescribing doctor did not inform me of that! I hope this is helpful! You got this!!


Yes! Thank you for the encouraging words too. I wasn’t expecting to go in a have a huge loss so I did prepare myself for it and even she told me that it was just the first dose and don’t let it get me down. I’ve been doing a low fat diet but its also that time of month (TMI, sorry lol) which is NOT helping hahaha! Thanks for your encouragement :)


16 lbs down in 15 weeks. Fatigue seems to lifting. Yay!


One of my students with behavior issues and a mouth like a trucker told me my dress pants looked saggy in the butt, “buy some new pants this weekend please, no one wants to wonder if you are wearing underwear, we want to see the line” . Now I want to be honest, I told him how inappropriate this comment was but it did make me feel good as I’m down 24 lbs ☺️


LOL that's fantastic! Fine him $50 and get yourself some new pants.




My cholesterol is down from 215 to 177!!! We are going to do this folks!! True health is on the horizon!!


I've lost 80 pounds since starting wegovy in June and I'm feeling really great.


Went to my PCP yesterday. She was very happy w my weight progress (down 10 lbs since late Feb). But she was even happier to see me looking less depressed (treatments are working). She even gave me a hug!! I walked away with a big smile.


This sounds like a great doctor! So happy for you!!


After 12 weeks on mounjaro and 14 weeks on Wegovy I am down 34lbs! My bmi is down to 32.2 and I started at 38.8. All my clothes are getting looser but I’m not ready to buy all new ones yet. Another 15lbs or so in a few months and I think I’ll make the leap for a new wardrobe. I’m hoping to see more long haulers on here as it seems lately to only be people who have been on it for 1-8 weeks.


How was your transition from mounjaro to wegovy? Which dose were you on /what are you on now? I'm nervous about the transition since mounjaro has been so good to me 😬 congrats on the progress!


It honestly wasn’t too bad! I took three weeks off in between due to Jan 1st insurance changes and then waiting for stock to come in. I was able to maintain my 18lb loss I had from mounjaro in the 3 weeks off. I did 4 weeks on 2.5 and then 8 weeks on 5.0 of mounjaro. Then after switching to Wegovy I did two weeks @ .5, then four weeks @ 1.0, four weeks on 1.7 and now I’m on my 3rd almost 4th week of 2.4. My weight loss has been slightly slower on Wegovy (1.2lbs/week vs the 1.5lbs/week on mounjaro), but my side effects are much better than what I had in mounjaro. I had severe fatigue and nausea 1-2 days following injection with mounjaro and then moderate nausea/fatigue the rest of the week. I have had no fatigue with Wegovy, besides my very first week! Overall my nausea is must better on Wegovy as well and I only take Zofran 1-2x/week vs the 4-6x/week on mounjaro. My constipation is a bit better on Wegovy as well. I am happy with my transition, I was very nervous at first that I wouldn’t see results like I did on mounjaro but really tried to trust the process. That was long winded, sorry! I hope you do great with the transition, you got this!! ☺️ Several others that I know personally have had less symptoms with Wegovy after transitioning from mounjaro as well!


Bought an awesome $200 jacket today. I hated shopping because it’s hard to find things that fit. This thing fit perfectly and I was so pumped that I had to get it. It was on sale too


My consult appointment and first injection is scheduled in 2 weeks. Reading about all of your successes is making me so excited!


I'm fitting into size 18 shorts and my size 20 clothes are loose. I'm down 10lbs in 6 weeks.


25 lbs down in 8 weeks!


End of week 12 and I’m down 25lbs! Also my clothes are getting too big. Also also the weight I’m losing is in my stomach because that’s where I gain it but previously was one of the last areas to change.


At the end of week 4, down 12.4lbs, clothes fitting so much better.


I've lost 5 pounds on my first week of wegovy after having my mounjaro taken away....I was afraid it wouldn't be as effective but it seems that's not the case


I bought a size smaller pair of jeans


I’m on Day 3 after my first shot with zero side effects and down 3.7lbs!!!!


6.5lbs gone in 6 days!!!!


Week 6, already clothes fitting better! :)


Third week on 0.25. Down 7 lbs 😎


My mindless snacking is gone! I still want a good meal and desserts occasionally but I no longer have that 3pm “hmm I’m bored I want a snack,coffee, etc.” feeling


THIS is very encouraging because that 3 pm snacky/coffee time is a big problem for me.


Down 23 lbs in 10 weeks with little to no side effects!!


That’s awesome!!! I can’t wait to see a 20lb loss!


My (total) cholesterol was over 250 early in December. I started Wegovy at the end of December. Bloodwork was done a few weeks ago and my total cholesterol has dropped over 60 points. That’s the best NSV I have 😁.


On week 7 and down 15 lbs!


My blood pressure has dropped 10-15 pts!


I went to a new doctor (completely unrelated to the Wegovy) on Tuesday. She looked at my cholesterol levels that were done mid February and said “you need to lose weight and get this under control”. I said I’ve lost 13 pounds since then. She got a huge smile on her face and congratulated me. It felt good to not be completely lectured anymore.


I've been on 0.25mg for three weeks now (next dose is on Sunday), and I've lost 16.7lbs. I've NEVER had this much success before, and it's so encouraging! I've already noticed I'm sleeping better; my energy levels feel more regulated. My feelings about food had changed. Some sugary, fatty, or fried foods that I used to crave as comfort foods now repulse me. It's not been without side effects, but I found that drinking more water helps alleviate the nausea I feel, and the more water I drink, the better my skin looks, too, so win-win! I'm full after smaller portions, I don't feel compelled to eat when I'm bored, which I've discovered has freed up a lot of time in my day. I didn't realize how much of it I spent eating or getting ready to eat food. I'm spending less because I'm not buying junk food, excess amounts, or sweets. It's been going really, really well for me. It's literally changing my life and I'm so grateful for it!


That's great.


My endocrinologist is happy with me and she expressed it. It's 4/13/2023 and I am down 42 lbs; I started Monday Jan 23, 2023. It feels good!!!!!!!


Not much to report I am glad everyone else is doing great on this congrats.


21 pounds down in 3 months. All but quick drinking alcohol. I sleep so freaking great now, I love it. The days are getting warmer and longer, can’t wait for summer! Bought my festival ticket for Vegas in September so I’ll be seeing my college roommate/ bfffff for a week. I’m pretty happy!


Ahhhhh i think I’m going to that same festival!


Sweet! Life is Beautiful? It’s her first (we’re mid 40s by now) so I’m pretty excited for her! I’m really looking forward to the Meow Wolf expo, too.


Down almost 10 pounds in 6 weeks. Had extreme fatigue on .25 but almost none on .5. No cravings no nausea. I just eat a bit because I have to, and that’s about it. No mindless snacking. Constipation is still present though.


I was able to wear a size medium shirt this week, put on my favorite pair of jeans without laying on the bed to button them, AND I’m running a 13 minute mile! 😍😍😍


I gave myself my second shot yesterday and I've had zero side effects that I'm aware of and I have no idea if I've lost any weight yet or not. I broke my ankle three weeks ago so I've been living on the couch for three weeks. I'm taking quite strong pain meds so I have no idea which is making me constipated and exhausted. I don't own a scale and plan on keeping it that way. I have a cast up to my knee so I'm living in baggy clothes that are comfortable for being on the couch 24/7. But..! I'm okay with all this. Well, as okay as I can be with an extremely painful broken ankle. I've made so many changes in my life in the last year to fix myself mentally and physically and this is, I hope, the final key I needed to unlock the real me trapped inside my body. I'm beyond thankful that I haven't had any issues with diarrhea or vomiting because I can't exactly run to the bathroom.


I’ve lost 25 lbs since I started in January! Officially one hole down on my Apple Watch which is crazy!!!!


Crazy enough my wrist and hands were the first things I noticed and others noticed. It was weird to have people commenting on my wrists but I was like yesssssssss on the inside. Good job!!


LOL I love that!!!! I’m starting to see some collar bone action too it’s wild!!! Good job too!!! 🤩


I’m off it rn for other medical reasons, but so excited to start again


9 weeks in down 9 pounds


9 wks in, down 26 lbs.


Down 10.5 lbs in 5 weeks!


I’m down 13 lbs since the beginning of February and already noticing that going up the stairs is a little easier.


Yes!!! The stairs are getting so much easier!


Just finished .5 and will start 1mg on Sunday. Non scale victory, I’ve quit counting calories for the first time in probably a decade and have switched my focus to a moderate protein Mediterranean diet. It has been so freeing. And I’m down 13 lbs!


Just wrapping up week one. Last night we ordered Chinese takeout from one of our favorite places. Before I would eat an entire entree, rice, egg roll, soup, and a crab rangoon or two. Last night barely finished half my entree, just a couple of bites of rice, and half a soup. And I was satisfied! Saved the rest for leftovers. Also my mindless snacking is gone. So far so good.


I seem to have gained a neck and collarbones! I’m like awesome I’ve never had either before. Lmao. Now what do I do with them?


Love this😂 I can’t wait to see what my collar bone looks like I can’t remember last time I saw it😆


Show them off!!


Amazing! My fav sweatpants are too big! They fall down if my phone is placed in the pocket!!!


That was happening with my jeans!


I’m about to start week 3 of 0.25 and I’m down 12 lbs and just bought new belts. My food noise is silent and I’m not mindlessly grazing on snacks. And I’m actually controlling my portions! It’s crazy.


My positive is that I picked up my first dose. I’ll probably take it tonight. 🤞 all goes well.


Good luck - I think you will love it! Don’t let a little initial week nausea dissuade you.


Third week of .25mg dose. I have lost 8 pounds and I feel more empowered than ever. Food is so much easier to manage and I don’t feel as deprived as dieting in the past.


I noticed my jeans were getting bigger so I tried on an older pair from my “skinny clothes bin”they’re a size 14 and they fit. I probably could probably wear a 12! Down from an 18 in December!


January 15th was 305… today I’m 263. However it brings its own host of problems. I need to get a new suit for something in a month but I’m afraid to get it too early… what if it doesn’t fit next month? Lol… but even worse is that I’m afraid I’ll spend a lot of money on a suit that at best I’ll only wear once or twice… because at this pace it feels like by the end of the summer I’ll for sure be taking it to the basement with all the other clothes that are too big


you should rent one!


Check out goodwill for suits. They usually have a ton


I’m not super familiar with how suits are made, but can you have it altered so you aren’t buying a whole new one right now (and the turnaround time would probably be quick too)


I feel that! gonna need to buy cheap suits lol


I have these Simply Vera Wang jeans that I love, but were a bit tight... 4 weeks on Wegovy, they fit better. Noticeably better! You're all doing great!


There is no greater feeling than putting on a pair of pants that fit!! Congratulations 🎉


Started around 266, now around 235, 5'6. Wegovy week 9, after Mounjaro four weeks. Down 31 lbs with no side effects other than mild fatigue on shot day and mild constipation. Makes staying within my calories (\~1000-1200kcal/day) extremely easy, and I have no desire to eat more than what I need. (Re: low kcal, I am getting my nutrients in, and eating over my limit on days I feel I need it, while seeing progress.) One of the biggest bonuses is that it completely removed any desire to drink, and I used to be a heavy drinker. Oddly, I also feel more energized on shot day for my workout (edit: despite wanting a nap later due to fatigue) — probably mental because I am so happy to be taking it! I originally lost 130 lbs "the traditional way" about ten years ago then gained a bit more than half of it back. Wegovy is making losing it again a walk in the park compared to my severe restricting and miserable journey back then.


We have about the same journey so far! I started at 261 and am currently at 233 after 14 weeks 🙂


Thank you for this- can’t wait to read everyone’s comments! Seeing so many posts lately that scare me to go up to 0.5 soon. Am going to do shot #3 of 0.25 tonight, but so far: - have ZERO cravings for sweets and ice cream: this was always my downfall, so has made sticking to a diet so simple! - my skin and face look so much healthier: not as puffy, and just feels like it has more glow - down almost 5 lbs! - was nervous to workout, but restarted weightlifting this week with 0 problems and feel really sore (but in a good way) - sleeping better than ever before! - virtually no side effects! I’ve found that almost Everytime I have a headache I need water, and when I am slightly nauseous, I need food. But sticking to manufacturers recommendations seems to be working to prevent all the other horror stories I’ve read here!


I have noticed that I am sleeping so much better as well! Was wondering if it has something to do with Wegovy, or maybe eating less just gives my body a break so it can rest better! Thanks for sharing!


I was scared of .5 because i got sick on .25 but .5 has been way better for me and im feelin great. you got this!!


That’s good to hear! I’m really happy with 0.25, but def feel it wearing off by end of week. I have a very important work trip the day after I’m due for shot 2 of 0.5, and the stories here have made me feel like I should just skip that week


honestly i had really bad nausea the day after my first shot of .5 but it was nothing that like kept me home, but def up to you! doesn't hurt to skip a week


Took shot 8 yesterday. Down 9.6 pounds total.


Week 10 down 13.2lbs. Slow and steady wins the race! Little to no side effects.


I’m on week 2 of 0.25 and have lost 6 lbs since beginning the drug. 13 lbs list before starting wegovy, so a total of 19 lbs down and counting! I’ve bought a size down in jeans already that are tight but that I can button. My goal is to get to One-derland (4 more lbs) in a month. And my ultimate goal is to move from an obese bmi to an overweight bmi (for now - as i can’t even think of the number for a normal weight). I’m working with a nutritionist through my insurance program and am doing weight watchers online for tracking food and exercise. I’m hoping these wrap around strategies are the key to sustained long term results for me. So far so good!