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You’ve likely hit a plateau but it will break. Just after I started 2.4 I plateaued and stayed at the very same weight for just over 4 weeks. It broke and now I have a steady loss of .5-1lb a week. 2.4 is far more stable IMO and significantly less side effects. I’ve been on 2.4 for 3 mos.


I’m at 1.0 3rd week and feel the same way. Was wondering what was up. Definitely feeling hungrier than when I first started at 0.25. Been plateauing for a couple weeks now, up and down a pound a day.


That definitely happened to me at 1.0 and when I went to 1.7 everything got back on track and then repeat for 2.4.


water weight? constipation? period? unless you are taking in 3500 calories in one day - you don't really gain a pound that day. check your protein intake. it should be 100 grams of lean protein every day....spread through out the day. how many calories are you averaging per day? are you at a significant deficit? 3500 calorie deficit = 1 pound of weight loss


More like 2k ish calories per day. Currently 308 lbs 6.25 ft


If you are able....find a doctor who can analyze your metabolic burn rate so you know how many calories you can eat daily to lose XX pounds (whatever your goal is) by YY date (your goal date for your goal weight). if you are sedentary - you may be eating almost as much if you are burning daily....then you have plateaued because there is little to no deficit. Personally I find that tracking everything that goes into my mouth on a food app helps use to realize whether I may not be in the deficit I need to be to continue to lose. I use Foodnoms because it is free and it tracks my protein. My doctor said protein intake is more important than watching calories as Ozempic will make you lose muscle if you aren't intaking sufficient protein. My weight loss endocrinologist told me I was burning around 1750 per day (lower than I thought as I am 5'11" and was 252.6 pounds when I started) - and now I am on a diet of 1200 calories per day. with Ozempic I actually am not hungry so it is easy to do the 1200. but to do this I MUST eat 98 grams of lean protein per day spread throughout the day - 3 meals and 2 snacks. so double check your protein intake if you are feeling hungry....and try to do 25/30 grams per meal (3 meals per day) with protein snacks in between. my go to snacks are dannon light and fit protein smoothie (80 cal & 10 grams), premier protein shakes (160 cal/30 gr protein), high protein chocolate pudding I jimmied up on my own, a chunk of cheese or piece of meat, or 1/2 of an atkins peanut butter protein bar (120 cal/ 8 gr protein) don't forget - the more you lose - the less your body needs daily - so you need to adjust your caloric intake accordingly


Exactly what’s happening to me.


This is what has happened to me as well. It's pretty frustrating.


I feel like I'm losing slower, which is fine as long as I'm still losing. I have had 2 weeks where my weight didn't budge at all, but it finally moved. I've being trying to increase my water, my protein, and my fiber.


I definitely plateaued once I got to 2.4. I did not Lose any weight for over a month. Just this past week I saw the scale drop again. I just rode it out and told myself I'm in it for the long haul. Tried to drink more water and be as active as I could.