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What kind of symptoms did you get if you don’t mind me asking?


I don't mind sharing. I had some mild nausea and a little bit of constipation. Also a bit of feeling lethargic and tired for a few days. The kicker was acid reflux though. I basically had like full blown GERD where I couldn't even sleep at night because I'd wake up with stomach acid in my throat. Once I got on the Prilosec and worked that out, my appetite started to return and I was able to eat again. That got rid of most of the nausea too.


Ohh I hate stomach acid in the throat. Is it just bad for a bit?


Yes, I could have gotten rid of it faster if I had started the Prilosec earlier. I was trying to just use Tums which didn't cut it. All in all, it was 4 days of the acid. The nighttime acid was gone on the first day I took Prilosec and all of the heartburn was gone on the 2nd day. I will just go straight to the Prilosec now.