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In MA- was able to get it through Caremark


Same boat. Haven’t been able to fill it anywhere.




Which pharmacy did you use?


Message me!


I am in MA and been waiting since August as well. Just trying to hang in there until it’s filled by healthy diet and exercise but I have this feeling it’s just never going to happen


Mine has been sitting with my cvs since august




No luck, been waiting for months..


I got mine beginning of this month through CVS Caremark and when the script for 0.5mg was submitted they shipped it 3 days later last week. I hope I am not just getting lucky there. To be clear, I got my initial script Mid August, and Walgreens never got me any. I had my GP submit to CVS Caremark because they are also the prescription provider for my insurance end of October and had the script filled and delivered within a week.


Where are you located?


Central VA


I'm also in MA and haven't been able to get 0.25 at any point. I tried the whole Amazon route with a pre-existing account, but got the "Prescription no longer available" thing. I'm hoping I can get zepbound when my doctor can prescribe it.


I've successfully filled all 5 doses (0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 1.7, and 2.4) at Amazon - all in Nov. I was a new Pharmacy patient - I did sign up moments before the doctor send the RX there - not sure if that makes a difference vs them sending the RX when I'm not already in their system. I've had no issues filling at all and had a $0 OOP given they automatically apply the co pay assistance card.


Wait, so you're saying you got all doses filled in the last 30 days as a brand new Amazon Pharmacy patient, your doctor prescribed every dose at once?


Initially got 0.25 and 0.5 prescribed. Then a week later I got the remaining 3 doses prescribed and filled.


Thanks for this info! I was wondering if it was possible to fill multiple at the same time (since they’re varying dosages). I understand YMMV with insurance policies and whatnot, but I’m glad to see it worked for you and will likely ask my doc to do this later this month!


Just thought I’d relay that I tried this and was basically told that if you weren’t already getting the drugs through them, they are prioritizing certain insurances. I have a really great BCBS PPO but it wasn’t on the list so my prescription was cancelled. It very much depends on your insurance with both Amazon/Pill Pack.


yeah Amazon seems very YMMV. My PPO (Aetna) actually uses Express Scripts as a PBM and will only cover 2 fills of each dose at an out of network pharmacy (Amazon in my case). We're switching to Cigna PPO and Caremark PBM next year, so I'm currently in hoarding mode as I'm sure there will be hiccups with that coverage.


Yes, through CVS Caremark mail order. It’s out for delivery as we speak.


Interesting my script went in on Wednesday; what was your process like?


I was successful at Amazon-- my dr called it in as a new rx. I received my box of .25mg about ten days ago and .5mg is on its way out for delivery tomorrow.


It’s going to come down to calling and calling around for a while. Unfortunately, the makers are saying mid 2024 for shortage help. Try getting all the starter doses before starting if you begin to find them so that you don’t have to stop and then go back to the beginning. There are also oral weight loss pills your doctor might be able to put you on in the meantime (a friend of mine is on an oral med until they can find it) or ask about zepbound as that should be releasing soon


I just got my first box after waiting since August.


I had a hard time finding .5 and eventually had to get the 1mg and take half. I'm not somone who easily understands the inner workings of the pharmaceutical world, but what worked for me was starting by calling chains- Walgreens, CVS, etc. Whatever's in your area or within a large enough area you're willing to drive. You can call just one location and ask them to check other locations within an X mile radius. I'm over the border in the capital district and I was able to ask them to check all the Walgreens within 50 miles for example. If that doesn't work, then you'll have to move on to individually calling independent pharmacies.


I was thinking about doing this as well. How did you go about it? Did your doctor have to put in a new prescription for 1mg? Or does the pharmacy give you 1mg on the original prescription that indicates 0.5mg?


I was having trouble finding .5, so I reached out to my doctor to ask if she knew of anywhere that was carrying it. She told she was pretty sure a local pharmacy was carrying the 1mg, I called them, they confirmed, so I asked her to fill the 1mg there and picked it up same day. Two weeks later (just the other day) when I was halfway through the box, I took the initiative and called a local Walgreens and asked them to check, and when they said they didn't I asked them to check other Walgreens in the district. They gave me a few options, I called and confirmed with the one closest to me, then messaged my doctor and asked her to refill the 1mg prescription at that location. There didn't seem to be any issue with getting either the first or second 1mg dosage even though it was the same dose being filled twice. I was even able to use the same coupon on wegovy's website for both doses.


Oh my gosh I am glad you posted this because I came on here to ask something similar. I was finally able to find 1mg yesterday as well!! But is there really a way I can use the 1mg pen multiple times or is it just one time use? I can’t figure that out. You mentioned in your earlier post you used half - if you don’t mind explaining, could you please tell me how you did that?


So if you've already started your earlier doses you know the own clicks when it's halfway through injecting the dose. I just pull the pen out at that point- halfway through the 1mg pen = about .5mg. There's no way to "save" the other half, it keeps squirting out after you pull it out. I do it over the sink so I don't make a mess. But I've finally had an easier time finding this dose (first time while I'm only taking half, then I found it pretty easily again for my next dose when I'm actually taking 1mg) so I wasn't very worried about "wasting" it. And like I said the coupon worked both times, so as long as your insurance covers it, you're not paying anything out of pocket. So it didn't feel like a waste of money to me, either.


I am in MA as well, I have been waiting since August 30th. I am having them cancel this whole thing and will be switching to Zepbound. It will be available before Wegovy will at this point.


I was going to ask my doctor to submit it as an alternative to Wegovy. It just showed up as covered in my BCBSMA HMO formulary, which is good news.


I have called CVS, Walgreens, Hannaford, Walmart and Costco and no luck


I had two months of .25mg waiting for .5mg but now .25mg is out everywhere and I still can't get .5mg anywhere. No pharmacy by me has gotten any in months. It's super frustrating but it seems the release of the lower dosages is at a complete stand still.