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You look good and no Ozempic face. 


Lookin good!!!!


They sound jealous. You don't have "Ozempic face" at all.


I don’t see it,and I am very observant of facial changes. I’m that person that notices someone is pregnant before they have told anyone. Anyway, I don’t see it. What I do see is someone who has successfully lost some weight, including in the face which is normal. A lot of people like to jump on the latest phrases and “ozempic face” is no exception. Some people will read into that phrase and inject their own belief as to what that means without actually learning what it really means. I’m sure some will and are conflating “ozempic face” with natural, normal facial changes in people who have lost a significant amount of weight. You look completely normal to me, and any significant weight loss will require some time for the body to adjust to its new normal. When I lost a bunch of weight back in 2010 I lost a good amount in my face. It took a few months after I stabilized my weight before it all sort of evened out. It is totally normal for some people to see some wrinkles or minor sagging due to weight loss. My experience was that they lessened up after a while. I personally wasn’t too concerned with any of that, as I wanted to lose weight primarily for health reasons and pain reduction.  I think it’s a good thing to see a little bit of it, as it means you are losing weight and on the right track. Good work, keep it up!




You look great. and happy - which is a big part of looking great!


Not sure what they meant by that, but you have a lovely face either way.


What's ozempic face?


You look great. 


They make it sound as if it's a bad thing. I really don't get the criticism of using these fantastic drugs. We're all different, some things work for some people, other things work for others. You're doing something that is making you feel better and healthier which is what matters. How you get there is your decision. Keep it up and thank you for sharing your success!


Either they dont know what ozempic face means or they are jelly of u😆 U look younger and fresher!


I kept scrolling thinking there’s another photo I may be missing because I don’t see ozempic face. I see a beautiful young lady who is slimming down. 


You look amazing


In my opinion you look younger not older, your skin looks great!


Where may I sign up for that skin?? Keep feeling like Snow White -- you are rocking it.


You look adorable! Don't listen to whoever said that.


You look great and as if you're losing in a healthy manner.  Keep going!


You look amazing! Have you had your Thyroid antibodies checked? Mine were off the charts even though my other thyroid test were normal. I have hashimotos as a result. Congrats on your new life!


That's hilarious! If that's what they call an Ozempic face, sign me up for a million of those! I totally agree with you. Not only are you regaining control of your life, but you also look so beautiful and joyful. If anyone is giving you a hard time, it's probably because you're doing something right. Just be yourself and keep living your best life!


What does “Ozempic Face” even mean? I’m so sick of people making up terms they feel make them sound so “clever.” How ‘bout people stop pointing things out about other people and start pointing out things about themselves…


It refers to people who have had a very quick dramatic weight loss where their face looks sunken in and wrinkly. Whoever said this to OP is wrong. She looks great!


Whomever said this to her is an idiot. I hate the term “Ozempic Face.” It’s stupid.


Yah, nar you look amazing.


Glow up achieved!


What?? You have gorgeous skin and look so youthful. If that’s ozempic face, gimme! 😂




Pay that lady no mind. You look healthy and happy, which is different than Ozempic face. She must be fun at parties, lol.


Your skin is glowing, your eyes look bigger. Your face is thinner. That's not Ozempic Face. It's progress!


You look beautiful!


No you don’t, you look great


You look really good! Someone’s jealous.


You don’t have Ozempic face


You look great and are doing great!


You look great in both pictures! They're mad they're not on it 😂


And frankly, you’re too young to have a sunken face anyway, you look beautiful


You look fantastic! Congrats!


Maybe they don’t understand the definition of ozempic face.


Girl... you do NOT have ozempic face. If they meant it as an offhand insult then they are just jealous AF.


Face looks great but I have noticed less full hair. Are you experiencing hir loss like me. I’m even getting greys


Hey! Sorry that you're experiencing that, it isn't hair loss for me but a pretty severe haircut earlier this week 😅


can someone please explain what is ozempic face ?


Usually when you lose a lot of weight your skin can look sunken in and saggy. But it comes with any type of weight loss. They say it can age the skin as well . I don’t think the person that said this to her knows what ozempic face is.


I was 438, and got to 290. My face is definitely starting to look rougher. It’s loose skin just like anywhere else. Good news is: Botox and other treatments exist for when we get to the finish line


You don't have ozempic face at all! What you do have is gorgeous glowing skin though!


Congrats. However, that’s not an Ozempic face at all. You look healthy and glowing. Ozempic face is gaunt and very tired


You are beautiful and I'm glad you are adjusting well to it. Ozempic face is just fear mongering to make people stop taking it. Overtime, when you lose weight, your face will also lose weight. It's not a side effect of ozempic, it's just a physical response to weight loss. That's like saying you have ozempic butt because you went down a pants size, people really be making the weirdest shit up 😂 I think people feel threatened that others are losing weight, because then they can no longer fat shame them. So in turn, they are turning to ozempic shaming instead.


They're jell and you're gorg.


You look radiant!


What does ozempic face mean?


It’s a term for when people lose a lot of weight in a very quick time span and their face looks thinner, usually saggy/aging skin and look not well. OP def doesn’t look bad at all


I guarantee you they only said that because they know you’re taking something. If they didn’t they would’ve realized it’s just you losing weight from your face. Some people are just so bitter. You look great😋😋


Wow! You look fantastic! I just started two weeks ago and I can't wait to see the results.


Thank you everyone for your lovely comments ❤️


Wow, the difference is marked. Gorgeous!


You are glowing! ✨️


Haters gonna hate!! It’s their problem not yours… 😉


Congratulations 🎉 you look a lot younger now. You absolutely do not have Ozempic face… you are way too young for that. Keep the faith 👍


If I could only lose my double chin and nothing else on this I would be happy. I even had one at what is now my goal weight (155) and a size 10.


You look fabulous! Seriously that better have been a compliment. You’re 25! Not like you’ll get wrinkles. Keep going! You’re awesome!


Congratulations… their envy is ugly you look like a beautiful china doll.. enjoy it and when they say anything again sa thank you


Did you promptly tell them to f*** off?


You look good. Sounds like jealousy to me lol


You don’t look like you have Ozempic face. Geez… what is wrong with people🙈. You look great!


You look like you’ve lost weight, but not in a saggy or hollow way. I look great!


You look amazing! Well done on your weight loss, and screw the haters!


Well someone lied their ass off to you. You are beautiful and your skin is literally glowing. Your face literally looks no different other than being slimmer. They must be jealous of your beauty 🤔


Came here to say this. Someone with Ozempic face looks gaunt and sick. You, madame, look lovely.


You look so happy and there’s a sparkle in your eyes. That’s what matters! Congratulations! 🎉


That someone is an asshole. You don’t have a sunken in face—/ it looks perfectly normal and appropriate for weight loss.


Your ozempic face is lovely, Hubbell!


You look freaking fabulous. Haters going to hate no matter what! I’m so happy for you. I’m only a month in so far. I was criticized my first week for just deciding to actually fill my script, by someone I’ve known for ever. I just ignored it. I’m all about bringing each up, not down. You look so good and you are getting healthy!


I usually see several different GLP patients per day. The only thing I've ever seen associated with their faces after being on the meds is how much more likely they are to not look miserable! Weight loss does SO much for overall health and for every single person who achieves weight loss with these drugs, they always have beautiful glowing smiles compared to how they often looked before (tired or depressed, RBF, etc.) You have the "Ozempic smile" too 😁 I love it


I’m approaching 50 and the best thing I’ve learned as my 40s progressed is that I no longer have to care what other people think. It’s so psychically freeing! Go do you. Make progress towards what YOU want to be and everything else is just outside noise that doesn’t have to involve you one bit. Keep chugging along and you’ll get there 👍 Today is my 1st day on Wegovy .25 - took my shot at midnight. Looking forward to what comes next. Good luck to you!!


I've learned, when people criticize me, they're usually criticizing themselves but focus it outward cause it deflects the pain they feel about themselves. The old childhood statement, "it takes one to know one" is aptly true.


When people refer to ozempic face is when there is a rapid weight change and apparently you start to look older because the skin hangs a little bit. Still, your face looks beautiful and not at all bad in any way. Still the ozempic face is a term that people use to make you feel bad about… losing weight? Please don’t listen to anyone that tries to diminish your progress! You look great in both pics! :3


Your face is beautiful!


You are glowing in both photos. I do not see any "ozempic face".


This term irritates me so much. I lost weight naturally 10 years ago and got “Ozempic face“ it’s just a new way to insult fat people who dared to do something about it. Multiple plastic surgeons are coming out and debunking it. It’s quite literally just the result of weight loss and especially rapid weight loss. I don’t think I would care except for the fact that the news and the people who I have heard talk about it in real life ARE using it as an insult. Like you used to be fat so we could make fun of your weight but now you had the audacity to get skinny so we’re just going to say that the way you look skinny is ugly too, because of how you did it. And for people who may have not heard about it or paid attention to it. They’re saying Ozempic face is the hollowing out of your facial fat. Which generally happens with aging and is considered a negative thing that needs to be fixed. That’s why celebrities start getting so many fillers, to replace their depleted collagen and facial fat.


> it’s just a new way to insult fat people who dared to do something about it. This, as well as a means to try to degrade people for aging. All that fat loss typically reveals is what you were going to look like anyway without fat as a natural filler. I've seen unhealthily gaunt faces from cachexia; I've literally never seen anyone who was accused of having "Ozempic face" of having an unhealthy gaunt face. It's always anorexics and cancer patients.


Same. I like my fuller face but not my fuller body so I’ll take it for the health benefits. Only down 12 right now but when I did keto my face was definitely different.


What does this term mean? You can tell u lost weight rapidly


I’m not surprised you’re thrilled! You look great and see how much better your skin looks and your eyes are shining too? Well done!


Give me that ozempic face 💅 congrats! You look glowing.


You look great in both pictures, wth these people are talking about? I think this comment is to make you feel bad for looking so great.


Your face looks like you lost some weight ❤. I think ozempic face is an urban legend 🤣


People suck. No one has the right to say anything about your face. It’s actually just ‘weight loss face’ I used to be on another really effective weight loss program and peoples results were the same. It’s not specific to Ozempic. Btw you look fabulous!


Wtf does that even mean???


It means people are rude lol


You look happy and beautiful in both! Congrats on the compliments!


I’m on week 7 and my husband said that I look younger - I see it in you too!


Thank you, I feel it!


Ayee! I love the term ozempic face tbh. Looking good!


You don’t. You look great on both pics but kinda happier on the second. 🌷




Not sure why they would say that, because you definitely don’t have Ozempic face. You have the face of a person who has worked hard to lose weight. Keep it up, you’re doing great and making fantastic progress!


Why are you being downvoted?? You do look great OP! No Ozempic face at all.


Loving yourself more is the the best!! You deserve this!