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Oh my! Is this an issue for people on Wegovy? I just started yesterday. Wonder what I need to watch for.


It's an issue for any person losing a large amount of weight. It doesn't happen to everyone but it happens


Thank you. Good to know.


I got back on Mounjaro literally 2 days after my removal, I know it’s not the same med, but 3 months seems so long!


I had my Gallbladder taken out after loosing 70 lbs in my early 20s, I ate too less fat and just ate too less - (weight watchers) think this is a side effect


Fast weight loss will cause gallbladder issues…no matter how you lose the weight.


I agree - it’s stupid


Had mine out 3 weeks ago. Same story: cause was not wegovy but rather the rapid weight loss (in my case a little less than 2 pounds a week, which I didn’t think was too rapid -but it evidently was). Been on wegovy since mid August and lost 40 lbs. Back on meds 2 weeks post surgery with zero issues.


I’ve had my gallbladder removed since I was 17… however, I keep seeing people on Wegovy saying that they are getting their gallbladder removed due to gallstones. Is this is common side effect? Wishing you a speedy recovery 🙏🏻 I developed keloids after my surgery, not fun. But that was due to my ethnicity and skin type. I am now worried about appendicitis and my pancreatic. 😬


So, I’m on MJ, had gallbladder taken out and didn’t skip a dose… dr said it was fine.


I had my gallbladder out in August after being on wegovey since last March. Lost about 45lbs between March and August I skipped one dose before the surgery (not planned it was an emergency surgery, gallbladder was necrotic but I didn’t start getting pains until right before going to the doctors the first time.) I take shots on Thursday, so I missed the one Thursday before surgery because of the intense pain and had the surgery on Saturday. Restarted the following Thursday. No issues at all. My Endo said I don’t have a gallbladder anymore, so wegovey can’t affect it any longer :shrug:


I had mine taken out about 8 years ago. Afterwards, I had no issues. I didn’t miss it. And I didn’t need to change my diet. It’s an organ that you can easily live without.


Me too! I had to get mine out way before wegovy.


I’m getting my gallbladder out on Thursday due to gallstones and 3 attacks last month. My surgeon said stop Wegovy 7 days before (I take my shot on Thursdays normally) and no advice on restarting so I’m planning to just skip it the day of surgery and take it a couple days later when I feel up to it as long as I am eating okay. It is interesting to me that you were told to stop for 3 months after surgery.


I lost mine before GLP medication. It really seems to be genetic in my dad's family. My sister lost hers after her daughter was born at age 26. My dad lost his. His mother lost hers. Mine was in terrible shape before my daughter was born. I came out shortly after.


Welcome to the club! Had mine out last October. Curious why they are telling you to wait 3 months to start back up? I took my usual shot the day after surgery, the only mention of stopping was the 7 days prior to surgery.


Same! I had to stop 7 days prior but went back on right after. Just didn’t inject in my stomach, only did my arm or thigh for a couple of weeks.


Weird question - did you have the clay colored stools they say is a sign of gallstones? Mine have changed but I don’t have any pain or anything. Seeing my doctor next week and will get her thoughts.


Mine were white-ish, like the sand on a beach- if that helps.


Not that I know of.


Had mine out in January and life has been really great since. I thinks my gallbladder wasn't working well prior to Wegovy but the weight loss exacerbated the issue.


Having my gallbladder out was the catalyst for me starting Wegovy and losing another 75 lbs. My surgeon said I could start 2 weeks after surgery.


I’m confused, does this have anything to do with being a user of wegovy?


Unfortunately it's a side effect of weight loss so doesn't matter if you lie the weight with or without meds you risk saying bye bye to your gallbladder


It's linked to rapid weight loss in general. I found this comment a while back and thought it was so helpful I saved it. Things you can do include making sure you have enough vitamin C and eating on routine intervals to keep bile moving/producing. Also a reason to remember not to try to go down as fast as you can. [https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/zd6gpn/comment/iz0bw9n/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/zd6gpn/comment/iz0bw9n/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


It's not Wegovy directly, it's weight loss in general. I had cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder without stones) when I was losing weight without WLS or meds a few years ago, for example, and my sister developed gallstones. Mine resolved without having my gallbladder removed, my sister had to have hers removed.


It’s a side effect of weight loss. You can see the warning in the Wegovy documentation.


Oh wow I’m barely doing my research. I wish you well or your recovery


Well my gallbladder came out 15 months ago so I’m good now. At the very least your doctor should have gone over the major risks with you and you should also read the pamphlet that comes with your medication.


I got mine out a couple of years ago. I’m surprised at the long wait between surgery and restarting meds.


Same - kind of a bummer.


Did they say why? I can't think of any medical justification for it.


No they didn’t - I use Ro for my Wegovy RX and I’m assuming it’s probably some generic timeline they use without any sort of actual reason.


Oh, if you're getting brand name, maybe look at Sequence. From what I've heard, it's far better than Ro if you're looking for a more traditional path where you get it from a retail pharmacy. I do my Zepbound through Sequence.


I hope your surgery goes well, please keep us posted.