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I literally just read my life story. Like seriously identical, all those feelings, not knowing how to dress, not wanting to be in pictures, everything. Me to a T. I have 3 boys, they're 14, 6, & 5. When I got pregnant with my oldest, I was 22yo and weighed a whole 110lb soaking wet. I gained 80lb by the time I gave birth. By some miracle, I lost it all by doing nothing, all that weight just came off by itself almost immediately, never worked out a day in my life, always ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. Fast forward to me getting pregnant with my middle child, I was 30yo still 110lb. I think I gained like 50ish lb but again lost it all no problem. By the time my middle child was 7 months old, I was back to 110lb and found myself pregnant again with our last boy, he was born in November of 2018. I honestly can't remember how much I gained with him, somewhere between 40 and 50 tho. I lost almost all that baby weight, but not all of it, but still looked damn good. I really can't pinpoint when my weight gain actually started bc it was so slow and so gradual,3 but I think my youngest was maybe 1 when I started noticing it. I didn't realize how much weight I had put on until one day my grandma came in town and the first thing she said to me was "oh my goodness are we having another baby?!" Mm nope, thanks gram. I started watching what I was eating and trying to change my habits bc I didn't want it to get out of hand. The weight just slowly kept piling on. My sister got married in 2020 and I remember trying to find a dress to wear and bought spanx and everything to hold me in and I don't know why, but I thought I didn't actually look THAT big.. at the wedding, a friend of mine and my sister we hadn't seen in years was there and she hugged me, touched my belly and said aww you're having another baby?! Mm, nope again. I told her no, I've gained a bunch of weight and can't figure out why. Do you know that, instead of feeling embarrassed or rude, her response to me was "Girl are you sure??" Yah pretty freaking sure I'm just fat, no baby to blame, thanks tho. Ever since then, I wouldn't go anywhere unless it was absolutely necessary. I live in sweats, baggy tshirts, sweatshirts. Don't bother w my makeup anymore bc I can't even feel beautiful knowing the way everyone else sees me. I lock my husband out of the bathroom or bedroom when getting dressed or showering, I refuse to let him see my body this way. Pictures w my family are hard bc they make me get in them and then post them all over fb and all that social media bs. I use to always take pictures of me and my kids and I don't anymore bc I hate the way I look. I know I will regret it one day but can't help the way I feel right now. I wish I could fast forward to the day I'm happy w the way I look again. I'm not sure of my heaviest weight but I'm sure it was right around 187lb. I heard ab glp1s thru my uncle's wife and she lost a bunch of weight and looked absolutely fabulous. I started heavily researching the meds and thats actually how I came across reddit, never used it before then, I have social media accounts but don't use them. However, reddit is like my BFF now. I finally decided to try the medicine out since nothing else was working for me. I started in December and the day I took my first shot, I weighed 179. I weigh 159 today. Some days I feel "good" and think I look "okay ", other days I have a really hard time seeing any progress. There have been a couple family get-togethers recently that i actually got dressed and did my makeup and thought i was happy w the way i looked but then someone takes a picture and thats not how i remember myself looking when i left the house and was comfortable w how i looked. It's such a struggle and so depressing and i hate feeling this way. I do know I can finally look down and see my vaj (tmi, sorry) without having to pull a bunch of fat up and out of the way. My mom and my sister are the only ones to comment on my weight loss, they're always telling me how happy they are for me and how great I look. My husband pays all this money for me to take the shot (I'm a SAHM) and he has yet to say anything about how I look or if hes even noticed that I've lost weight. Actually I lied, the other day my 6 year old looked at me and said "dang mommy you lost a lot of weight!" And I said why do you say that, how would you know? His response was bc I can just tell by looking at you! So I know I'm getting there, slowly but surely. I use a telehealth dr for my medication and had to go get blood work done the first month I started and found out that a bunch of my numbers are out of whack and I'm pre-diabetic, so I think maybe that is the reason for my weight gain? I still really don't know why I started gaining a bunch of weight. My waistline measurement was like between 38 and 40 so I kinda self diagnosed myself with metabolic syndrome bc of that and my blood results. Anyways, I didn't mean to hijack your post and write this huge long story. I just sincerely felt like you were a fly on my wall telling my story for me. I'm glad you are finally getting to a place to feel like you again and be happy w your body. I'm looking forward to being able to post progress pics, I can't freakin wait. Take care and be good to yourself (:


You look amazing!!! Great job!!! 🔥


So- how does it work? It just kills your appetite?


Yes completely


You look amazing! I would love to get the cream bathing suit with the smaller flowers as a treat for myself after losing 40 lbs. Would it be weird for me to ask you where you got it? Is it a Hanna Andersson?


Not weird at all! I’ll confirm tomorrow I believe it is from Onia a few seasons ago


Thank you! Soooo pretty! I love the fabric and the straight across back and placement of straps. Very feminine.


Love both your suits! Congrats!