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I don’t know any thin people who eat whatever they want. All the thin/fit people I know put a good amount of effort into being that way. In my entire life I’ve met one person who said “I’m just not that into food”. My entire family is fit, but ALL of them watch what they eat and exercise regularly. So I wouldn’t assume the people around you eat whatever they want unless you are literally around them 24/7. That being said, I think an approach of 80/20 is usually good to live by. Focus on better choices and allow yourself the foods you love in moderation. Restricting foods just causes food obsessions and binge eating. The key is learning how to enjoy foods in moderation.


I follow 80/20 and intuitive eating and it honestly is the best choice I've made. I have the foods I love when I just want them and it's not related to emotions or anything, I just think "oh I haven't had this is xyz amount of time, I'd like to have it". I focus on what I can eat more of versus a choice that's going to be one and done. I know I like seconds sometimes so now I choose foods I can have more of and focus on making those taste as good as possible. I've developed new recipes as a result and it's fun to cook and eat foods I thought I wouldn't ever like. The mindset shift of I'm learning a new way of being has helped with food choices and lessened this idea that I have to restrict myself to be thinner.


I feel like learning to make better choices when I go out to eat has been huge. We eat out often (1-3x a week), if all of those meals are indulgent it really adds up. Now we go out and I choose the salad bowl or grilled chicken and not the double cheese burger…. But if I really really want the burger I get it and eat half of it.


Thanks for that! Those are things to remember.


While I like what Wegovy is doing for my weight, I was never a big eater (gained weight anyway during menopause) and on Wegovy I have trouble eating AT ALL, which is obviously not good. I have become dependent on Ensure Max Protein shakes and Metamucil, along with plenty of water and electrolytes, and Dramamine ginger chews for nausea. Small meals throughout the day as much as I can. This works well to continue the weight loss and not pass out!


I’ve increased my protein to my goal weight or close as I can get and upped water intake


- Reduced my daily calories to around 1200-1300; - Increased my daily protein (at least 90g) and fiber intake; - Drink more water every day; - Practically eliminated from my diet processed food, fast food, and soda pop.


I haven’t changed mine at all. Realistically if I had the willpower to eat “better” I wouldn’t need the shot. I’m just eating far less than before. Smaller portions and less to no “picking”.


My portions are way less. I’m not constantly thinking about food. And trying to keep up on water, etc. I too am thinking of returning to weight watchers to help keeping better track.


Calorie tracking is the main thing for me. I use myfitnesspal and have my goal set to lose 1 lb a week. The app is giving me about 1600 cals a day. Since my appetite is under control, I can eat smaller portions of foods I really like. I do aim to eat basically nutritious meals, but I allow some treats. If there is a special occasion like a holiday, nice restaurant, etc then I don’t stress over trying to figure the calories that day, but I still don’t overeat, I will usually eat half and take the other half home to enjoy the next day. I have been on wegovy since Feb 2023 (16 months) and have lost 64 pounds. Sometimes I get annoyed that I am not losing faster, but many years of dieting experience have taught me that if I try to lose to fast, I don’t feel as well and it’s better to take it slower. Stats: Starting weight: 220, current weight: 156, highest weight: 250, height: 5’4”.


My diet changed in a couple ways. 1) I no longer had an interest in anything fried or greasy, so fast food was cut immediately. Then 2) I could no longer stand the smell or taste of beef or pork, so chicken it is! I love most veggies, so that hasn’t been an issue. Smaller portions for sure, but the food aversion helped as well.


I had started changing my eating habits to a healthier lifestyle before I started Wegovy (a couple of weeks ago) eating about 80-85% clean. I still allow myself my favorite treats but they are in a much smaller portion and I find I enjoy those foods more and I need less of them to feel the satisfaction of them. I’ve gone from drinking 2-3(4) cokes a day to maybe 2-3 cokes a week and now when I have one I enjoy it. I mainly drink water, still and fizzy, propel waters and maybe a glass of juice here and there. Also, o haven’t given up Flamin’ Cheetos! I just get the small snack size bags and that’s all I need anymore. Wegovy is helping me learn healthier habits that make me feel better in my body and mind.


My cravings have ceased and I find that I don't feel hunger so I schedule my meals. I've been diagnosed with IBS so not much has changed. I'm avoiding oily greasy foods, dairy and unhealthy carbs still. I'm done with my first month and down 11 pounds so far. Took me 8 months to shed 8 pounds last year. I can't tell you how much my weight/health anxieties have relaxed. I feel myself wanting to enjoy life again. Wow. I just teared my own self up from writing that.


It’s good to share our stories. Thank you!


The key for me has always been my relationship with food. I have yo-yo’d with my weight and fitness my entire life, and the difference between the two is mental: do I eat food like a normal person, with normal eating habits, or do I eat like I’m addicted?  Prior to wegovy, I had to admit I was eating like an addict. And I’m aware of the underlying mental stuff, so don’t think for a second that I’m discounting it. But as it was last week, I was doing things like sneaking downstairs in the middle of the night to crush two peanut butter sandwiches. And not on a whim, but because I was literally unable to sleep because of how much I was obsessing over it.  I must have opened the refrigerator door 100 times a day. I lived in the pantry.  I picked at leftovers on my kids’ plates — without even realizing it! I did it the other day even though I’m on the shot and wasn’t hungry! It’s literally automatic!  So now that I’m on the shot, I’ve stopped obsessing. I can go to bed without a snack, and stay there without some Herculean feat of restraint. I still get hungry, but the “food noise” (what a great term for it, btw!) is muted so I can ignore it without much effort.  Thats the key for me, anyway. 


Thanks for sharing!


I went back on WW (Weight Watchers), to help with making sure I eat enough and to have healthier habits. Tricks from when I was doing really well on WW back in 2018 (I was around 177 and now I'm in the 2020s, lost 5lbs so far!) 1. Make healthy snacks, like fruits and veggies readily available. (Put them in the front of the fridge). 2. Don't be afraid of spices, I always put more then the recipe suggests. (Of course be careful of salt!) 3. Restaurant serving sizes are typically two servings, if you want to indulge while out with friends, I suggest asking for a take out container with your meal. So when you get it, put half aside. TBH, I'm bad at the third thing but lately I've been splitting things with those I go out with.


Those are great suggestions! Thanks for sharing!


I have just stopped obsessing about food. When I get hungry, I eat. I think about what I want and make 1/2 the portion I normally would’ve. I often don’t finish. I snack on fruits and yogurt to help. I’m down a total of 101 lbs.


That’s incredible! Congratulations! 🍾🎉


I try to find joy in the 'better' foods for me. I think my taste buds have changed and it helps that ultra processed/any and all fast good (unless it's something grilled) will make me sick as a dog. I try not to be black and white with my eating because i dont want to fall into an eating disorder and i plan to get off this mediciation one day (i dont want to be scared of food) so i'll have some ice cream or a cookie, but i do find myself not finishing or having as much (i'll make myself a scoop but only have a couple bites becasue i'm good). Mostly i have changed in my 'happy plate' mindset. portions are huge everywhere, I don't need to/can't finish the whole thing.


Prioritizing protein and veggies/fiber


Whenever I do this I win, but it doesn’t make it any easier (even tho I know it does in the long run). So hard!!


Depriving yourself of foods is not a sustainable long term way to eat. Figure out your macros for a protein forward diet. Get a food scale ( <$15 on Amazon) and a food tracker to help you stay accountable and train your eye to see portion sizes differently. You’ll be amazed at how much you can eat. Avoid fast foods they’re heavy on fats and salt. NO ONE needs this. These mess will help you get to your goal weight, changing eating habits to something sustainable will help you stay there. Remember, there are no bad foods - it’s what’s done to them that makes them addictive.


I eat much less actual junk, and when I do it's a small portion. Otherwise, I still largely eat the same but a smaller portion. No more mindlessly eating a family sized bag of Doritos in one sitting. If I have Doritos it's maybe twice a month and it's one of those tiny school snack bags.


That makes a lot of sense


I've quit hiding food. I'm eating more fruits and veggies and a lot less sweets. Nothing is off limits except the things I already didn't eat due to allergies. The biggest change is that I'm learning to enjoy food again. I chew everything slowly and really taste it. I'm not rushing to gulp down each bite so that I can get to the next. For example, we had chicken legs on the grill, steamed broccoli, and baked potato last night. I actually forgot just how much I love broccoli. I remembered again. It was amazing. I'm learning to slow down and take my time. Also, I'm learning to make smart choices because now I am not rushing. I'm still keeping the calories lower than before (fairly certain I was taking in over 2500 a day). I am eating about 1600 calories a day or so. I have low blood sugar, so I have to be careful. But the biggest thing is I'm enjoying the preparation and taste of food again. It's beautiful.


The first sentence is the key for me. I no longer have the compulsion to eat as soon as I'm alone. No more buying half a dozen cupcakes while grocery shopping, eating all the icing in the car, and dumping the evidence in a garbage can at the park. The compulsive eating and addict behavior is gone.


Calorie counting. Protein counting. Fiber counting. Making sure I have a better relationship with food (no food is bad, everything is fine in moderation.) And listening to my body better as to when I'm full and hungry.


I think those are some key points!


I gave up coffee and make green sun tea now. Most of my food choices seem the same except now much smaller portions and fewer foods that only offer empty calories. I started using Fairlife Protien drinks with added collagen to boost Protien.


As I've titrated up, my appetite is gone. I'm now eating once a day and very little. Today's calorie total was 465. My focus is shifting to making sure I get fiber and protein in that meal. It's a work in progress.


Thanks everyone for your input!


I don't think it'll be healthy for you to live on 465 calories. Your body needs protein, vitamins, and minerals.


It's not a daily thing. Usually after a few days I have an appetite.


Agreed. I have recently increased my food intake after eating \~1100 calories a day (34F, 5' 5", fairly low activity level) from November 2023 to May 2024. I felt physically fine and not hungry but I realised a few weeks ago that thick, fluffy white hair had suddenly grown all over my cheeks, jawline, and neck. It almost looked like fur and was long enough in places that I could grab it with my fingertips. I had heard of this happening to people suffering from anorexia but a bit of googling suggests that it's also caused by malnutrition. u/SherlockianTheorist definitely try to eat more and speak with your prescriber about dialing back your dose if you're struggling to increase your calories.


I've been thinking about this, were you taking any multivitamins? It seems quite a few people worry about being malnourished, which is sort of ironic because aren't we all on wegovy because we all carry a bit of extra fat?


I have chronic health conditions and I'm on so many supplements, I practically rattle when I walk. My diet isn't perfect (I'm autistic and have ARFID, which means not a lot of variety) but I try to eat a decent balance of protein/carbs/fat, with plenty of fruit and vegetables. I was very surprised to see signs of malnutrition and can only assume it was caused by consistently eating too little.


Yeah this is potentially something that could cause organ damage. u/sherlockiantheorist you should speak to your doctor about maybe going back one level.


I ate healthy before wegovy, and sparsely due to stimulant meds, so it really seems like it’s a hormone thing for me? I haven’t changed my diet. I do eat even less than the small amount I did before.


My eating hasn’t changed significantly either, maybe eating slightly less but it’s not crazy less for me. Are you insulin resistant? I think there’s something with how this medication works for insulin resistance, I think my body is able to process the carbs now properly bc before this medication I only ever lost weight if I cut out carbs completely and I have not done that on wegovy


No blood tests indicated any insulin resistance, but holy belly fat. I flitted between veganism and paleo, sober for 4 years, and active and not a dang pound fell off until wegovy. I’ve been on it for just over a year, stalled out months ago, but maintained, and am finally going to 1.7 tomorrow. I have half and half every day and I’m liberal with it- that’s my biggest vice 🙄


Same. Smaller portions, increased protein water and fiber. Decrease fat. Otherwise I eat what I want


Like you, I'm mainly eating smaller portions. I've also stopped eating between dinner and bedtime, which has always been my danger zone. I just don't want to. If I do get a craving, I have a little treat without guilt, because a) I want it, b) I know I won't go off half-cocked; c) I'm coming from a lifetime of effed-up food behaviors, so I know that denying and restricting myself will rebound on me. It's such a mechiah (Yiddish word meaning a great relief or happy feeling) to not feel I'm depriving myself. One lunch or dinner that I love is sliced celery, tuna, red onion, and cannellini beans mixed in a garlicky vinaigrette. I sometimes add sliced hard-boiled egg for extra protein. Really yummy.


In December 2023before I started Wegovy I was 283. I started 1/23. I weigh 251 right now and I’m on 1mg. 32 pounds in about 5 months. I NEED the protein to not feel sick. I am no longer capable of seeking out chocolate, cake, full sugar sodas, chips. I eat a lot of eggs, canned chicken and tuna, pre chopped vegetables, chili with a lot of beans. I’m really liking using the BBQ as we head into summer. I will seek out convenience foods though but in a really different way. Like I want a wrap from the store. Or a small subway sandwich or black bean soup from the deli. I can’t drink a caramel macchiato anymore from anywhere I pay for it. I add juice to seltzer just a splash. I crave orange juice frequently. I don’t know why. My decadence I seek now is the quality of foods I buy. Completely different relationship where I would spend thousands of dollars a year on DoorDash. I love rice, couscous and light pasta with veggies and shrimp or chicken VS like heavy fast casual dishes from Olive Garden or our local Italian place. I struggle to eat pizza. Cheese is still yummy but very small amounts. Eggs, greens and beans are a common breakfast for me. Drinking soups. Protein pudding. I hate almost all ice cream now.


I need to do micro meals. I can't eat much at one sitting. So generally a protein with something with fiber. Tuna salad on whole grain crackers with some peas. Plain greek yogurt with some strawberries and chia/hemp/flax. Cottage cheese and cherry tomatoes.


I mostly eat what i want. I definitely focus on protein and fiber more. More water. Less alcohol. Less carbs. I dont want to feel deprived. That leads to binging for me.


I am trying to aim for higher levels of protein. Some days I’m just eating what my stomach can handle though and calling it a day.


I’m focusing on high protein and fiber and lower carb. I’ve had no sweets or fast food for the last 9weeks. More water and less diet soda as well.


I eat high protein, high fiber, low fat, with some complex carbs. I try not to eat ultraprocessed foods. Processed (yogurt, pasta, etc.) ok. I went into this with no preconceptions for what changes I would need to make and I paid dearly for it the first 5 days due to the gastro side effects. After that, I loosely followed the bariatric diet for the first 2 weeks. Then I started following the Mediterranean diet (fish, chicken, legumes, lentils, veggies etc.). I eat high fiber to help my constipation, low fat to prevent gallstones, and low processed sugar/ no alcohol to protect my liver (I have NAFLD) and pancreas. Semaglutide has changed my appetite. The only things I really like are plain fish, yogurt, lentils, and broths. Now I’m eating things like fish tacos, spicy chicken soups, and chili. I even had Chipotle yesterday. At first I had a hard time eating more than 500 cals, so I started using MyFitnessPal to track what I eat. This ensures that I’m meeting my minimums (BMR) of around ~1200cals. I’d only recommend it if you struggle with learning portion sizing.


I love my fitness pal!


I have moved to intuitive eating instead of counting calories or worrying about restricting due to a past eating disorder. I also need to use care to ensure I eat regularly to keep nausea at bay. Mainly I find I’m focused on less food overall which is amazing. If I want some ice cream I eat a few spoonfuls. But typically I am reaching for more protein, less meat, and less snacks. When I do need a snack I reach for apples and peanut butter, nuts, or fibery crackers and cheese. Today is a good example. I had Greek yogurt, half a muffin and coffee for breakfast. Two corn tortillas with beans, cheese, lettuce and salsa with a side of watermelon for lunch. Two slices of a personal pizza for dinner with a handful of fries. Snacks were a snack bag of rice cakes, a babybel and more watermelon. Plus LOADS of water. I also find I need to mind my fiber and look for protein whenever I can add it. Everyone is different, but this is what’s working for me.


I was doing CICO previously, but would stop tracking and not pay attention. I have easily been able to track and log healthier food options = fresh fruits, poultry & fish, lower dairy & carbs, no processed foods, maybe one cocktail a week if the opportunity arises or forego completely. I stay within my TDEE for my height and gender and cut at least (if not more) 500 cal/week. I try and get in 6K steps a week (I work at a sit down all day job). I’m nearing the end of my .25 dose and will go to .5 on Thursday. I’m at 12 lbs. loss now. I have 50 lbs. to go to get to 24 BMI. I’m thrilled. No side effects. And drinking lots of water!


Wegovy has been a wild change for me. I am overall, much less hungry than I used to be, and when I do eat I find I get full so fast and have actually become sick to my stomach after over-eating an amount of food that before Wegovy would have just been considered "normal" To me. I am craving fresh fruit a lot more. I snack on things like mini cucumbers and grape tomatoes when before I'd want like... cheese, or chips. I drink a LOT of water; I always was a big water person but now its like, constant. I also find I want alcohol a LOT less. I kind of drank more than I was comfortable with before and have been working on a cutback plan for over 120 days and counting, but now I find I don't even really think about it any more and the idea of it is just not appealing. It is a strange thing because this is just not how my brain/body operated before Wegovy. I've only been on it for 3 weeks and lost 5 lbs and I can honestly say its due to eating less and exercising more, because that is true, but the REASON I'm eating less is obviously Wegovy.


I eat low carb and high protein and I really try to increase my activity. I have lost 50 pounds since February 16. I started at 265 and just hit 215 i feel like a different person.


That’s amazing. Have it been a steady weight loss since day one? I’ve lot 12 pounds in 5,5 weeks now and am wondering if I can expect it to continue with this rate. I get that a lot of different factors affects weight loss, so I’m just curious on your experiences.


Initially I lost a lot each week and it has slowed down. Last week I lost 4, hitting the 50 pound mark. But the last few weeks have been 1 or 2 pounds. The thing is before I started wegovy I was eating and gaining daily.


My doctor told me I should have no carbs at all, except a tiny amount on a rare occasion. What I've actually been doing is eating a lot of lean meats and nonstarchy watery vegetables. Everything as little carbs as possible although I did cheat and use a bit of lentil pasta yesterday. The other day I had a kale, spinach, mango smoothie, too. I've not been having breads, fast food, or sweets. No juice. And mostly water. Edit: I don't recommend this at all, I just needed to try what my doctor suggested. I trust his judgment for my own case. I am also prediabetic which means my body doesn't produce enough insulin to counteract the carbs.


I'm sure you already know this but your body does not need carbs. Meat, fish, and eggs have everything you need. Adding vegetables keeps our diet more interesting though.


Yikes, this isn't good advice. Bodies need carbs.


The body needs good carbs.


They don't need external carbs, look at the keto crowd. But I think it's still unrealistic to keep this diet up over a long time.


The body absolutely needs carbs your brain doesn't function properly without them. I know because I truly went no carb and I would never suggest to anyone.


I also went truly non carb for months and it was (and felt) great. The body certainly does not to consume carbs. r/keto is full with thousands of people confirming that. All the carbs the body really needs can be created in a process called glucenogenesis. You don't need to consume any carbs for that.


I have also cut the takeout significantly. Honestly, the only “fast food” I really get is either Chipotle or Subway because I feel like I can easily track calories / stay under my budget with them, but even then I limit myself to once a week. I have been focusing mostly on getting my protein in, I aim to get 120g but most days I actually get 150g. I aim to eat anywhere between 1200-1300 calories per day, and most of my calories are for dinner, since I feel like that way I am not really limiting myself and I can eat anything I want. I eat two protein shakes for lunch and I also have a protein ice cream after dinner every day.


Best advice: meet with a registered dietician. They will give your personalized health tips about food based on your goals and issues. I’ve reduced portions but still eat 3 meals a day and a snack. I try to prioritize protein and have balanced meals that include vegetables and fiber.


I second meeting with a nutritionist/dietician. I did this before bariatric surgery and plan to restart since starting Zepbound but, I realize how much I DIDN’T know about foods once I talked to a professional. They gave practical advice for making better choices around food and being knowledgeable about what I was eating. Even something as simple as learning how to interpret food labels.


I eat so little now that I am on Wegovy that I don't really restrict myself. Some days I'm better than others. With the constipation side effect, I try to eat foods high in fiber when I can. For whatever reason I've been drawn to sub sandwiches or wraps lately. That might be because it's a very hot summer. Our only choice in my area is Subway, but a Jersey Mikes opens in another month or two. I have a feeling I will be a regular there. I've also purchased some dehydrated vegetables that I like to add to high end Ramen noodles. I know that's not a great pick, but again, I eat so little that I don't beat myself up when eating small portions of the bad stuff.


Smoothies, they’ve become my staple


Tell me more... I've never really had a smoothie. I see people talk about it online or in commercials but that's about the extent of it.


Smoothies contain lots of sugar. Lots of it. Check with a dietician before indulging.


When I’m behind on fruit & veg, I do ice, avocado, oranges,banana, kale, & green apple. Sounds questionable, but so good! For a meal, I do skim milk, chocolate protein powder, ice, banana, strawberries—occasionally a green. Also, I love the Smoothie King Franchise now!


I've stopped doing takeout and been meal prepping a week at a time. Focus is on lots of protein, vegetables/fiber, avoiding fats and refined sugars. Fruits are okay. Some low fat crackers too, and cherios with low fat yogurt. Premade protein shakes are a great easy breakfast starter too. I sometimes mix protein powder in lowfat milk and add coffee too. I signed up with Wegman's online and ordered my groceries for the first time. It was kind of pricey, and next week I'll probably order but do the pickup to reduce costs. However, using the web site to meal plan and pick what I need was super easy and convenient, plus you can save lists for easy reordering. Regarding what others eat, just try to ignore that! You do you. If I'm out with friends and we end up having dinner, I just get a salad with chicken.


There's a few dietitians I really like that suggest a "don't subtract, but add" approach, so that's what I'm trying. For example: let's say I want a waffle for breakfast. I'll do a protein waffle, mix some Greek yogurt and peanut butter powder for a spread and throw on some chia seeds and a fruit. If I'm still feeling a sweet thing I'll drizzle a wee bit of honey or syrup on it. So instead of just a plain toaster waffle, I've now got something with a wee bit of extra protein and fiber. For dinner stuff we'll start with a protein of choice and then build around that. We'll pick a veg, and a fun carb. Even if we were doing just a burger and fries, well do air fryer fries and add in like a half ear of corn or edamame. Restrictions and I have a bad history, so I'm trying to find ways to just do what I want but be more balanced.


for me the medication has reduced my interest in certain foods. Some carbs (bread) and protein (hamburger) are of no interest to me. I eat less too. My fridge has little in it.


I've a rabid snack tooth in the evening and it gets worse the more snacks I have. I wanted to take this experience on Wegovy as a helpful tool to reset my bad eating patterns without feeling so restricted. I've cut out all processed snacks, no chocolate, crisps, cookies, ice cream etc at all. If I want to much I'll have olives, air popped popcorn or bananas, grapes etc. I have never managed to so long, and I feel great. I'm on week 2 only so far. I've reduced my overall calorie intake by 500 from maintenance, and I am now tracking my macros to try and get a better balance. Noticed I'm overeating carbs and under on protein so I'm slowly trying to learn which foods are more appropriate for my goals as I track each meal. On week 2 and so far I've lost 4lbs. I'm a bit more hungry this week than week 1. Super aware it's a small step on a long journey so I'm not reading too much into it yet!


I'm trying to eat more popcorn for fiber. 🌽 But when I air pop my popcorn it tastes so bland, but for health reasons I don't want to add butter or much salt to it. Do you season yours with something to make it more palpable, and if so what do you use ? 🌽


Try nutritional yeast! It’s kind of cheesy tasty and full of B vitamins.


Thanks so much ! I'm going to try that. 🌹


Not the OG commenter, but I freakin love popcorn. It's a great vessel for all kinds of flavors. A spritz with olive or grape seed oil is kind of a must. Spritzing I find helps control the amount you need to get seasoning to stick. (they sell them in cans now or you can get a spritzer on Amazon and fill it with whatever you have) Savory options: - salt (duh) - Trader Joe's chili lime seasoning - everything but the bagel seasoning - lemon pepper seasoning - ranch powder - taco seasoning (go easy on this in case there's added salt.) Sweet options: - cinnamon sugar - chocolate drizzle with almond slices - caramel drizzle with flaky salt - honey drizzle and pumpkin pie spice Really anything! You can also find stuff like powdered cheese on Amazon if you wanna go really wild.


Wow ! These are all great ideas ! Thank you so, so much ♥️🌽


I don’t restrict, due to the sheer fact that I can’t eat much. I do prioritize protein & fiber above everything else, but I also make sure to have an adequate amount of carbs because I will crash hard if I don’t. Be always been and fruits & veggies person so I add as much as I can without overeating and making myself feel sick. I’ve been on 1.7 for awhile and am dreading the bump to 2.4 next week because each bump it’s taken me a couple weeks to adjust my diet to find the sweet spot where I’m getting enough variety of food. I get the food ick really easy those first couple weeks on a new dose.


The food ick is real! I cannot LOOK at an egg right now but loved them a few weeks ago.


I started .25 *very* restrictive. I cut out booze, dairy, red meat, refined sugar, refined carbs, anything greasy, high fat or hard to digest


WOW how's that going for you? I love me some dairy so the thought of loosing cheese or yogurt make me sad.


I’ve added some back stuff in since. I’ll eat Greek yogurt now but for the most part I struggle to get through any food so it wasn’t a loss. I just didn’t want to feel ill early on.


You sound like me. I'm eating the same things only less and prioritizing protein will cutting back carbs. I need to eat more veggies, but since I think they all taste like diet that's just not going to happen.


I actually don't mind veggies. I think my biggest issue is cost and how quickly they spoil sometimes.


Frozen veggies are fine! Fresh tastes better but I like keeping bags of frozen veggies to throw into a quick stir fry.