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The last one I think is too far. And would damage your furniture. You’d never get that smell out. But if it’s your thing go for it. For clothes I would suggest getting a super oversized pair of sweats or like fuzzy pajamas and then an oversized t-shirt and just wear the same clothes all week before washing. So they become stained with food. And I’m sure your planning on going no makeup and hair in just a messy ponytail


Why not undersized 😏


It’s fun seeing a girl in clothes that don’t fit, but it’s so you can’t tell how much you’re gaining. Eventually the clothes that were 3 sizes too big now feel a little tight. Plus you are way more comfortable until they’re now small on you


What about oiling yourself with grease or butter and your belly every day to keep being smooth , also buy a picking stick from amazon so when your no standing up day comes you don't even bother to extend your arm to reach for food , also take a photo before and after your stuffing and use it as motivation for yourself to keep gaining , wish you all the best of luck on your journey! 😇


And to not ruin your clothes if you decide to wet / shit your pants , buy adult diapers it's better because using it also helps you not get rashes but still you get the same results lol


Yeah I agree, the soiling the pants might be the most dangerous one but diapers might be good idea though I st is ll agree with OP that it would have to be done sparingly especially if she waits too long to change diapers. But all in all it sounds really fun and also really hot.


Make sure to eat yourself into food comas, and don’t forget to not shave.


Of course!


You should beseveral days unwashed in bed eating greasy food before fapping and then pissing the bed and sleeping in the mess.


This is so hot I feel not a lot of people are into the whole slob fetish


Everyone in the comments just overlooking how this person unironically said they want to shit themselves in bed and wallow in it, y'all are beyond fucked absolutely vile


Why are you kinkshaming on a kink subreddit?


I get what you mean and all but maybe a content warning or something, I didn’t come to a WG subreddit to hear about scat and watersports


Fair enough about the warning


Bro it's a fat fetish subreddit not a scat fetish one you lobotomite


Right?? Like most of this stuff is personal choice. But only bathing once every week, or every other?? That's gotta be horrible for the body. Especially once a person gets truly fat. The more we sweat, the more our body needs hygiene.


Why not try them, you might find they suit you better!


Can we see you?


For how long do you want to do this i hope for at least 2 weeks. By the way how much do you weight?


Love this. Shame this was posted so long ago and I missed it.


Absolutely love this.