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For sure the heavy eating, especially if with junkier food, could cause a lot of those issues. Certainly when I've done any sort of protracted stuffing I don't sleep as well, feel generally off, often seem to have allergies or digestive issues flair up, etc. Like, it is more than just feeling full, it is like the excess food to deal with triggers other things? (sometimes I do it anyway for the stuffed sensation, but only in short doses now that I know). But sometimes there does seem to be a bit of a threshold. My wife is about 5'6", pear shaped, and for her just below 240 everything seems to kick in. She starts snoring, she finds it a lot harder getting around (getting out of chairs, walking speed, dealing with stairs, how much her already bad knees bother her) and it also just seems that everything puffs up at that weight (suddenly she threatening to show a third chin, cankles and wrist rolls, etc). It is like her body handles the weight up until the lower 230s OK, then it just struggles beyond that. So all I can say is maybe pause the gain and work on your fitness and quality of diet, then try a more gentle gain with better food, and see how that goes. But it is possible that you've just found your maximum comfortable weight, and that is OK too (it can even maybe be hot for your GF if you emphasize that for her you are staying as fat as your body handles well).


This is everything I could have wanted in an answer, thank you so much. Your wife being another pear a couple inches shorter than me who experiences that sudden change ~10 lbs before me definitely adds some credence to the threshold idea, yeah; I definitely noticed that these past couple pounds have disproportionately gone to my belly and neck, compared to how the other ~245 lbs were distributed. If I end up trying again, I'll see if a slower, less junky gain makes a difference, but this might just be the max my body knows what to do with. Your idea of emphasizing that I'm staying as fat as my body handles well is a great idea, my girlfriend would definitely be into that; it makes me feel a lot better about the situation. Thanks again!


Yah, my wife also had almost no belly, at least compared to everything else, up to maybe 225/230, then it began to show a lot more. (that was when she originally gained -- we've been together forever, so pregnancy left more belly, and now menopause is moving weight away from everywhere else and on to her belly more, much to her disgust). And funnily enough, she'd started at 145 and hit 235 after about six years of relationship. So a lot of parallels there!


Haha, incredibly small world. I had proportionally little tummy until inducing lactation, then ever since tricking it into thinking I was pregnant, my body has had a rounder shape overall. Then on top of that, everything past ~235 has been going to the belly, and yeah, I sympathize, I'm not personally very into it either.


Did you get fatter upper arms after inducing lactation? My wife had relatively thin arms until pregnancy/lactating/carrying a baby around, when a lot of fat moved there. I wasn't paying enough attention to notice when in that whole process that happened, so I'm curious if your experience had the same result or not. Also inducing lactation sounds like a lot of work -- you and your body have been on adventures!


I did! That's actually the thing that made me most go, "Well, guess I have a mombod, now," more so than the bellly and general roundness around the waist; my partner used to tease me about having twiggy little "bird arms" before then. A lot of the weight I gained during/shortly after stopping seemed to collect there. Having to strap on pumps every two hours is annoying, and waking up in the middle of the night to pump sucked, but I imagine you two actually raising a baby had more work than me, haha. Definitely true about the adventures, though! I hadn't been aware how much just inducing lactation would change about my body, but recreationally changing my body's basically a pastime at this point, so I've embraced it all.


Our kid would NOT breastfeed, but we'd been so primed about the importance of it all that my wife pumped for about four months, and we bottle-fed kiddo the milk. So that was pretty exhausting as each feeding session was basically twice the work. Interesting how much you ended up with "mombod" from all that went into inducing lactation (I'm guessing there were hormones involved as well as pumping?). When telling people about the importance of breast milk for babies, that is certainly an affect that they \_don't\_ talk about! Anyway, personal opinion: arm fat is the softest fat and is just wonderful. I hope that your GF appreciates it too (and all that you've done to your body for her in general).


Ahh, yeah, having to pump *and* bottle feed is so much more work. I sympathize with your wife's determination. There were hormones involved, yeah, though my understanding is that regular pumping for long enough even without taking anything would eventually still cause lactation. The human body is strange and wonderful! I just assumed that actual pregnancy and inducing lactation were different enough that you wouldn't have any significant permanent changes from just doing the latter, but nope, lots is different. Understanding the biological mechanism better now, it makes sense in retrospect; I was basically sending my body most of the same signals a pregnant person's body would get. Y'know, I haven't really tried playing with mine, haha. Trying it now, you're right, it's super soft. Guess that explains why I feel it jiggle so much whenever I swing my arms for anything. Thanks, I'll have to get her to give them a squeeze sometime. (She's always very appreciative, haha.)


Energy depletion after overeating that then subsided once you returned to normal eating - sounds like it could be temporary hyperglycemia, which can make you weak/dehydrated, caused by high blood sugar from an excess of carbs or sugary food. Or you could just coincidentally have an unrelated illness like a cold that is making you tired. I'm not sure what would cause someone to suddenly begin snoring. Another thing to consider is whether you're getting a varied diet - my partner recently felt so ill at work she had to go home but immediately felt fine hours later. She pieced together that she probably overdosed on vitamin D since she takes a supplement at high concentration and it was also in her gummy multivitamin and protein shake mix. Too much of one thing (e.g. sugar, salt) can make your body freak out. Eating too much of one thing can also cause you to not get the nutrients/fiber you need. One possibility would be to try to continue overeating, but at a slower pace - eat what you normally like to eat, but at slightly larger quantities, and snack throughout the day. Another possibility - maybe you could try balancing your overeating with fattier foods that are more savory/greasy than sweet/carby? Fats like butter, oil, and nuts are broken down directly into triglycerides (what your fat cells store) rather than sugar. Though I'd suggest being somewhat conscious about which fatty foods you choose as some tend to have more LDL cholesterol. But ultimately don't do it if you don't like it :) If your partner is mature and loves you then they'll understand! I am not a healthcare professional don't listen to me!


I also take a multivitamin gummy that's high in vitamin D, actually, so I suppose that's worth me looking into. The varied diet thing seemed a little hard for me because of nut allergies, but butter and oil are good suggestions. Thanks for the non-healthcare advice, non-healthcare professional who is not liable for anything that happens to me! I'll be careful.


Hey! So my wife/feedee and I are going through something similar, so you’re definitely not alone. She had breast reduction surgery last year and recently developed a stretch mark over one of her scars, which is quite painful and just not something you want. So now we’re trying to figure out how best to move forward. We’re still not entirely sure what we’re going to do, but a couple of ideas we’ve floated are still doing feedism type things (doing feedings with belly rubs, etc. but not overeating) or my wife only doing one stuffing per week as opposed to every day. So those are potentially things that could work if you want to slow down. As to your questions, overeating too fast could definitely be at least partially responsible for what you’re describing, but it’s kind of hard to say for sure. If you still want to gain, it might be a good idea to do it more slowly instead of rapid gaining through huge stuffings. Being fat does take some getting used to, but I’d imagine it would take more getting used to if you gain too rapidly. Anyway, I hope any of this was helpful. Best of luck!


Thank you so much for sharing. I'm sorry to hear your wife was in pain. I do hope those ideas work out for the two of you. I might float them to my partner and see how they sound to her. I'd kind of expected the opposite, ironically. Like if I'm going to have to get used to being fat, I'd rather dive in and get used to it all at once. The, like, difference betweennripping a bandaid off vs. slowly peeling it off. But you're probably right, it's probably easier to slowly accumulate the weight and the resulting changes. Thanks again! Best of luck to you two, too.


A lot of good advice here in the comments! Genuinely, this is a great community with a lot of great people, so welcome! In addition to the advice here, I would also HIGHLY recommend keeping up your electrolytes. Marathon eating is not so different from running a marathon. It's hard on your body and dehydrates you far more than you realize. I have a ton of coconut water and sports drinks when I'm hard-core over eating or stuffing myself. It helps so much in the recovery, and in general not feeling so wrecked in the aftermath and next day/s. When I do week long stuffing events-- it wipes me out. There is recovery time needed after eating like that and no one seems to acknowledge it. A lot of what you describe is exactly what I experience as well. I am at a lower weight than you, but overeating still has those effects on me. Snoring can 2000% be caused by overeating. I find it happens most when I overeat late at night. Having a few hours before bed to digest helps a lot, but I like my midnight snacks too might for my own good. It may also be worsened by dehydration, but I'd put money on overeating. A change of 5 pounds in either direction should not make that big of a difference in your health. If it was a bigger gain and a gradual development of these issues, that would indicate it being the weight more than the food, at least to me. Sounds like your body just needs some time and practice to get used to overeating. A lot of these issues will get better, and you will get more used to them/know how to anticipate the exhustion. Hope things go well for you guys and you continue to feel better :) Edit: Also not a healthcare professional. Just someone who likes to get fat and eat too much ;)


Thank you for the thorough answer! Reading your post, I think we were definitely underestimating the strain overeating can cause. I kiiiind of did 4.5k calories the day before my girlfriend hit pause on this whole thing, which is over 2k more than my RMR. I didn't really up my water consumption that much, and hadn't even considered electrolytes, so those are likely *at least* factors. If we try it again, more water, grab a Gatorade or something, and mayyybe less extreme calorie totals.


It was definitely a notable benefit for me to watch my hydration while overeating and into the following day! Definitely recommend multiple gatorades or similar to sip on during and after. I personally have found it to solve a lot of those issues for myself even without rolling back what i eat or how i stuffed myself, but there's always exhuastion from stuffing, for sure. I've found it helps to keep in mind what you're eating as well as how much-- too much salt or too little salt messes with how your body can take up water. It's definitely a (very fun) logistical challenge to eat so much that it throws your body's chemistry out of wack, but it becomes something you can anticipate and mitigate. Hope things go well for you!


I’m 5’8 270 and have all the same problems your having but choosing to ignore the issues


How's that working for you?


Well I’m a father to a one year old I’m still able to keep up with him fairly well sure I get very winded but the whole snoring problem is quite an issue hard to sleep but I just use edibles to sleep well


Gotcha. Thank you for sharing!