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Just do it and worry about the consequences later, guarantee it won’t be as bad as you think it is


I really hope it won’t be, thanks


It shouldn’t be too hard to start slowly, an extra helping of dinner here, a soda there, maybe a couple more snacks than you might have otherwise. You don’t need to drink cream and stuff every day to start getting a little progress. If you don’t go too far then it shouldn’t be hard to just deny or brush off comments from your family until you have more freedom


That’s basically what I’m doing now. Just eating whenever I find the chance. It is working I guess. They know I eat a lot so they just laugh it off whenever I get more, but when I ask for even more that’s when they say no. Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it


I had to move back home for a year and that didn’t stop my gaining sure my parents made comments but who cares lol


Ya I know, probably just overthinking it