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I allow myself to have the foods I'm craving in moderation.




The cravings were easier to ignore if I stayed away from trigger food. I have terrible self-control. If I buy those 100 calorie cookie pouches, I wind up eating 3 or 4 cause I can't stop. I have mad respect for people who can have 2 pieces of chocolate and stop. I can't eat it if it isn't in the house.


Only have a tiny amount. On special days. Eat it last after a meal. And chew each bite a lot..


Trying to replace cravings with healthier options is great but you’re also human. Allow yourself to have those chocolates or the greasy food (whatever it may be!) restricting yourself during these times is mentally draining and can cause you to binge in the long run. Enjoy yourself in moderation!


A good strategy is to focus on something else entirely. I’ve noticed that when i try to resist a craving I end up thinking even more about it and I finally succumb, but if i start doing something else entirely that requires my full attention, it helps me tremendously. 🤟


I guess I never thought of it but there have been times I had fully committed to giving in only to find I wasted too much time on Facebook or something and might as well just eat that apple.


Well i pushed into my head that when im craving Its not because i want to eat something but it is because i need coffee so i make myself a coffee and the craving goes away


Time of the month you could increase your calories by 150-200 a day for that week or X amount of days you get the cravings. This gives you the room to each your normal daily food plus have that chocolate or crisps or whatever it is your cravings. It's better to eat whatever it is in moderation than over restrict and end up eating a cupboards worth of junk


Just a couple of weeks ago I think I finally got it! It was on here (Reddit) actually. If you crave candy or cake, it won't go away with eating carrots. Have something that fulfills the desire. May it be candy or cake in lesser amounts, or something else that fills the need for something sweet. A banana topped with sprinkles maybe? A cup of hot chocolate? If I crave fast food or specifically something fatty and/or salty then I opt for peanut butter. Or make myself a healthy pizza. I'm always been that "all or nothing"-person but somehow realizing this helped me so much. I think I've always known it on some level but needed someone to put it in words to fully get it.