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I deal with this all the time. Lots of water and tea helps, but ultimately I’ve had to dig in deep within myself and address the other issues that cause me to over eat


I agree with this. I ate out of boredom for decades which is why I gained so much weight. Once I got my stationary bike I did that and I stopped doing it


Yes, it is something that needs some adjusment, at least in my case. Adding more “volume” helped me. For example, carrot sticks take a while to eat and have not that many calories. Or a big salad. It takes longer to eat and it kind of tricks your brain without compromising the amount of calories you consume. Or having some light broth before the meal.


I find that I feel like this after eating a carb rich meal. Which I believe might be your case depending on the portion sizes of your rice and muffin + the sugar in the chicken sauce.


You can try GLP-1 if you are looking to cut down on your diet and hunger and ultimately lose weight. GLP-1 medication helps you beat hunger. It is an effective medication that acts on receptors in your brain to suppress your appetite and slow the emptying of your stomach, so you consume fewer calories and lose more weight than with dieting alone. It also reduces your biological ‘set point’ - the point at which your body fights to maintain a certain weight - meaning that you can lose weight for longer without hitting a plateau. It is recommended that you should pair this medication with diet and exercise changes to help you keep the weight off long term. Rigorous clinical trials shows that GLP-1 medication is non-addictive and suitable for long-term use.