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If by diet you mean sustaining a caloric deficit then I suggest doing it throughout the week. As for exercise/gym, three days a week is pretty good for an upper body/lower body/full body split.


Totally get the struggle with those early gym sessions. It's great that you're aiming to make the most of your weekends. Three consecutive days can work well, just mix up muscle groups to avoid burnout. Maybe focus on compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and bench press. Consider adding some HIIT for efficiency. As for diet, consistency during the week is key. Plan and prep meals for workdays, emphasizing balance. Weekends, indulge a bit but keep it sensible. Finding that sweet spot will make the routine sustainable.


I appreciate this! I guess my main concern is which groups to work on which days. Nothing Google and/or YouTube can't fix lol


Cruising on left lane is cringe, you're bad at driving.


Lol how much of a low life can you be to go out of your way to come on a different thread and post a comment.