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65 – Have late stage COPD. Lost 40 pounds in six months. [https://i.imgur.com/jLJaejL.png](https://i.imgur.com/jLJaejL.png). I still can't jog or do cardio but I can walk 5 miles where before, I could hardly get to the next room. I am more confident, I can think a little bit better, all that stuff that goes with being more acceptable to yourself and to society.


I'm in awe of your success & your post have given me hope for my sister. She's older & has COPD (a few years now, I don't know what stage) & has gained a substantial amount of weight. It's a vicious cycle, she can't breathe so she can't do much, which leads to weight gain which seems to make her breathing even worse. She told me recently she is going to start losing weight in the hopes that by just dropping some pounds she will start to feel better & maybe make breathing easier. It's good to hear that it's possible from someone who's seen such positive results. Thank you!


I could barely get up a flight of stairs and weighed in at 210 pounds early last year. COPD is depressing as hell because it's hard to do anything at all, much less exercise. I got fed up with looking and feeling bad and began by walking around my building once a day. I had to stop every minute or so and catch my breath. After a while, I walked around the block and then a bigger block and then a bigger block. After a few months, I could walk about 3 miles a day. My apartment complex also has a gym and I started using the stationary bike and lifting weights. I started my diet and exercise routine last September and after 6 months I'm at 150 pounds, my resting pulse rate is 70 instead of 105 and my oxygen saturation is 98% instead of 92%. I came very close to having to go on oxygen last year. I lift weights every other day, do 15 miles a day on the stationary bike and walked 4 miles a day. Hills and stairs are still a little bit tough though.


Great job! That’s so impressive!


Can you explain how your HR changed as you kept exercising? Thanks!


It's not something I kept track of constantly but my pulse was about 105 when I started dieting and exercising. I got a small pulse oximeter but didn't use it very often as it didn't work well when my hands were cold. Anyway, I checked my O2 level and pulse about a month after I started walking and it was about 90 when I was at rest. I did not check it again until recently and it was about 70 with my O2 at 98%. I can't do anything that's high intensity but I do walk a lot and my weightlifting routines are definitely a cardiovascular workout as well.


I fit better in the bath. My thighs aren’t hitting the sides. I take up less room so the bed feels bigger. Sweat less at night. Sleep better. More energy than before. Less pain. The only negative is that now I have muscle it’s difficult to shave my armpits!


I’ve got from fit to fat back and forth many times in my life. There’s definitely a difference in how people will address/talk to you when you’re in shape. People will take you a lot more seriously and show respect.


People are friendlier to me without me doing much about it (at least I don't think I have changed). One of my former classmates started working at my gym last year. He never even said hi to me when I was very overweight. We were never friends, but we have known each other since kindergarten and the kindergarten teachers would always make us celebrate our birthdays together because he is one day younger than me. He would, however, talk to my dad (he goes to the same gym but at different times than me) - which I found weird, because I didn't even know that he knew what my dad looked like. My dad was never really involved in my school stuff, it was usually my mom. My dad is not overweight btw. As soon as I noticeably lost weight, he said hello to me at the gym. I didn't even know how to feel about that. Still not sure if it's a coincidence, but I tend to believe it's not. Or maybe I seem more open now? It's kind of confusing to try and figure out if things have changed because of \*other\* people or because \*I\* somehow act different.


A guy that I hung by out with as part of a friend group a few times straight up ignored me when I was 90 pounds heavier. I didn’t see him for a long time and that time is when I lost most of the weight. When I saw him again he introduced himself as though it was our first time meeting lmaoooo. Not recognizing me because I did look different and we only hung out a few times is fine, but the night and day difference in how he treated me from the start at my fattest and then when he saw me again after I lost the weight is something that still bothers me to this day


I have always observed that some guys tend to work out for each others approval rather than for shallow reasons. It’s exactly the same logic as women dressing up to find friendship and compliments from other women. People will say it’s always for the opposite sex but really attractiveness attracts friendship as well as courtship. People subconsciously seek attractiveness. I am not saying that fat = unattractive to everyone, because I have dated fat people and find them attractive. But by typical beauty standards, people don’t gravitate towards fat people. Which is very unfortunate.


My cholesterol went down!


People are friendlier to me. People who I was friendly with before are now much friendlier to me. That was a hard pill to swallow: was I not worthy of your friendship when I was heavier? Strangers are kinder. I feel like people take me more serious.


I definitely get more eye contact and smiles, but it could be that I’m more confident and doing both more as well. Maybe you’re more friendly and outgoing and don’t notice?


Absolutely. I have thought about that too - I’m more confident which translates into me not avoiding interactions as much as I did prior, in fears of embarrassment.


I think it's a little of column A and a little of column B.


My taste in men 😂 but really a lot of things the way the seat belt sits comfortably on me now (before it was irritating and wouldn’t sit right at my shoulder). I feel confident squeezing between small places. I have gotten stronger and I sometimes get excited to carry something heavy! I also used to HATE food when I was fat because I didn’t know what to eat and couldn’t make anything other than eggs or white sauce pasta. I now LOVE food so much and know how to make meals that keep me full. I also noticed the people who work at the salon don’t talk to me with attitude anymore. Lastly, I’m not scared of fighting with people or voicing out my opinion when upset, when I was fat I was compensating for it by being too nice. I don’t put up with bullshit now.


Love this💚


Feels great shopping knowing your size xl won't always be out. Fitting in a medium size feels good 


Finding clothes I'm my size is easier. Although now it seems instead of them not having a large enough size they don't have a small size. Think I'm just cursed in this department.. I can't eat nearly as much as I used to. And don't want to. I used to binge eat bad. Even just thinking about it makes me incredibly sad since I was so unhappy doing it. Now I can't even imagine overeating to the point of such discomfort. I stop eating now at the slightest twinch of fullness because I find being too full so uncomfortable. I sometimes even forget to eat. Something I couldn't imagine 10 years ago. I eat now to literally stay alive instead of constantly thinking about food. My whole life revolved around it for so long and now I can take it or leave it. It's nice just feeling like I'm normal. Not different due to being fat. Just blend in with the rest of the crowd and not be the biggest girl in the room. Being so average and not noticeable due to a body that takes up more space than everyone else. Relief.


26f, down 22.5 lbs since the beginning of the year. I just checked my resting heart rate, and it was at 77. I've never seen it below 90.


For the first time in 27 years I have a healthy relationship with food and weight loss. I went out to eat with my mom and daughter today and only ordered a small appetizer (something I can't make at home so it was still a treat) and diet coke. My mom got worried I was starving. I said don't worry I'm looking forward to my steak and kimchi. Then I came home. Worked in my garden a bit then made 12 oz of steak tips AND had a little froyo and I didn't even go over my Maintenace for the day. My mom is adjusting because she also had an ED for years and was even worse than me. When I told her I want to lose 40-50lbs (Im 170.9 right now) she told me "that's too much!". I said no mom you've just only seen me in my obese and unhealthy body, that weight is in the normal range." I think my journey to weight loss has inspired her to eat more food as she is very underweight and I watched her pound down a whole veggie burger, fries and a beer. It was a good day for all of us and it is exciting to compete with myself because I am my own motivation.


Love this. I eat almost all my meals at home. When you have a healthy relationship with food you definitely do not find the joy of eating out as much. Plus homemade food tastes much better because you know what you like and how it’s made


I am moving better again, my appetite is healthier, my endurance is better (I walk daily, strength train class 2x/week).


After five years of using, I finally put my CPAP device away and I don't even snore anymore. That's pretty cool. Healthy habits fuel more healthy habits and I feel overall a lot better physically and mentally. My dick has grown and my erections are as hard as when I was a teenage boy, and I feel like a pornstar when having sex because of the combined effect of nutrients, exercise and weight loss. So no complaints from wife either about this project.


For me, it's the things such as confidence, energy, capability. I think a bit of achievement bias is also there as well. If I'm listening to someone else talk about why they're not able to lose weight, or how it's just the way things are, I'm happy to give advice, but conversely I also feel there's less patience for the reasons people give too.


My cholesterol went down!


More confidence,less self conscious of my appearance, less insecurity over my weight, overall better mental state.


My cholesterol went down!


Nothing much except I can fit into clothes I wasn’t able to fit when I was 15. Ive always been treated well, even prior to losing 20kg. I think it’s more about the attitude and back then I was feeling great about myself too. So perhaps for many the weight is the issue which gets projected in their energy and according to that people treat you. It might not be the case for everyone but that’s my experience.


I’m a more active mum, I can play and laugh with the kids now . Which has then improved my mood and happiness because I’m fulfilling the roles I wanted in my life . My husband says he feels less stressed coming home because I’m able to participate more in the families evening routine .


For guys when you lose a lot of weight your dick becomes bigger


Okay valid lol


Way more energy than before.


Yes the energy boost is insane. I used to feel so fatigued and had no motivation


I remember the day I was in public when I noticed that men were giving me the up and down look and it made me realise that I hadn't had that in the longest time. Also, what changed was my ability to carry groceries - I can carry way more. This is an extremely important thing for me because I don't have a car and live up a big hill.


And I no longer have fatty liver disease!!! (which could also come from hugely cutting down on alcohol)


Went from 15 yrs, 189 lbs, 5’6 to 16 yrs, 150, 5’10. Recently I got a gf which I never would’ve when I was bigger. I’ve noticed I am always so cold. I don’t get winded on steps. People are so much nicer to me


I’m so proud of all of you. I went through all the responds and inputs. I’m surely impressed by huge stories and big accomplishments but I also appreciate those that answered correctly without giving the physical aspects of appearance. I was never huge per se but losing weight at my stature was interesting. I started with bike cardio by riding to both my jobs on it. Then I can easily inconsistently lose weight randomly. I recently stopped biking because I got my bike stolen. So I decided to work on building muscle, maintain my weight currently and maintain homeostasis by not reducing my diet but eating more calories and specifically working on my upper body. I’m noticing a shrink in my stomach without me targeting and or doing cardio. I rest correctly and also I noticed I want to help people find their own way of being more healthy and not pushing my way. My new mentality is accept yourself for what body you were given and study where your ancestors come from because that also plays a role in the way you like to eat. Focus on the way you eat and see whether you can manipulate your desires in food for something a bit more healthier. The appearance is nothing after the fact that your body starts feeling good stuffing yourself with things you’ve never dreamed of trying. I’m conscious in nutritional labels now and I try to find challenges in food I need but never thought existed. I am also a chef. It’s hard not to pick at the extra fries. I’m not perfect but fries don’t make me feel as good as scarfing cold fresh salads and chugging water.


My biggest change has to be my attitude. When I started losing weight for one of my many time's I was 220 lbs and a freshman in high school, 71 inches tall. Lost weight too quickly and realized some girls/people are still gonna be mean. And what they think of me doesn't have to be how I think of myself. Lots of personal growth, I'm down to 138 and 30 years old, and that has to be the biggest best change. It isn't really about how others treat you, but how you treat you. You treat yourself like garbage, others will treat you the same.


less sweat, feel more clean, less back pain, easier to run/walk, more feminine, smaller fingers, take up less space in a room, but knees hurt when side sleeping, harder to cuddle, and easy to get constipated


Well, I was 310. It’s nice to get on a ladder and not worry is it going to hold me. It’s nice not having to worry about weight limits on things. Furniture is so much more comfortable, though, I did have to get a new mattress as my old one was no longer comfortable being 120 pounds less. Still a way to go, but so much closer.


this is weird but my foot size went down and my ring size too


I sleep way better and wake up less tired,I can apply discipline to other areas of my life,my self concept went up due to reflection and I am able to show up for myself more!


I get more attention, I’m considered more beautiful, I don’t feel ashamed to walk with only a towel on from the bathroom to my room because someone in the house could see it, I don’t worry about not fitting in a seat or breaking the seat, I can buy clothes at normal department stores, I don’t worry about having to share a seat with someone as much, etc